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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. I have this on CD already, but yea I will be picking up this version too... With the ORIGINAL artwork too!!!
  2. Oh yea I will be checking this out!! LOVED their other stuff!!!
  3. Charlie Daniels.. Good to listen to when yer drinking beer....
  4. *Bumps it up again, hoping to see new pics*
  5. Oh Man I can't WAIT!!!! I remember as a kid My dad reading Me the Hobbit!! After that I read it like a dozen times Myself so yea I am SO looking forward to this!!!!
  6. Not bad at all.. No it's not Pyromania, but it's still pretty good.....
  7. Ok I am probably in the monority here,but I gotta go with Heath Ledger.. Again the Dark Knight was just one of the BEST Superhero movies EVER!!!!
  8. Mark Hamill was the voice of the Joker?? Ok that I didn't know.. But I was going for the live action Joker actors..... And I had a feeling Keith would vote for the Classic Joker, being Old School and stuff.... I STILL Can't decide between Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger.. Both were SO good, but also played the role differently, so it's hard damnit.....
  9. Still in that Batman kinda mood, so I figured I would ask another question.. Who was your favorite Joker?? Each played the character extremely well, but also differently...... For Me it's a toss up between Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger... I gotta think about this....
  10. Yea yea Keith I KNEW I would forget one.. Freakin Geek!!!! I have been thinking for a while now and I Guess my favorite is... Christian Bale.. Just because The Dark Knight is one of the BEST Superhero movies EVER!!!
  11. Italian sleaze?? I LIKE IT!!!!!
  12. Been thinking about the Batman movies lately so I thought I would make a poll about it... Ok which was Your favorite Batman?? I am having a hard time choosing between Michael Keaton and Christian Bale.. Will get back to this.....
  13. Anyone else watching this?? Pretty good so far, though I am not sure why they call the sword Excalibur, the Sword of Mars or the Sword of the Gods.. Still it's a pretty cool show, with chicks with nice norks!!!!
  14. Haven't been a fan of Manowar's latest stuff, but I DID love the older albums He played on.. He will be sorely missed....... RIP Scott!!!
  15. Tangled.. Again.. Pretty funny animated movie.....
  16. Damn I remember these guys.. Good stuff!!!
  17. I went with Sanctuary as well with the album being Refuge Denied.. Just an Awesome album!! I like Nevermore too,but like Keith said they are kinda hit or miss.. Dreaming Neon Black is one awesome album though....
  18. Somebody call me? Anyway... VIOLENT HATRED FOR THIS SONG!! This track is the reason I refuse to allow the CRAZY NIGHTS album into my house. Godawful pap. (pant...pant...pant...) Happy now? I was waiting for that!!!! Soon as I saw this thread I KNEW you would post your intense HATRED for this album!!!
  19. Good band.. I always liked this tune Myself..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ciZsHM8ZN0
  20. You read it here first, folks. Dark Star has a mancrush on Ryan Reynolds. No no NO.. Not a mancrush damnit!!! I just enjoy His movies.. He adds just the right amount of humor, so it should be a good flick....
  21. Dark Star

    New Saxon

    I haven't bought a new Saxon CD in a few years.. Sounds like I need to remedy that and fast!! This is fucking awesome!!!!!
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