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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. The album literally only got released over here last month, and even if I listened to radio, they dont play rock on it anymore anyway (at least not rock worth listening to). And anyway, I'm still discovering bands from 20 years or so ago, that I have never heard before, so a year is nothing
  2. I dont have the Crazy Lixx or Reckless Love albums, but I agree with you on this. I was expecting something huge from the Treat album, but it wasnt that spectacular. I also agree that Ratt was far better. The Ratt album was full of hooks and was far better than expected, to the point that I was totally blown away, but this album, while a good solid album, comes across as somewhat generic Euro rock. Maybe it needs to grow on me, but it pales in comparison to some of their older stuff.
  3. I think also that its only a side project of a lot of people, and none of them take it that seriously.
  4. Yeah, thats the new one thats just been released to coincide with the new Runaways film. Its a mix of old Joan hits and re-recorded Runaways tunes.
  5. Was just playing the new Joan Jett compilation, and the song Fake friends came on. Now I have Joans entire back catalogue, but as I bought a lot of it at the same time, theres a lot of earlier songs I am not so familiar with, so this is the first time that I have really noticed this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDQg5NNkD7E So I'm sitting there listening to the song, and I think "Hold on, is this a new song? A cover of a song I know?" It then dawned on me that its a Nashville Pussy song that I am thinking of called Drive. http://www.last.fm/music/Nashville+Pussy/_/Drive The intro is identical, with the riff and drum pattern repeating through both songs. I checked the liner notes for the NP album to see if they credit the original writers, but they dont. Its not just a bit similar, its identical.
  6. Are you seriously suggesting that "Winger IV" is better than "...And Justice For All" or "Master of Puppets"? That's total nonsense of the highest order. Winger may be better musicians technically, but Metallica have made much more of their more meagre talents. Metallica are bonafide 'legends' with at least 3 genuine 'classic' albums. Winger had far more ability than their 5 albums of output hinted at, and IMO if you own "Pull" and "Karma" and their "Best Of..." album then that's all you need... As you say, its your opinion. I'd say though that Metallica only became 'Legends' after they suddenly went commercial with the black album, as prior to then, they had very little appeal to anyone but thrash fans, and after the black album, they churned out turd after turd after turd. The earlier albums are far superior, but had they continued on that route instead of teaming with Bob Rock, they would have been no bigger than Megadeth or Anthrax. If I had to choose a full catalogue of music from one or the other, I would choose Winger, as all of their albums have merit, where as only a fraction of Metallicas does. With shite like Load, Reload and St Anger, they have not covered themselves in any form of glory in most peoples eyes. Metallica a very overrated, and are no better than most boybands as they are all just about marketing, and bandwagon jumping.
  7. Great song, and really digging this band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l14naR3dJQ
  8. I'm honestly not that surprised with Fergie as she has already proved her rock chops with a cover of Barracuda on the Shrek 3 soundtrack. The Kid Rock track is cool as its very similar to the stuff on Rock N Roll Jesus, which is an amazing album. The M Shadows track is cool too, but thats because, like the Kid Rock song, it sounds like a track off their last album as well. Its very hit or miss though as the collaborators are quite spread out along the music landscape, and wont necessarily appeal to everyone from track to track. I mean, when you consider how far apart artists like Avenged Sevenfold, Alice Cooper and Cyprus Hill are, its gonna be a very open minded person who is as into one of their tracks as they are into another. I think my other problem is it sounds, for the most part, that Slash has adapted his style to the collaborators, rather than the other way round. While I am not of the opinion that Slash is the greatest guitarist in the world, I do think he has his own sound, and I can rarely hear it on here.
