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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Yep, no longetivity in it. I mean, its not like they have been playing sold out shows for over 6 years now is it.
  2. Personal opinion. I have never been disapointed by them live, and they always put on an amazing show.
  3. I'm generally in the minority when I say that I really liked the last Ratt album, but that said, I would still like them to return to their roots a little more, or at least adapt their classic sound with a modern edge like Winger and Stryper have done.
  4. So far, 5 dates have been announced, and I can get presale tickets for them from tomorrow.
  5. Oh dont get me wrong, it is a good track, just for me, it seems somewhat out of place. Actually on my third spin of this CD today... thats how good I think it is!
  6. Spun it again already, and it just sounds better and better. Probably the weakest track in my opinion (other than the Rod Morgenstein bonus track) is After all this time. Its not a bad song, but with the bluesy style of it, to me it actually sounds like a song that was written for a Richie Sambora solo CD, rather than this Winger CD. I also think it suffers as its followed by the far superior ballad, Witness, which really is an old school Winger ballad, and could easily have slotted into the track listing of any of the first three albums.
  7. The US version may also be minus the final track, as although its listed as 'Bonus Track', some places are saying its 'European Bonus Track'. And that wouldn't be a big deal since the bonus track is pointless IMO. Yeah, I hadnt actually heard it as I was one or two tracks from the finish when I posted that. Just dont get the point of things like that tacked onto the end of an album. It probably wouldnt have been so bad as an interlude between tracks, but it stands out like a sore thumb at the end!
  8. The US version may also be minus the final track, as although its listed as 'Bonus Track', some places are saying its 'European Bonus Track'.
  9. There is absolutely no filler on Pull imo, but there was plenty on the first two albums for me. As for this album, just got it in the mail and its fucking awesome. I liked IV, but that was more of a grower, and this is more instant. Yes, Kip isnt hitting the higher registers, but anyone who doesnt recognise this as Kip on vocals probably isnt that familiar with him in the first place. If you played this to me without telling me who it was, I would recognise his voice imediately. I also cant hear any problems with the production, all I can hear is a fucking killer album. I'd say its slightly heavier than Pull but thats probably more to do with the way Reb or John is laying down some heavier riffs, but Rebs defo bringing some old school 80s guitar to the fore as well. This one will be on constant replay for a while I am sure!
  10. Hmmm, one German world champion vs ten British champions (eight of which are English) ...doesnt sound "all of a sudden"
  11. Also, this may be his more natural style, and the earlier stuff was him trying more to fit into the genre of the time.
  12. Midnight Dynamite was produced by Beau Hill, and Kip was often one of the session musicians/writers he would work with. At one point during the 80s, you could look through the credits of any Beau Hill produced album, and you would see the names Kip, Paul and Nate Winger.
  13. Congratulations to Jenson Button for tying up the championship with a true champions drive. Gotta love Brazil as a track as it certainly is one of the few tracks where overtaking is possible!
  14. I like it. Hated the Mariah Carey version purely cause I cannot stand her or her voice, but this is a ballad with little or no difference to a Mr Big ballad. Its a perfect example to me that so many pop songs can be easily adapted to the rock genre because the melodic rock artists are far more varied in their styles. Just cause a pop song is sung by some paint by numbers record company creation, or shitty annoying diva (as is the case with this song), does not mean the songs themselves are bad. Just the same as when Jaded Heart covered Anastacia and Danny Vaughn covered Leanne Rymes (although to be fair, I like Leanne).
  15. Did you know that Gun is now fronted by Toby Jepson of Little Angels fame? (Mark Rankin supposedly gave them his blessing to do so) They have been touring for a while now, but dont think there has been any indication of them returning to the recording studio, although they did debut a new song called Let your hair down, at some of their live dates .
  16. Dan wasnt just the singer and the guitarist but the main creative contributor in the band with his writing as well. In essence he IS the band much in the same way that Coverdale IS Whitesnake or Mustaine IS Megadeth.
  17. Wouldnt be the first time a band has lost out when a record deal falls through. Dont forget, if they recorded them, Portrait/Epic probably owns them.
  18. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertain...9-1225784847525
  19. Good news is that RML plan on returning again next year, but are unsure whether they will bring back the Lacetti or switch to the Cruze model. They also want Plato to return with them, which is no real surprise, and considering how they became probably the strongest team on the grid by the end of the season, you have to say, they have a good chance of re-signing him.
  20. I dont see it as a distraction at all, being that its right at the end of the song. I mean, its not the first time a song has ended with a musician putting a childs voice at the end, and usually its a member of the bands children, and they just want to get their kid on the album. I think thinking about it too much is a bit pointless really. Its a damn good song, and the baby gurgle doesnt exactly make the song any worse or any better.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx_KQJBvdms
  22. If he is desperate for those CDs, and he genuinely made a mistake, then at the very least he should offer you some money for them.
  23. I thought that they had decided against running in the BTCC and were looking at the WTCC. I do hope that the pace of the Focus in the last couple of events is an indication of where they are gonna start the season next year. It will be nice to have some competition for the Chevys and BMWs now that Vauxhall is gone (although I am sure the cars will return in the hands of other teams like the Astras did). It would be nice to see some more manufacturers even if they are not factory entries, as that always adds for more interest.
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