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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Yeah they seemed to be havin Nothing But A Good Time on set
  2. Yeah sounds promising apart from the fact that he penned tunes for Issa & All41,two big let downs for me from recent years
  3. Mine arrived today,how good is this,really liking it...love the closer "Let Me Dream" with its Foreigner vibe simply brilliant album to my ears real classy smooth polished stuff.
  4. Received mine today also and a few spins in and its Brilliant to my ears,not as good as the aforementioned albums but it just goes to show how good they were because this is a great addition. Early fav of mine is Black Thunder...and a wee soft spot for Will You Still Kiss Me(If I see You In Heaven)
  5. Yeah saw Maiden on the "No Prayer For The Dying" tour back in September 1990 in the Kings Hall Belfast Queensryche came for the Empire tour a few weeks later on Halloween night 1990...ah the memories. The Maiden tour was Dickinson's last before he left and the support was from Blaze Bayley fronted Wolfsbane...ironic They were here again a during the summer but I was out of the country on holidays...theyre back for Belsonic in the summer 2020...again I'll be on holidays what are the chances.
  6. The two songs you mention are now on this new release I think its actually quite a good nice album,safe but nice and better than "More than the Moon" for me.
  7. wtf is that on the floor behind them that just randomly appears at the 17sec mark? some Twilight Zone type shit goin on there me thinks
  8. That's brilliant,probably my favourite of the new tunes thus far...roll on Friday
  9. Was a good album,not great and by no means essential if I recall,although I busted my balls to get it at the time as I did with most music due to no nearby record shops/internet etc, it definitely had its moments...ala "Could It Be Love",tracks like "Spend The Night" were ok I suppose for the time when we were spoilt with bands of my personal listening tastes
  10. New song... preorders now being taken for a November 11th release date...but £20 postage to the uk? looks like I won't be purchasing this limited to 1,111 press cd
  11. Yeah not a fan of his solo output at all,loved the first couple of Wig Wam albums though.
  12. Is it me or does it sound like Wham! ? not my bag baby
  13. Havent had time today to listen to this after receiving it from em earlier today but ill get it a spin over the weekend,judgement well and truly reserved until then...but 3 ballads and an instrumental? really my only slight struggle with these guys is the vocals sound so strained at times,hes not the greatest singer but maybe that's just me as no-one else seems to mention it.
  14. Agree with that whole heartedly,don't think they could ever better the excellence of those two monster releases,but this stuff is pretty good all the same
  15. That's pretty damn good,Sweden does it again...may well pick this one up also.
  16. Yeah,perhaps they have enough ready now for the E.P and it will be used to tide us over whilst they work on other songs for the future...still as you point out an E.P is better than no release at all
  17. Great singer,was only a matter of time before he branched out a little more from Animal Drive,this sounds like the best thing Lynch has been involved in for a while to my ears anyway.
  18. Just out of curiosity...but how long was the plane journey? 6 movies and the Revenant is on for a far bit...it would probably cover me to and from España on its todd lol.
  19. Brilliant,they should just make two E.P's then put em together and make a full length btw anyone know when this is released?
  20. Ohhh that opening riff...so duurrty..total sleaze...brilliant
  21. I grew up as the only one from the group of friends that liked our type of music,one or two friends liked some of the more famous bands like Bon Jovi,Iron Maiden etc but never heard of half the stuff I was into,still am btw ,so never gave it the time of day,I was always the weirdo in the ripped jeans,long hair,tee(enter band here...….) and hi-tops lol,think its obviously just a choice/taste thing. I have always liked the music I do,but my three sons have grown up listening to me blast this stuff all of their lives and none of them are fans,yes they know the songs,due to repeatiction but the aren't fans if you know what I mean? Which I respect because they are free to choose what they like,im still really proud just as I chose my path in life...and my Dad was NOT a fan of Rock music But I wouldn't change it for the world,my friends that I grew up with were great friends,musical tastes and trends/styles had no impact on our friendship,I don't see much of them anymore because a lot moved off elsewhere and some unfortunately have died,just enjoy the now,lifes too short to worry imho
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