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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. I'd say Modern Rock isn't necessarily a style, but it encompasses a bunch of styles. However it still has a recognisable sound. Most Rock from the 90's to now have a generic sound. Usually it's that Grunge/Post-Grunge sound, but it can also be Alternative or Nu-Metal. Sure it has evolved over the years, but the foundational sound is still there.
  2. Yeah, Jez is usually on another playing field. But so am I.
  3. Justice League: War I think you comic book nerds will love this. This is DC's latest installment involving the new 52. Excellent! Man of Tai Chi Cool martial arts film surrounding Tai Chi - normally recognized as just a form of exercise. Stars Keanu Reeves. Ender's Game I enjoyed this film, but after my friend went into great detail about how bad it was and how it betrayed the book series, I decided I still enjoyed this film.
  4. Really? You were still egging your neighbour's houses at 20?
  5. Trust me you need to see the bands Dave is having at his pre party. Yep. I plan to be there. Awesome.. Glad you were able to make this happen. Make sure you message me all your info.. such as arrival date and time and hotel/motel info. This festival is a great time.. I'm 100% sure you will enjoy the festivities. Credit card, bank info, medical number, and the like? Next of kin... N/A...
  6. Trust me you need to see the bands Dave is having at his pre party. Yep. I plan to be there. Awesome.. Glad you were able to make this happen. Make sure you message me all your info.. such as arrival date and time and hotel/motel info. This festival is a great time.. I'm 100% sure you will enjoy the festivities. Credit card, bank info, medical number, and the like?
  7. Tell us how you really feel!! If I did the server would blow up... I'm okay with that.
  8. Circus Maximus - Nine The Classic Crime - Albatross Anberlin - Devotion Electric Boys - Freewheelin'
  9. Trust me you need to see the bands Dave is having at his pre party. Yep. I plan to be there.
  10. Just bought my tickets, and booked my flights. I couldn't go cruisin' this year, so might as well hang out with the folks on the East. I'm kinda in shock. I can't believe I'll be able to finally cross Extreme off the list.
  11. Shit! Really? I didn't think my cry would be heard.
  12. Oi, you boys ought to think about repressing some titles. I know there are a few "Out of Stock" that I'd buy in an instant.
  13. Completely missed that. Pay no attention to me. I'm from Barcelona.
  14. Oh, and let's just dwell on this a minute. ;}Lets notI've received nothing but hate from you lately, Glen. What's up? ;}Hate lol?? I only ever piss take. Heh. I didn't expect you to bite.
  15. No. The country India. Pfft. Bloody Americans. Don't realize there's a world outside of America. ;}
  16. May I just say it's a bit odd to bring H.E.A.T. over to American soil for an acoustic set for a small amount of people? They must be touring more of the U.S. May I also say that is an incredible lineup?!
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