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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. At the show Dark Star and I saw, Tommy Christ came out on stage with Budweiser pajamas and bunny slippers on. At the end of the set, the entire band came back out for the encore wearing dresses and did a cover of Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls." One of the guys lifted up his skirt to reveal a giant rubber dick strapped to the front of his waist As God is my witness, they were one of the most entertaining live bands I ever saw. I miss this band! Wasn't Tommy Christ in a Nun's habit?? I know one of the band was.. Or maybe I was just THAT drunk??? But yea one of the MOST entertaining bands ever!!! OH and didn't they call themselves the "Scatterbitches" When they did that encore????
  2. I never got around to watching this actually.. Was curious about it, but after what Keith said?? I am kinda glad I missed it.....
  3. Wow.. SO sad inideed.. RIP Luna.....
  4. Watched The Mummy and the Mummy Returns, on Blu Ray.. Absolutely FANTASTIC picture!! Damn I am loving Blu Ray..... Did I mention I watch My Blu Ray movies onMy new 50" Plasma HDTV?? It's SWEET!!!!
  5. I saw this pic.. Laughed My ASS off so I HAD to share it....
  6. I liked Night at the Opera too actually, and I LOVED Twist in the Myth so yea I will be picking this up, definitely!!!
  7. *AHEM* (Raises hand) That would be me. I'm a KISS fanboy in most respects but I abso-frickin-lutely hate this album. There's no denying that in terms of album quality, KISS were already on a downhill slide by this point, cuz the preceding ASYLUM was no great shakes either, but the band sounds even more slick and neutered on CRAZY NIGHTS. Ron Nevison as a producer? Great idea, Gene & Paul. "Hey, that's the guy that saved Heart's collective ass, let's hire him. We'll let him drench us in keyboards and we can git him to produce us a big ole hit power ballad too." *SPIT* There are two pieces of the KISS discography that I will never allow in my house -- Peter Criss' solo album from '78 and CRAZY NIGHTS. Shoot, even HOT IN THE SHADE is better than this. But then that's kinda like saying having your hair set on fire is "better" than having your nuts slammed repeatedly in a car door. Yea I was waiting for Your post as soon as I saw this topic.... I actually was given Peter's solo album.. on VINYL!!! I think I played it once maybe, and now it sits at My parents house, somewhere, collecting dust.... I will admit, this is a pretty weak Kiss album, but it's not their worst, at least not in My opinion anyways.... Hot in the Shade was better, and then they put out Revenge and blew their previous few albums in the weeds!!!
  8. Ok LIke Keith?? I SO hate You right now Rick.... I would LOVE to go to Sturgis for the Rally.. DAMN them some HOT ass women!!!!
  9. Kick Ass on Blu Ray?? Like the title says it DOES Kick Ass!!!! More bloody than most other "Superhero" Movies out there too. Although it's not really a superhero movie Per se?? They don't have Super powers, like flying, or x ray vision or super strength or anything, but DAMN I wouldn't wanna piss off Hit Girl anytime soon.. Sure she's only 11 or 12,but she can kick your ASS!!! And Nicolas Cage playing Big Daddy almost exactly like Adam West playing Batman!! I LOVED it!!!
  10. I fucking LOVED that movie!! Especially the Bill Murry scene..
  11. I'd rather watch a Yogi Bear movie than Titanic 2.....
  12. Finally you saw it! Yea, I've had the DVD for a couple of months now but hadn't had time to watch it till now. My wife refused to watch that movie with me cuz she's slightly claustrophobic so the whole idea seemed too scary to her. So anyway, last night I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs by myself and threw it on to kill some time. About halfway thru I thought to myself that it was a good thing she wasn't watching it with me, cuz that movie definitely would've scarred her for life. LOVE that movie!! They made a part 2 too.. Direct to DVD.. I may have to check that out..... Recently I watched Underworld [unrated], Underworld Evolution And Clash of the Titans[2010] on Blu Ray??? Holy SHIT!! Talk about AWESOME picture!! I think I Love Blu Ray. Just sayin.....
  13. Oh GOOD stuff!! Reminds Me of when Sepultura was worth a damn!!! OH and Keith?? If you watch the beginning of the video I think that came out about 1992 or so??? I LIKE!!!!!
  14. Transformers - Good mindless fun.... The Burrowers... A fairly decent horror flick set in the old West.. Kind of slow moving, but I enjoyed it.... From Paris with Love - Great flick!!! OH and Keith?? I don't think Tobe Hooper is gonna top Texas Chainsaw Massacre..... That movie STILL gives Me the creeps I swear.. I LOVE it.....
  15. I was hoping to see X-Sinner's "Get It" or Messiah Prophet "Master of the Metal" Up for re-issue.. SO I voted for Die Happy.. Haven't heard that in DOG years, and it's pretty good stuff as I recall....
  16. Order from Amazon came the other day... Underworld Unrated [blu Ray] 2001 Maniacs The Burrowers Outlander Type O Negative - After Dark My Bloody Valentine[The Original 1981 version, Special Edition] Clash of the Titans [The 1981 versdion] Wrong Turn 2 Dead End [unrated]
  17. Excellent pics Man!!! And I must say I LOVE that new sig pic you are using too.. VERY nice indeed.....
  18. Adler's stopping at the same bookstore near me that Dave Mustaine is on July 28th. That happens to be my day off (Wednesday) so I'm considering stopping by. I've met Steven before but I'm sure he wouldn't remember it, hell he probably doesn't remember much of the 1990s at all. Yea WE did meet Steve Adler, didn't We??? He was Wasted though, so yea I DOUBT He remembers.. He DID sign My casette of Appettite For Destruction though.. Course I was an IDIOT and gave it to My girlfriend at the time....
  19. He's coming to Portland in September.. Hmmm.. I may try to go meet Him, and I am definitely buying that book!!!
  20. Bad ass video!!! Looking forward to buying this when it comes out!!
  21. I forgot to put this one up before.. Wednesday 13 "Skeletons" A Brilliant CD!! Supposed to be His most personal album to date and it sounds it.... Still doing the Horror/punk thing and doing it quite well I might add.. Almost NO filler on this one... I give it 4.5/5.....
  22. Yea yea ok maybe I DO use the question marks a lil too much.... Oh Keith?? you NEED to pick up Wednesday 13 "Skeletons"!! Excelent CD!!! ANyways Just listened to Hardcore Superstar "No Regrets" and "Bad Sneakers and a Pina Colada" Both are pretty good, but I think I like Bad Sneakers just THAT Much more.. It has more of a punk edge to it then No Regrets... Both are pretty good though.....
  23. Happy Birthday!! from one Cancer to another.....
  24. Ya know... Now that I think about it?? We DO have mouse traps in the house and I THINK I Had to toss out a couple dead mice on My birthday.... Does that count Geoff???
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