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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Well, I think these forums have changed over the years (for the record, I've been here since the beginning...since before there even were forums, for that matter), but I hardly think they've evolved (or devolved, depending on your point of view) to the point where any AOR/melodic rock/hair-metal fan would feel unable to "fit in." Life does change and people do move on. I myself used to frequent/post in these forums more than I currently do, but after getting married, building a house, and having a baby (well, actually, my wife had the baby, but you know what I'm saying), there just isn't as much time to spend here. As for the bickering/flaming...it's been said before by others better than me, but I'll say it again now: anyone who thinks Heavy Harmonies is overladen with arguments really doesn't belong on message boards anyway, because this place is downright tame compared to most of the others out there. After giving it much thought, the only thing I can conclude is that if we want to make people flock to Heavy Harmonies, we need to get rid of Pete & Geoff. I think it's clear those two are the problem...
  2. Hotter than the devil's gonads, but far more lickable...
  3. Another "cutie" but not "hottie." Still, I'd rather engage her in naked mudwrestling than have to listen to her music. And by "naked mudwrestling," I mean......oh, hell, who are we foolin', you know exactly what I mean.
  4. I went with "cute," 'cause I wouldn't quite put her in the "hot" category. Then again, I label myself as "devilishly handsome" when the truth is I'm "downright fugly," so what do I know?
  5. I cannot believe you just said that about Keef's mother... Say wha? You must have used a different online translator than I did. Which one did you use? The one I used is called "My Imagination." According to Babelfish, the translation of the above passage is "Metalmaniac777's favorite band is the Spin Doctors. He has a secret shrine to them under his bed and keeps their CDs hidden behind his toilet to avoid embarrassment. By the way, Pepsi-Cola brings your ancestors back from the dead. Bite the Wax Tadpole, kids!" Gimme a minute...I'm trying to figure out how to say "Dammit, I have no witty comeback" in Russian...
  6. I cannot believe you just said that about Keef's mother... Say wha? You must have used a different online translator than I did. Which one did you use? The one I used is called "My Imagination."
  7. I cannot believe you just said that about Keef's mother...
  8. Latest acquisitions... Pillar: "For the Love of the Game" (excellent Christian hard rock/metal) Jaded Heart: "Sinister Mind" (not bad, but not all that special either)
  9. Latest acquisition... DEADEN--a low-budget indie homage to the action/revenge/vigilante movies of the 70s/80s. Fairly brutal in its violence (the opening rape/murder is downright unpleasant to watch), but simply too micro-budgeted to be worth more than one viewing. Still, if you ever wanted to see a man with a cue stick graphically rammed up his ass or witness a rapist set ablaze and then shot multiple times in the crotch until his testicles pop out, roll across the floor, and are eaten by a dog, then this might be worth checking out.
  10. Yep...he's the one that mentioned it, heard about it from you I do believe. Thanks for the heads up on this one, Jim. I am lovin' it! These guys are one of my favorite current Christian hard rock/metal bands, so I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about their new CD when Jim emailed me. I'm slipping in my old age! (I blame it on the baby because...well, because I can. ) Anyway, I stopped by Best Buy a few days later, snagged a copy, and that same day emailed my bro (Chris) to make sure he got his hands on what is sure to be one of the best Christian rock/metal albums of the year. Just totally killer stuff, from the raging riffs of "Throwdown" to the gang-vocal-chorus of "For the Love of the Game" to the moving ballad "Smiling Down" to the (as Chris already mentioned) Skid Row's "Youth Gone Wild" homage "Reckless Youth" (the similarity is uncanny), this sucker is nothing short of awesome.
  11. I'm a big Tarintino fan, but there's no getting around how bad "Death Proof" is, was, and forever shall be. Mind-crushingly dull. Bringer of boredom beyond comprehension. Honestly, while it was playing in my DVD player, I kept looking at the remote, wondering how I could shove it through my eye socket and into my brain, thus ending my misery. The movie was loaded with what I call diarrhetic dialogue, meaning it just keeps coming and coming but is utterly worthless/pointless. All of Tarintino's films are guilty of this to some degree, but usually his verbal diarrhea is amusing; not so this time around. The only part I found amusing was the first car crash/murder; it was well-filmed and gorily good; watching that chick's face get peeled off by a revving tire made me laugh out loud. In what I think is unrelated news, my psychiatrist dropped me the next day...
  12. Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, that's some frickin' sweet-ass stuff right there.
