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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Yeah, I'm a little surprised by the lack of love for "Love Machine"; thought that bad boy would be a little closer in the polls. At one point I owned all the Brighton Rock albums, but over the years as I've whittled things from my collection that I didn't feel were essential, the first two CDs went bye-bye, but "Love Machine" still remains to this day. I still find it hard to believe that after the safer-than-safe AOR of "Take a Deep Breath" they managed to turn around and deliver a hard-hitting ass-kicker of an album. An interesting decision to say the least, but I for one am glad they made it.
  2. Latest acquisitions... Death Angel: "Killing Season" In Flames: "A Sense of Purpose" Boff uv em kik azz!!!
  3. I like the debut, and still own it, but it didn't have much staying power for me, and by that I mean I rarely find myself reaching for it. Matter of fact, I think I listened to it 2-3 times when it first came out, then slotted it into my collection and haven't spun it since. Might have to rectify that in the near future... Anyway, judging from the new songs I heard, this is superior to the debut, going straight for that modern hard rock sound while eschewing (most of) the trappings of the nu-metal movement. Good guitars, good power, solid hooks, solid choruses...ahhhhh, sweet aural pleasure to these ears. Now I just need to find out if this is getting an actual physical release...
  4. OK, after checking out the samples, this is simply too lite for me. Paul's got a great voice, and for those who enjoy the lite/pop/aor side of CCM this should more than satisfy, but it's just not where my musical interests lie. I need my stuff to hit harder, pack more of a punch. No disrespect to some of the previous posters, but I don't hear much Nouveux influence in this at all. Anyway, it's cool that Paul is still making albums, but aside from that Nouveux debut, none of the albums he's been involved with will be making their way into my collection.
  5. I know it's only a rough mix--and make no mistake, the song is solid--but to me it doesn't sound as good as the songs that were on "Get It" & "Peace Treaty." That said, it IS good enough to make me buy the CD when it comes out...whenever that is (if it takes much longer, I'm going to start referring to it as the "Chinese Democracy" of Christian rock/metal).
  6. "I may not be a smart man, but I know what ranch is."
  7. Uh, we've come to the "U"s. Not the greatest letter, but if you happen to feel I slighted your favorite band and left them off the list, feel free to write it in and let the world know about your poor musical taste--um, I mean, your excellent discernment of the musical arts. Frankly, this is an easy one for me--Unruly Child. Their debut is melodic rock perfection, one of my all-time favorite CDs. Lush production from Beau Hill, stellar vocals from a still-got-my-dick Mark Free, more hooks than a tackle box...that album just had it all, a total masterpiece. But enough talk about Mark/Marcie's Free dick (or lack thereof)...which band do you place "u"p at the top?
  8. Do you take food stamps? I've already made plans to blow my stimulus check on cheap booze, cheaper women, and my disturbing need to complete by Smurfs collection... Seriously, just PayPaled a donation. Now, here's a prize suggestion--a Get Out Of Baneed Free pass. It works like this: if you cross the line and Dan "banees" you, you can whip out your Get Out Of Baneed Free pass and be allowed to continue to roam the boards. It was looking like Matt (Phaffas) was going to be needing one of these a week or so ago... Or how about this--Baneeing powers. Winner would have the right to banee anyone of their choice for 30 days. Oh, the endless possibilities... (be afraid, Geoff, be very afraid...) All joking aside, this is a great site and deserves everyone's support. So git yer wallets out, ya bastids!
  9. Obese Krauts Reconnoiter Anuses A C E G
  10. JADED HEART: "Sinister Mind" By no means is this a bad CD, but it pales in comparison to the melodic hard rock perfection wrought by the band when Bormann was a member. Albums like "IV" and "The Journey Will Never End" will forever hold places near & dear to my heart, but "Sinister Mind" is, I fear, doomed to sit on the shelf, perhaps pulled out once a year or so for a dusting off. I can live without Bormann, but the band needs to get back to writing those awesome hooks and killer choruses if they want to once again rule the melodic hard rock world. Judging from Jaded Heart's post-Bormann output and Bormann's post-Jaded Heart output, anyone in their right mind can see the two need each other. No disrespect to Jaded Heart's current singer, but he needs to shuffle on to another gig so that Bormann can reunite with the band and release another jaw-dropper of an album.
  11. Actually, she's already heard "regular" Metallica. Truth be told, she rarely listens to her "baby" CDs, much preferring uptempo rock tunes. She sits on the floor, holds her arms out (I've been trying to teach her the "metal horns," but she doesn't quite got it yet), and bops to the beat. She has no loyalty to a particular band though, just certain songs, her current favorites being "Jesus is Life" by Stephen Curtis Chapman, "Saturday" by Seventh Day Slumber, and "It's my Life" by Bon Jovi. When Metallica is playing, she just kind of stares at the stereo with a look that says, What's this crap? I know that look well...I get it from my wife all the time.
  12. I actually bought the "Rockabye Baby: Metallica" CD when my daughter was born last year. Not sure if that makes me a cool Dad or a total geek...
  13. I'm at work and can't listen to sound samples, but I'll be checking 'em out as soon as I get home. Love that Nouveux debut (not so much the follow-up) and always hoped Alan could come up with something on par. His first solo CD didn't quite do it for me, but if "Drive it Home" sports more crunch, I'm definitely interested. Will report back once I've had a chance to hear some samples.
  14. I don't know your tastes, but what's not to like about this album? It's killer!!
  15. "You can't handle the ranch!"
  16. "All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, or nun, is some serious deep-ranchin'."
  17. Hot tamale, this is totally terrific! We've come to the "T"s. Lots of great choices, but as always, narrowing it down to 20 selections meant some deserving bands didn't make the list, so write-ins more than welcome. My vote goes to Tuff. The debut is stellar stuff, and "Religious Fix," though veering in a darker, heavier direction, still kicks major ass. All right, by now I've got this poll thing down to a "T" (sorry, couldn't resist), so fire away with your picks.
  18. 1. KILL 'EM ALL: "Whiplash"--not really a big fan of this album, but I had to pick something... 2. RIDE THE LIGHTNING: "Fight Fire With Fire"--a great album opener. 3. MASTER OF PUPPETS: "Leper Messiah"--now here's where Metallica really started to get good. I know this particular track isn't often cited as a fan favorite, but I love it. 4. ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL: "The Shortest Straw"--another 'odd' track for a favorite, but what can I say? 5. THE BLACK ALBUM: "The God That Failed"--given my religious beliefs, it's kind of odd that I like this song, but I think it kicks all kind of ass, way better than the other wildly over-played tracks off this album.
  19. "Have you ever danced with the Ranch in the pale moonlight?"
  20. Yessssssssssssss, we have come to the "S"s. Absolutely brutal whittling this poll down to 20 and there are plenty of glaring omissions, so more than ever, write-ins welcome. My vote goes to Skid Row (more specifically, the Baz-fronted years). Love the way they merged melody & aggression, and Sebastian still ranks as one of the most killer singers in hard rock history. OK, your turn...which band do you think is "s"uper?
  21. Cute. Nothing more, nothing less. But for the love of Jehosophat, girl, eat something! I saw that "spine" photo and all I could think about was that creepy deformed sister (Zelda, I think her name was) in Pet Semetary.
  22. Cute but not hot. And is it just me, or does she look a little like Kirsten Dunst?
  23. No. Not my style. Looks kind of prissy/demanding/black widowish. Look, when a guy is giving it good to a girl, he wants to see a smile, not a steely-eyed stare that insinuates she'll rip your liver out if you don't get her off...
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