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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Yeah Jona Tee was involved with them as producer the last time and this time its Dave Dalone
  2. This is their 5th release if i'm correct,the previous release had a female vocalist...in fact they've had a few different singers overall...but this one for me just fits.
  3. Their last album wasn't too bad,but I wasn't a fan of the stuff before that...dunno if its the new singer(again) but for me this is far far better and I will grab this upon release
  4. Pretty damned good NFO running through em...to an extent
  5. Must be just to do with all that's happening...quite a few albums put back...logistics etc I suppose...although this is really the time when new music would be nice to hear.
  6. Nice,another little something to look forward to.
  7. That Strangeways is a monster classic
  8. Slow start but kicks in nicely...not sure about the guitar at the start either(70s porn )
  9. Not my thing but a nice message from the band.
  10. Not too bad, I like Newman as a band but if i'm honest I wouldn't really see myself give this much playtime,it is as stated a different style,just not mine.
  11. Yeah September is quite far off also...but closer than 18months to 2 years...we can but hope that one of these labs gets something sooner rather than later,but articles like this are the reason that I really try to limit what I read about it from day to day...bad enough how things are without adding more un-needed stress & worry
  12. Yeah but only at times in the beginning of the track...on all their other stuff there is no similarity at all
  13. Welcome to HH , I love that Atlantic cd...still gets regular spins in my house
  14. Same here,I can't imagine not having the physical version with the artwork,credits,song notes and a nice spine to line up with my others so I can pose and look at them and feel incredibly chuffed with myself and rip them to digital if I choose for the car,ipod etc..wouldn't just be me I believe
  15. Like these guys,have this preordered direct from em
  16. Jeez,well that's just contributed to ruining my day I love my cds
  17. well hopefully this proves to be true...i'll believe it when I see it though... https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/coronavirus-vaccine-could-be-ready-in-september-scientist-says/ar-BB12sXex?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  18. Yeah i'm waiting too...would like to hear it and have it on preorder with Vega so i'll hear em eventually
  19. Yeah definitely hope it doesn't go that long(2years),would like to think that within that time the worlds governments have a grip on COVID-19 and real normality can return,think the whole world feels the same about absolutely everything though I had Whitesnake in June & Maiden in July now cancelled...plus the premier league darts at the start of April although it has been rescheduled for October also I believe...Not to mention our first holiday in 3 years cancelled,but best to be safe
  20. Yeah agree with that,the music from TNT is fine...but I too dislike the vocals...thus never been a fan
  21. Newman - Dance In The Fire Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic One Desire - s/t Christian Shields - This Is Rock 'n' Roll
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