  13. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a ranch."
  14. People, people, people, get it right--the sheep is named Sheila. However, if Jez has a hard-on (pun intended) to shatter Geoff's sphincter, I suppose I could alter the script to reflect that the sphincter-shattering is actually being done by Jez dressed up in a sheep costume. The new script name could be "Jez Jacks Juicy Geoff" or something alliterative like that. Me in a sheep costume with a hard on!! Only on Saturday and occasionally on Sunday morning. Want to see the piccies? Sorry, no need for pics. I'm writing a screenplay, not a pictorial pop-up book.
  15. We didn't agree that did we? That's how I read it. Mark apologised and acknowledged how great they were and we all had tea at Matt's house while discussing plot ideas for Mark's manuscript. Ah yes, I remember now. Rush > Roxus Oh, no di'nt. Even Mark prefers Roxus to Rush and he hates Roxus!! (which is why we don't talk anymore) People, people, people, get it right--the sheep is named Sheila. However, if Jez has a hard-on (pun intended) to shatter Geoff's sphincter, I suppose I could alter the script to reflect that the sphincter-shattering is actually being done by Jez dressed up in a sheep costume. The new script name could be "Jez Jacks Juicy Geoff" or something alliterative like that. More on topic, I never said I hate Roxus, just that they're bland, generic, and dull. This implies bored disinterest rather than the outright hatred of which I am being accused.
  16. Color me intrigued. Unfortunately, typing "Dead Serious Simplinteresting" into Google yields exactly zero results, meaning this will require some true hunting...
  17. OK, I'll work with you a little on the title. I just went into my script-writing program and changed the title to "Sheila the Shaggy Sheep Shatters Geoff's Sphincter." Now who wouldn't want to star in a film like that?
  18. Roxus who? Oh, you mean that overhyped, overrated, generic-as-all-get-out melodic rock band? That Roxus? The hell with them, they don't deserve to be on this list. I would have listed Rascal Flats before listing Roxus. Hope that clears things up for ya. Goodbye, Mark. This is our last communication. That's too bad. I'm currently writing a porn script with you in mind for the lead role. Guess I'll have to find someone else... How does this relate to Jez's sheep? Matt, can you tell Mark I am still interested in his porn script but all negotiations will be done through my agent. Mark, Geoff is still interested in your porn script but all negotiations will be done through his agent, Jez's sheep. Matt, tell Geoff I think the script is perfect for him. You can tell just by the title: "Geoff Takes It Up The Poop Chute From Jez's Sheep." Tell me that ain't got a ring to it...
  19. Roxus who? Oh, you mean that overhyped, overrated, generic-as-all-get-out melodic rock band? That Roxus? The hell with them, they don't deserve to be on this list. I would have listed Rascal Flats before listing Roxus. Hope that clears things up for ya. Goodbye, Mark. This is our last communication. That's too bad. I'm currently writing a porn script with you in mind for the lead role. Guess I'll have to find someone else...
  20. Roxus who? Oh, you mean that overhyped, overrated, generic-as-all-get-out melodic rock band? That Roxus? The hell with them, they don't deserve to be on this list. I would have listed Rascal Flats before listing Roxus. Hope that clears things up for ya.
  21. Ra-ra-ra!!! We've come to the "R"s! Lots of great choices and lots of goodies got left off, so feel free to write 'em in if you don't see your personal fave listed. My vote goes to Kane Roberts. His "Saints & Sinners" CD is melodic hard rock perfection, easily in my top ten favorite albums. So rrrrrrrrrrally 'rrrrrrrrrrrround, boys (and girls), and tell us who gets your motor revvin'.
  22. I'm not sure if it's true but I read a while back that the singer is gonna go back to the vocal style of that album for their new album. I hope not 'cause I liked his sound on "The Crusade". That would suck. I much prefer the way he sings on "The Crusade." I also think the songs are better.
  23. Latest acquisitions... Trivium: "Ascendency" (decent, but "The Crusade" is better) Soilwork: "Stabbing the Drama" (not their best...) Soilwork: "Sworn to a Great Divide" (excellent new metal album) Faber Drive: "Seven Second Surgery" (OK, nothing special)
  24. Latest acquisition... AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION (Undead & Unrated)--haven't watched this yet, but the horror sites have been raving about it for quite some time. Supposedly it's a wildly gory indie zombie film.
  25. Did you just say that Blonz is better than Blue Tears? Blasphemy! You & I can no longer be friends.
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