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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Wow that sucks.. I hope He pulls through as He is one HELL of a drummer.....
  2. Yes I did, and both look pretty damn GOOD!!!!!
  3. Tell Me this is not the coolest fucking guitar????? Here's the write-up from FEARnet..... Very cool!!! http://www.fearnet.com/news/b20980_gift_guide_ikon_customs_cthulhu_guitar.html
  4. Pretty good stuff!! I am digging this.. Good music and LOVE those lyrics!!!
  5. Those FUCKING Cowboys beat My fucking Giants!!!!!
  6. Watching V The Original Miniseries.. Yay the CLASSIC from the early 80s!!!
  7. Hmmm.. Well they are old enough.... And I liked Sally Field.. In Smokey and the Bandit about 30 years ago.. Has she aged well I wonder???
  8. Official Quote from Lars Ulrich: "Helstar? What's a Helstar?" Yea NO shit huh??
  9. Or they'll just download it. Then in February the record company will scratch their collective heads like "We only sold a dozen copies of the new Helstar? Wassup wit'dat?" Download it?? How DARE you suggest such an illegal activity!! I would NEVER do something like that..... Besaides I really don't want Lars Ulrich on My ass about it either.. Ya know???
  10. Yea I read that too Man.. Hmmm.. After the GOD awful Gods of War CD I don't know if I even WANT to hear anything more from these guys.. But a re-recording of Battle Hymns??? That has My interest peaked as I LOVE that album!!!!
  11. Hmmm.. This is on Netflix for instant viewing... I wonder, is it worth it Man???
  12. I saw this list and figured I would share.. I Wonder how many of these people here have seen?? I know I have seen 5 of them.... http://goshycab.com/2010/09/23/top-10-ridiculously-violent-movies/ And I wanna see a few others I haven't yet.....
  13. Grumpier Old Men.. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are, or Were magic together....
  14. Robocop 2.. Nothing more needs to be said really.. Just GOOD violent gory fun!!!
  15. I have only seen 3 of these movies.. Gee NO Howard the Duck either?? Awesome!!!! The three I DID see?? Disaster Movie.. Not TOO bad, kinda stupid, but.... Meet the Spartans... Pretty funny in parts, but it's stupid funny... And the Police Acedemy movie.... Kind of amazed I didn't see more on that list as I keep being told I have rotten taste in movies....
  16. I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day...... Geez, you buy every damn thing. You ever heard of Netflix? Seriously tho, it's probably not something I would buy... I mean, realistically, how many times would you watch something like this? Twice? Three times, tops? Either way, it's cool stuff for Nightmare geeks. I HAVE Netflix.. It's not there Damnit... Least not for instant viewing.. And I;d watch if more than once or twice.. Hell I have that box set of the first 8 Friday the 13th Movies along with a bonus disc of interviews and shit.. I watched that at least a dozen times or more.. SO yea I would watch the Nightmare thing a bunch of times too....
  17. Ah yes, the Infamous Extreme-ly rough night story.. And to think I Wanted to tag along with you guys too.. Glad I didn't now.... Well, the concert woulda been pretty killer, but all that bullshit leading up to it woulda killed the whole vibe of the night... Ya know?? I think I STILL have a copy of that Wagnerian back in NY at My parents house somewhere.. I saw it last time I was there.. Course that WAS 5, no 6 years ago now....
  18. OH yea, guess I was out too late the night before.. You know, burning churches.. Sacrificing small furry animals and other such Troo Metal stuff!!!
  19. Man it would be cool if You sent him a ticket stub and it got used huh?? Yea IF it sees the light of day I SO wanna read it!!!!
  20. Saw this on blabbermouth and I WANT this book!! Considering I saw a few of these bands there back in the day.... Legendary Heavy Metal Club L'AMOUR Subject Of New Book - Nov. 2, 2010 Arguably the most famous heavy metal venue in the world, the history of the New York venue L'Amour has now been documented in print form. "Rock Capital of Brooklyn", a large, hardcover coffee-table style tome jammed with over 1,000 full-color photographs, ticket stubs and memorabilia from the noted heavy metal nightclub, is set to be released in the coming months. L'Amour in its early '80s heyday presented such acts as METALLICA, WHITE LION, CINDERELLA, SKID ROW, POISON, FAITH NO MORE, THE BLACK CROWES, TWISTED SISTER, WARRANT, ANTHRAX, RATT, SLAYER, MEGADETH, STRYPER, QUEENSRŸCHE, KIX, IRON MAIDEN, GUNS N' ROSES, MOTÖRHEAD, MANOWAR, SOUNDGARDEN, EXTREME, DOKKEN, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, WINGER, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS and KING DIAMOND. As many of these acts were either unknown or up-and-coming at the time, the venue is considered the CBGB of heavy metal. L'Amour was the epicenter of the New York underground metal scene for most of its 25-year life. It was home to five of New York's most predominant bands: LIFE OF AGONY, BIOHAZARD, TYPE O NEGATIVE, OVERKILL, and WHITE LION. Featured in the book are performance photos of the bands that graced the L'Amour stage. The book is a collaborative effort. The story is written by legendary L'Amour DJ Alex Kayne who is recognized as New York City's first heavy metal DJ and is the venue's longest resident DJ. Alex Kayne presents his well-known "RockMachine" shows throughout the tri-state area. The book's music photography is attributed to legendary music photographer Frank White, who began photographing music in 1975. White was the house photographer at L'Amour in Brooklyn for many years. Just over a year after working as the venue's photographer in 1986, the Frank White Photo Agency was started. L'Amour staff, bands, and regulars have contributed some of their memories of life at the club to the book as well. "Rock Capital of Brooklyn" tells the story in images and words of the famous venue and its important contributions to the heavy metal music scene. If you are a hard rock, hardcore, heavy metal fan, or just a music history buff then this book is a must-read! For more information, visit the "Rock Capital of Brooklyn" Facebook page. You gonna buy it too Keith?????
  21. I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day......
  22. Yewa and that's Me on the left.. No really it is..... Nice job Man!!!!!
  23. Saw VI.... Just to refresh My memory before going to see the final Saw this week sometime...
  24. I'm not sure I really wanna know. Now that you mention it?? I don;t think really wanna know either.....
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