  9. This is easily my fave track and its probably the most 'Slash' sounding song on the album, as it has a GNR/Velvet Revolver vibe with the vocal style. This is the English version, but there is a Jap version as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcRklWHoK_Y
  10. I know much has always been made of Hammett being one of Satriani's students, much like Vai, but I have never heard anything by Metallica thats ever made me think that he is anything more than a good guitarist. No better or no worse than a multitude of other metal/rock guitarists. I like a lot of Metallicas stuff, and I certainly wouldnt say Hammett was crap by any means, but if I had to choose between him and Beech, I'd go with Reb any day of the week. That said, you cant help to think that the only reason Reb says this is because of that video. Hell, he even pretends to not know what band he is in, and then goes and mentions the Nothing else matters video, so no way could he not know which band he was in. Yeah, its probably a case of justified sour grapes, but in my opinion, its Hetfield the comments should really be aimed at. How on Earth he could mock Winger when he lists Kansas as one of his favourite bands, is beyond me. Kip may have been a bit of a poster boy, but Wingers music was far heavier than Kansas.
  11. Its not just two videos, its two versions of the song. The second one being an acoustic version, much in the same way they did two videos to I saw red as well.
  12. I have exactly the same recollection of them.
  13. I went for the middle option, but its not 100% correct. I actually think the albums is a piece of shit, much like the band themselves, but there is 2 great tracks on it (Smells like and Come as you are) and probably 2 ok tracks, the rest is tripe of the highest order. I'd say the band was untalented and overrated, but that would be unfair to Grohl, who is extremely talented. I always said that the best thing to happen to Grohl was Cobain offing himself. Not only did he form a band that has some great upbeat rock tunes, but he also learned to smile. Also, any writing, production or guest muso work he has done, has been down to his work in Foo Fighters, and hardly anyone mentions Nirvana. Although they obviously were the biggest rock band around back when grunge hit, I am not so sure they would be held in such high regard today if things hadnt come to a head (pun intended) with Cobain. Its like The Big Bopper. If he hadnt been in the plane with Buddy and Richie, he wouldnt even be remembered today.
  14. The whole thing with illegal downloading is exactly my thoughts. For instance, while I will buy one of the UK versions when it comes out, I have downloaded the album today, with all the bonus tracks, so I wont be rushing out to buy it just yet. My understaning is that Sahara was/will be released as a single in Japan, and at least 2 of the other tracks will appear on it, but on Amazon they are listing it at £31 for a CD single.
  15. Just been reading up on the new Slash solo album thats just round the corner, and am so far unimpressed with two things. Firstly, its all collaborations, which isnt a bad thing. But most of the collaborations are with artists that may have very little appeal to fans of Slash & GNR etc. Secondly, the thing that annoys me even more is the insistance on having multiple bonus tracks depending on country or version. The main track listing is as follows: 1. "Ghost" (feat. Ian Astbury & Izzy Stradlin) 2. "Crucify the Dead" (feat. Ozzy Osbourne) 3. "Beautiful Dangerous" (feat. Fergie) 4. "Back from Cali" (feat. Myles Kennedy) 5. "Promise" (feat. Chris Cornell) 6. "By the Sword" (feat. Andrew Stockdale) 7. "Gotten" (feat. Adam Levine) 8. "Doctor Alibi" (feat. Lemmy) 9. "Watch This" (feat. Dave Grohl & Duff McKagan) 10. "I Hold On" (feat. Kid Rock) 11. "Nothing to Say" (feat. M. Shadows) 12. "Starlight" (feat. Myles Kennedy) 13. "Saint is a Sinner Too" (feat. Rocco DeLuca) 14. "We're All Gonna Die" (feat. Iggy Pop) And the bonus tracks go something like this: Japanese version 15. "Sahara" (feat. Koshi Inaba) (Japanese vocals) Australian iTunes version 15. "Chains and Shackles" (feat. Nick Oliveri) 16. "Paradise City" (feat. Fergie and Cypress Hill) (iTunes pre-order only) iTunes Edition 15. "Mother Maria" (feat. Beth Hart) 16. "Sahara (English version)" (feat. Koshi Inaba) (Pre-order only) Classic Rock Slashpack Edition 15. "Baby Can't Drive" (feat. Alice Cooper, Nicole Scherzinger, Steven Adler & Flea) Brazilian version 15. "Paradise City" (feat. Fergie and Cypress Hill) 16. "Baby Can't Drive" (feat. Alice Cooper, Nicole Scherzinger, Steven Adler & Flea)
  16. Looks to be a reissue of the Damned if I do CD, with a bonus track (Rodeo). http://www.swedmetal.com/prodDetails.aspx?prodID=16889
  17. Not sure if they are doing a world tour, but they are playing here this month or next, cant remember which. It only got announced last month as far as I know, so other dates around the world may happen if they havent announced them already.
