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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Oh, boy! I haven't listened to a bunch of these in a good minute. Here are some new new. Phoebe Ryan is too fine!! Chronic Boyz N Poizn Dollar Bill Some SynthWave I found thanks to Mr. AOR!! Duett - Running Scared Donkeyboy finally released their new album. Took for-phuking-ever!! Dollar Smooth Lover Rocket Gave the Sky to Her Lost
  2. I had no idea it was such a mystery. Well, it appears CBC Music has finally uncovered it, with a good helping of puns, I might add. http://www.cbcmusic.ca/posts/11185/the-surprising-and-tragic-story-behind-the-behind-
  3. Also, you can only embed eight YouTube links in a single post.
  4. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=29228&view=&hl I started this thread years ago. Not all of it is Synthpop, and I'm not even sure if all of those videos still work, but hopefully you find something you like.
  5. Is this specific to Heavy Metal tunes, because you posted it in the Heavy Metal forum?
  6. Theocracy are amazing!! What carpetface said. He speaks the truth......this time! Aww, you're too kind.
  7. Nevermind, I found it: Song: Take It Away Artist: Dreamer (Canada) Album: Full Metal Racket Ah, I still haven't heard that album. Is it any good?
  8. Pretty much been my response to a lot of stuff this year.
  9. I completely forgot about the first one, and had no idea there was a sequel. I definitely need to right this wrong.
  10. Man, if you like this, then I got a ton of shit for you. Just didn't want to post it, or Russ would say I'm killing this site. ;}
  11. Sooooooooooooooooo phuking good, It's a shame the second album never happened.
  12. You did better than I did, then ... But why did you two even bother?
  13. It's getting bombed to shit, which is too bad. I was kinda hoping it would be alright, even though I'm pretty much done with these superhero films.
  14. I've had this album for years. Still haven't listened to it, though...
  15. Debut was awesome!! I have great expectations for this one.
  16. I'm gonna have to listen to the last album over, and over, and over again to lower my expectations, because I know I'm gonna be disappointed by this. I really hope I'm wrong, though.
  17. Ha! The thumbnail above appears to read "Hard to Get Off."
  18. I keep seeing this thread and thinking they're a Savatage tribute band. Then I get disappointed.
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