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Everything posted by hsf

  1. Today was a busy day; didn't watch much TV. The Black Crowes – Freak ‘N’ Roll…Into The Fog Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Dirty Work Mr. Big – 03-28-92 – San Francisco, CA – Warfield Theater – Mr. Big Live (Yeah, I live an exciting life.)
  2. This story would have absolutely been abhorrent on its own. An 11 year old girl in Cleveland, TX was gang raped by, depending on which reports you read, anywhere from 18-28 boys/men. First of all, rape is rape and should result in the death penalty. Secondly, it'd be bad enough if it was just boys, but men? Really? Anyone that has to rape is not a man, let alone rape a child. And then ALL of them had to participate? I know it's not a view point that would make me a good Christian in anyone's, least of all God's, eyes, but I hope every one of these fuckers, if/when proven guilty, are put to death so fast, it sets some kind of record. But what makes it even worse; many people in the town are defending the rapists and using the excuse "she asked for it by putting herself in that situation". Making claims that she voluntarily went to the place, dressed/acted much older, and wanted it to happen. WTF is wrong with our world that anyone, in this day and age, would use that excuse about ANYONE, let alone a child? If anyone wants to get really pissed off (more than from just my post), peruse the link below (and/or some of the links on that page). http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/cleveland/news/article_97ad95e8-4c13-11e0-a0af-001cc4c03286.html I really wish that this country, if not the world, could be fixed, but reading things like this and knowing they actually occur, let alone the morons that defend this type of bullshit, whether "family, friends, people of the ilk" or people who earn a paycheck defending them in court, make me pretty sure it will never happen.
  3. Agreed Wes. If they don't have the time to delve into Tim's story further, with as bad ass as he is and the obvious skeletons in his closet, that could end up being a pretty impressive spinoff. (That said, if Rachel's history got a full episode, I think Tim deserves at least one episode as well and probably will get one.) This show just continues to amaze. Speaking of stories, think of all the story lines they have to get through in the remaining episodes this season: Raylan and the Bennetts, Boyd's crusade to do the right thing by ANY means necessary, Raylan and Winona's potential relationship (or Gary's fight to get her back), Ava/Boyd (and what exactly is their relationship), not to mention finding out more back story of any characters, let alone some of the other people in Raylan's life. What a fucking problem to have!
  4. Paradise - Line of Fire One Day - Charm City Devils Firedance - Gotthard Nothing Left To Lose - American Hi-Fi Wall of Paper - Marchello Beth - KISS Two Story Town - Bon Jovi Stuck Inside - Sebastian Bach ShudderShell - The Mayfield Four This Is The Sweetest Little Song - Butch Walker & The-Let's-Go-Out-Tonites
  5. I have most of their albums up through A Hangover You Don't Deserve. I like a lot of their songs. You know they have talent, but I do agree; they load CDs with a ton of tracks and a lot are barely more than filler. Still, I dig them and might have to check out their last one.
  6. Last night's show was yet again another great show. Love where the scenes between Raylan and Mags go. Just two superb actors with great material written for them and they deliver each and every time. And Boyd; if Walton Goggins is ignored yet again at Emmy time, there's a conspiracy. He was fucking amazing in the Shield and I think even gone up a notch on this show. (I really hope Boyd continues to keep on the straight and narrow (at least HIS straight and narrow). Curious as to where the relationship between he and Ava is going.)
  7. Threw in a few old DVDs today. Last watch was Deliverance. Scary that those type of places existed/still may exist. (I still say the banjo kit reminds me too much of Scut Farkas from A Christmas Story.)
  8. Sounding good here! I'll be interested to give the new disc a listen.
  9. All the Butch shows I ever went to, other than once, no one ever yelled out "Play Southgang!", probably knowing his predilection for ignoring his past or not even knowing who SG was/liking that kind of music. With all the covers and other things Butch has played/mimicked over the years, I'm thinking some SG at least on one year's tour, would have pacified a TON of his fans. And now with a lot of the dreck he's putting out, he really needs to pacify some fans. I'm not naive enough to hope for a reunion (unless Butch were to suffer from amnesia), but with all the other nostalgia stuff going on, I'm wondering if Jayce and Slug begged him to do a one off, if he'd even consider it. (Then again, as close as they all are, I'm sure they know not to even bring it up.) For the life of me, though, I can't see being more embarrassed of the SG material than some of the stuff on this last album.
  10. Crazy as it seems, music has taken a back seat to many other things. (Other than a few artists, I don't keep track of much anymore.) That and I'm trying to replenish my poster collection after an accidental deletion of the archives. (Don't worry. I'm like a cockroach; I might not thrive, but I'll always be there.)
  11. I can see what you're saying Leykis, but this show is just way too awesome too be denied. (I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea, though.) The dialogue delivered by almost every character (who have all been cast extremely well) just makes this show above and away my favorite drama, if not favorite show. Facial reactions, voice inflections, word usage; this show really does seem to be the best acted show on television.
  12. Listened to all the clips on Amazon. I'll give them another shot in a day or two and then probably go to look at Best Buy and if it's not ridiculous, I might pick this up. Liked quite a few of the clips I heard!
  13. Actually voted off what I saw on Sportscenter this morning, but in these pics it doesn't look nearly as bad. (Of course, it could just be that I'm one of the 3.8 people in America that do not yet have a HDTV.)
  14. On one of the few occasions I have my radio on, this song came across the airwaves and I had to admit I was instantly hooked. It may not be from back in the day, but I'm finding I'm like a the odd new song here and there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Fnet0y9Ts&ob=av2nl The black bars aren't as bad when viewing it on youtube. Just click on the video and it'll take you there, if you weren't in the know. haha *If this is a repost, I apologize, but I did a search and after 10 pages, couldn't be assed to look any more. (Not that I noticed it on first view, but how fucked up does Chad Kroeger look in this video? I didn't even realize it was him.)
  15. Pretty good stuff! (I went to iTunes to see about it because I have a few dollars left over from my last card. What's up with all these $1.29 songs now? A bunch of shit! I'm going to start buying Amazon GCs and buy my (non-album) music there because this song is still $.99 there.)
  16. Wow, talk about taking you back! Great band, album, song, and time in life!
  17. NSFW: http://www.naughtyfake.com/pics/demotivational-poster/0904/the-food-network-demotivational-poster-1239287153.jpg
  18. NSFW: http://www.naughtyfake.com/pics/demotivational-poster/1005/taco-bell-naughty-demotivational-poster-1274324423.jpg
  19. NSFW: http://www.naughtyfake.com/pics/demotivational-poster/0905/white-pointers-demotivational-poster-1242215260.jpg
  20. On the MS page right now. I'll track down some more tomorrow. Thanks for the info!
  21. NSFW: http://xxxupl.com/image-5E54_4CB4FF58.jpg
  22. I was digging for those CDs tonight, with no luck. (At least through iTunes and Amazon.) Any ideas on a quick fix for finding the tunes? Discs seem kind of old (at least from what I remember reading).
  23. So, if you missed your fix of Christmas cheer from Christmas songs, you can check out the video below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5wNafq4v-E&feature=player_embedded But, for those of you with actually musical ability (because those are the ONLY people that should go to this site) who would like to make up your own songs, check out the following site: Music Maker. Merry (late) Christmas to all and a wonderfully, music-filled 2011.
  24. Between the Steelheart version of Hallelujah (and Bon Jovi) and now this, this spiritual stuff is really starting to grow on me. (Not that I didn't like it/them before, but it just seems I'm finding more of them lately/finding them more to my liking.) I'm sure there's an album with "our" type of music playing these songs; I'd be interested to hear it.
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