  18. I had a run in with EmasculatedStallion a few months ago in the new Fozzy album comments. I replied to him once, then couldnt be arsed after that as he is obviously a fucking idiot.
  19. I'd say that if you stuck any of the tracks on here onto the end of the Ratt N Roll best of from the early 90s, you would be hard pressed to say there was over 20 years between them and the older tracks as they would slot in nicely. Much like the progression they made from the Ratt EP to Detonator, its only a few tweaks here and there, nothing that sets them apart as a totally different era.
  20. Talking to Danny today and he said that it probably wont be out til next year, and has no idea what it will sound like, but it will probably be a mixture of classic sound mixed with a more modern sound. Apparently they already have 8 songs that they like.
  21. Not melodic? Must be listening to a different album to me as its full of melodic Ratt N Roll. While I agree that its closer to Detonator than earlier stuff (hell, Last call has a very lovin you's a dirty job, sound to it), its no less melodic than anything produced by Ratt in there heyday, and I would go as far as to say that Detonator was probably their most melodic as it was less sleazy than earlier stuff. I also cannot hear anything wrong with the bass. Sounds perfectly fine to me!
  22. Great album. Its certainly not as good as a classic Ratt album, but its defo got the classic sound, albeit a bit more mature. I was worried that Pearcy might try to impose his more modern sound over this, but thankfully he has showed some common sense. The guitar solos are there, the big choruses and everything are present. I'd say its closer to Detonator era than Out of the cellar, which for me is a bonus as thats my fave album. I'll be surprised if anyone is too disapointed with this one.
  23. Yep. Even on the slightly weaker tracks (on their first 2 discs) I love the big sound Firehouse get & that edges-it over the Stryper tunes for me. I have to admit, I had a look through the track lists on both albums and expected to drop a whole list worth of Firehouse songs that were inferior to Stryper ones, but I came up a little short. They really are two excellent albums. But that said, still love the Stryper disc and I'd personally take those three songs over quite a few on the Firehouse CDs. The chorus in 'Two time woman' is one of the hugest ever. I like all of Firehouses albums (and I do mean all of them), but if I had to choose between keeping any of them or keeping Against the law, I would drop Firehouse without hesitation as ATL is one of my all time fave albums. It walks over anything that Firehouse has done, and Firehouse has done some amazing songs.
  24. just got back from the show in Brixton which was sold to capacity, and they were recording the show for a DVD release. I should probably be on it a few times as i was front row again. Fucking mental gig. My ribs are bruised, thats when you know it was a good gig. Support act was a bunch of strippers.
  25. I've got a simple logic when it comes to music, if I like it, I dont care what genre it is. There were plenty of shit bands in the 80s and their are plenty of shit bands now, but to call of the current crop 'generic' is kinda strange. I mean, yeah you can compare bands like SR-71 and Bowling for Soup, or bands like Nickelback and Hinder. But you cannot compare Bowling For Soup with Hinder as they are nothing alike. Both modern rock bands, but certainly nothing alike that would make them generic. If you go back a few years when Papa Roach was more rap orientated, there were a lot of bands that came along with a similar sound or in the same genre, I agree, but as time has worn on and the musical fashion lost its popularity, most of these bands either disapeared or changed style. So many current rock bands definetly are starting to be more and more influenced by the 80s rock era with the return of guitar solos, melody and a sense of fun. Bands like Hinder and Nickleback give us 80s melodic rock with a modern twist. Bands like The Donnas & Bowling For Soup have a pop punk sound, but have an 80s melodic metal sense of fun. Bands like Airbourne are straight out of the 70s/80s playbook. Bands like Avenged Sevenfold are all about combining the modern era with classic 80s metal. Bands like The Answer have a 60s/70s vibe going on. Even bands like My Chemical Romance may be emo and take themselves to serious, but they certainly take a lot of cues musically from 80s bands. And honestly, of all the bands I mentioned, how many of them sound like eachother?
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