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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. As far as I know Lucretia is only in the prequel and there's been no talk that I've seen of any characters being in the second season besides Spartacus. I beg to differ Man.. From the article you posted.... "Producers did note that despite a dagger in the belly, Lawless' character will be back in Season 2, but don't expect the same for Hannah unless Batiatus has a twin." I am just wondering how she survived the dagger to her belly??
  2. Smokey and the Bandit.. It just NEVER gets old!!! One of My favorites to be sure....
  3. Yea I Saw this too and I can't WAIT!! Although I AM Curious.. How did Lucrecia survive the dagger through her belly?? Cause she WILL be in Season 2.... Next friday is the Prequel?? Awesome!! I set up My DVR!!!
  4. Machete... Pretty damn good flick!! Shit blowing up, lots of blood and shit.. OH did I mention Lindsay Lohan is like butt nekkid??? Nice rack she has.....
  5. "I'll do anything.. to make you cum..." Type O Negative "Be My Druidess"
  6. Ok that's pretty fuckin cool!!! Oh and GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!
  7. New Hinder sounds pretty dasmn GOOD to Me!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx5PcB1t-s8
  8. Saw that flick in the Theaters actually... Pretty decent horror flick,.,, ALl I could think of was.. Killer pot plants!!!! Seriously, tell Me those plants DON'T look like marijuanna plants????? I guess that old saying is correct.. Pot kills!!!!
  9. Hey I care!! Can't WAIT for tbhe new album!!!
  10. Well geez, there's a mental picture we didn't need. I second that.. That's just.. Wrong....
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOddp-nlNvQ Man I am looking forward to this!!!
  12. While I DO enjoy playing RPGs?? [Role Playing Games] I simply REFUSE to play WoW... Why should I PAY to play a game online, when I already pay to BE online... Plus My wife would staple My balls to My forehead if I ever got into it....
  13. Wow I am in the minority here, but I AM Seeing this!!!
  14. OH thank God!! They will STILL put out another kick ASS Album then!! Awesome!!!
  15. I agree.. ANyone THAT stupid deserves to be beaten repeatedly about the face and head with a large heavy object, you know, like a sledge hammer or something??? Of course there WILL be fans that WILL buy that.. you know the true DIE HARD Manowar fans....
  16. I voted for Overkill. Cause well They kicked ASS for 25 years and counting!!!! Other good choices would be.. Kreator Destruction Exciter Dark Angel Death Angel Sepultura [Least the albums with Max]
  17. I HOPE they put out one last KILLER album!! And they BETTER come to Oregon so I can see them live one last time!!!
  18. Just went and saw Tangled.. Pretty good movie actually, I enjoyed it....
  19. Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.... Just excellent....
  20. This has the potential to be awesome!! But yea, call it something different.. And maybe this IS Wendy's way of not having Ozzy return to Sabbath?? Which isn't a bad thing, honestly....
  21. Well this can't be good..... http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/amplifier/25934/u2s-spider-man-musical-spins-tangled-web-of-disaster-at-first-preview?nc Apparently it's having a few problems.....
  22. Always knew Axl was a major douche bag, but this just proves it even more.... http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/amplifier/21058/axl-roses-hatred-of-slash-results-in-20-million-guitar-hero-lawsuit/ Man He sure hates Slash....
  23. Wow that sucks Man.. I am so sorry for your loss.....
  24. V - The Final Battle... Good old 80s sci fi....
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