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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Hmmm.. I don't have a HUGE Blu Ray collection yet, but Underworld just looks AWESOME in Blu Ray on My 50 inch plasma HDTV..... Can't WAIT for September though, when all 6 Star Wars movies hit Blu Ray.....
  2. Has it really been SEVEN YEARS since Casrting the Stones?? Damn.. And yea I am picking up the new one too....
  3. Police Academy... I was bored last night and found it on On Demand and couldn't resist.....
  4. Robocop 3.. Not the best of the series but it has it's moments... Blazing Saddles.. Probably My Favorite Mel Brooks movie.. An absolute classic!!!
  5. Dark Star


    Damn I haven't listened to Objection Overruled in a LONG time. I got it back when it first came out, will have to give it another spin again here soon.... And yea Blood of Nations kicks ASS!!!!
  6. Always did like Cover you in Oil.... Very underrated album too....
  7. What did You think?? I just saw it last night on Blu Ray.. Probably the most graphic Saw movie and I LOVE that!! Now there COULD be another Saw movie if the Fans demand it, but I think that movie kinda wrapped everything up rather nicely.... Oh and I watched Robocop today.. Just cause DAMN I Love that movie....
  8. Like Keith I was in tenth grade as well, and No I didn't see it live?? But someone asked Me if I heard what happened to the shuttle?? And, I, being the smartass I was and still am, answered with.. "No, did it blow up???" When I was told Yes it did?? I was stunned.....
  9. I went with Fire Your Guns, but this IS a very underrated album!!
  10. Guess they needed to shake things up to keep it.. fresh?? Persionally I hate the idea of killing off one of the Fantastic Four, but.. Hey if Superman can be killed then I suppose anyone is in danger eh??
  11. That does look kinda interesting I admit.. Just worried it's by the same guy that inflicted Twilight on Us all..... Still it has potential......
  12. So? Still straight. As for the movie .... ehhhh....this was the beginning of a worldwide phenomenon? I don't get it. "Twilight" was like an "ABC Afterschool Special" version of the Buffy/Angel romance from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" without the slaying, and with a whole lot more angst/self loathing. As H&H said, they played waaaaaaaaayyyy too fast and loose with traditional vampire lore, and some scenes (vampires playing baseball??) were just too damned silly. My wife LOVED it though... must be a chick thing. Gimme "Buffy" or "Angel" or hell, just about anything else with Vamps in it over this movie. I told my wife if she wants to watch the sequels, to leave me out of it. Ahhh,, And here is where I got lucky.. My wife does NOT Like pansy ass vampires that sparkle!! Gimme REAL Vampires damnit!! I admit I tried.. I did TRY to watch Twilight, but I just couldn't get into it, so now I avoid it like the plague.... Hell gimme 30 Days of Night, or Interview with a Vampire or any of the Blade movies..... Or the Lost Boysd, or Fright Night, oer ANY Movie with REAL Vampires!!! Um yea I kinda can't STAND Twilight....
  13. And let's not forget the lil er "Shower" he took too... Nasty.. But yea I was wanting to see how that black guy got hurt against the Shadow of Death.... It's off to a good start!! Can't wait for Friday!!!
  14. *Bumps up MY favorite thread so it don't get lost*
  15. I have Netflix and I LOVE it!! Watch most of the movies and stuff right on My computer, or sometimes stream them to My TV Through My PS3.. Either way it's awesome!!!
  16. I heard about this, and yes I AM Interested.. But a lil worried too.. Without Jamers Rivera on vox, is it worth it???
  17. Ah glad They found someone that fast.. And He does look kinda like Andy too, so no big changes really.. Very cool, Can't wait for season 2! OH and the prequel which starts Friday!!!!
  18. Smokey and the Bandit II.. Not as good as the first one, but still pretty funny.....
  19. My favorite beer?? An open one!!! No seriously now.. I like Me some Becks... Corona.. Coors Light.. Miller Genuine Draft.. PBR... Ummmm.... Oh Killians Irish Red... Rolling Rock.... Molson Golden....... And etc.....
  20. I wonder.. Is calling this the "Final postponement" Like calling Friday the 13th part 4 the "Final Chapter"?? And it really wasn't??? Hmmmmm.....
  21. Just a GREAT album!!!!! I gotta say, Album of the year for Me!! Also.. Umm.. Udo who????
  22. Just saw this and had to post it.. Not sure what I think yet.... http://blog.movies.yahoo.com/blog/406-first-photo-of-andrew-garfield-as-spider-man-revealed Looks more.. gritty and dark.. I Kinda like it, but I don't know....
  23. There's a group on Facebook that wants Varg Vikernes (of Burzum/church burning/murdering/Black Metal fame) to come to the U.S. and burn down their Church. I'd gladly throw him a few bucks for airfare. Oh Hell I would toss Him a few bucks too!! Course their "Church" Isn't really a church, but yea, burn it to the ground!!! They are classified as a Hate group, NOT a Church..*Mutters* I am SO joining that Facebook group too.... Course ole Varg is in Jail for the next 10 or so years I think.... OH and apparently WBC will NOT be picketing the funeral of that little girl.. Some radio station agreed to give them airtime instead.. Which only PROVES they are just a bunch of media whores....
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