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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Agree. War On Love should have made the album, and is tied for favorite song with Take Me For A Ride. "War On Love" is everyone's favourite, but I think "Don't Stop" slays it, and the rest of the album, save "Fire in the Pouring Rain."
  2. My extensive research has confirmed these baseline numbers. Shit. A week? Not a day? I should probably take it easy. ;}
  3. Bonus tracks are absolutely essential.
  4. Really? Damn, I still haven't seen it the first time. It's on the list.
  5. That's insane.She looks kinda cute too. Yeah. Why would you do that to yourself? Don't do drugs, kids.
  6. 3 more working days for me and then 3 weeks of vacation. Yum indeed!! 4 more working weeks and then 2 weeks of vacation lying by a pool in the algarve Stunning looking place. Enjoy that one. Where do you live, out of curiosity? UK You're gonna fly there just to sit by a pool? I'd take the beach over the pool.Wait, you just got back from a vacation a month ago. Damn. Must be nice to have all that free time. Don't worry i'll be splitting my time between the beach and pool It was the last week in April i was in Orlando for a quick spring break, this trip to the Algarve is my summer vacation. As for all this free time it's my vacation entitlement, and yes it's very nice to have I'm self-employed, and I still don't take as much vacation time as you. Yeah but being self employed you aren't getting paid when you take your vacation time so will limit the amount of time you take off. I'm a paid employee and get paid while on vacation [Holiday Pay] so while i'm lying by the pool sipping an ice cold Sagres i'm still getting paid,sweet Yep. You're a bastard. Have I said that already? ;}
  7. 3 more working days for me and then 3 weeks of vacation. Yum indeed!! 4 more working weeks and then 2 weeks of vacation lying by a pool in the algarve Stunning looking place. Enjoy that one. Where do you live, out of curiosity? UK You're gonna fly there just to sit by a pool? I'd take the beach over the pool.Wait, you just got back from a vacation a month ago. Damn. Must be nice to have all that free time. Don't worry i'll be splitting my time between the beach and pool It was the last week in April i was in Orlando for a quick spring break, this trip to the Algarve is my summer vacation. As for all this free time it's my vacation entitlement, and yes it's very nice to have I'm self-employed, and I still don't take as much vacation time as you.
  8. 7 years? So he'll be out next year. Perhaps a reunion? ;}
  9. Where did they go?Awesome album. Those backing vocals! The bastard was arrested for two counts of sexual assault. Then the band said they'd get their old singer from their old band, but I guess they realised what we were all thinking: if you get your singer from your old band, aren't you essentially your old band again? In any case, nothing has been heard from either camp.
  10. Which would you say is the best of these guys? All I have is Adventures in Eville.
  11. Yeah, I mean, how did that even make the list? ;}
  12. You really should listen to bad city , it's a brilliant album Holy shit. Yes!!
  13. Listened to the debut today. Definitely need this one.
  14. Surprised to see Bad City as your number one, but also not surprised. Such a shame what happened to that band.
  15. 3 more working days for me and then 3 weeks of vacation. Yum indeed!! 4 more working weeks and then 2 weeks of vacation lying by a pool in the algarve Stunning looking place. Enjoy that one. Where do you live, out of curiosity? UK You're gonna fly there just to sit by a pool? I'd take the beach over the pool. Wait, you just got back from a vacation a month ago. Damn. Must be nice to have all that free time.
  16. Nice! Awesome......pm me with the tunes Russ...keep rocking I would if I had them. Oh, so you don't have that cassette? I thought they might have sent you one.
  17. 3 more working days for me and then 3 weeks of vacation. Yum indeed!! 4 more working weeks and then 2 weeks of vacation lying by a pool in the algarve Stunning looking place. Enjoy that one. Where do you live, out of curiosity? UK You're gonna fly there just to sit by a pool? I'd take the beach over the pool.
  18. Why not just Nitroforce? Why the 9? I mean, both names are shit, but one less so.
  19. It was only 14A in Canada, which I thought was odd.
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