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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Sandra Bullock was so friggin' cute in that movie though. Plus, it had Denis Leary in it! Oh I agree completely Man!! I do Love that movie!! Just sayin.. If that's the future to look forward to?? Just shoot Me now... Also.. HOW the F*CK do you use the 3 sea shells?? they never do explain that.. Bastards....
  2. Demolition Man.. Pretty good action flick.. But if the future is ANYTHING like that?? Just kill Me now.....
  3. Nope, you're not the only one. You must've missed my comment on this one a page or two ago: I believe Terry also professed admiration for "H-III" too. We are few but we're out there. Hey now I kinda like Halloween III too.. Wait I like Everything.. Nevermind.....
  4. "We're police officers.. We're not trained to handle this kind of violence..." Demolition Man "Good?? Bad?? I'm the Guy with the Gun.." Ash from Army of Darkness....
  5. Wednesday 13 "I Walked With a Zombie" Hell 95% of His music could be used for Halloween.....
  6. Legion... Pretty good.. A lil preachy but a decent action/thriller....
  7. Ok that's just plain funny.. Even more cause it's True!!!
  8. THANK YOU!!!! Yea WHY try to change Superman anyways?? Geesh, Leave the classics ALONE!!!
  9. I saw this on Yahoo today.. Not sure how I feel about this, honestly.... http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/crush/superman-gets-a-hipster-makeover/488 I don't know if Superman is supposed to be a brooding emo type guy.....
  10. Always did like the Bloodletting CD.. Good band, I like em....
  11. Predators.. Pretty damn good!!! I liked how they incorporated information from the first Predator movie too... Like, the music played during the end credits?? Is the SAME music the character in the first movie, played by Jesse Ventura, was playing on His radio when they were flying into the jungle.... It leaves it open for more movies too.... So yea I enjoyed it... Blood and guts and shit being blown up!!
  12. Ok, Warriors Way looks BADASS!!!! That's a must see for Me..... Skyline looks pretty damn cool too actually.... Due Date looks funny as HELL.. May wait for the DVD though.... True Grit?? Well I never did see the Original, but I must say it's a gamble re-making a classic John Wayne movie, but it doesn't look bad....
  13. Oh I LOVE that movie!! Steer CLEAR of part 3 though.....
  14. Home Alone 2 Lost in New York... I LIKE those movies damnit!!! Maybe I enjoy watching two Men endure severe bodily harm a lil too much???
  15. Ok I got a story too... My Dad had a closet, He kept locked, with His collection of Playboys and Penthouse mags?? Now, Me, being the horny lil kid I was back then, liberated the key one day before My parents left for a night and got into the closet to enjoy the stacks of His porn?? I decided to be nice though and I organized them for Him in chronological order, by year AND month?? Looked really nice when I was done too.. SO I locked it up, returned the key and went to bed... Next day My dad wants to talk to Me?? I thought I was a dead man for getting into His closet?? He says He knew I did cause the mags were all organized, and He chuckled and THANKED Me for doing it!!!!!! Ah Memories.. And I always preferred Penthouse to Playboy.. Gotta be cause of the infamous Penthouse Forum.. Great reading there....
  16. Ok Best?? Gotta be part VI.. Just LOVED that one.. Maybe cause that blonde was SMOKIN Hot..... Worst?? Hmmm.. Probably part VIII.... Not that I HATED it, but it spent WAY too much time on that damn boat, and not enough time in NYC... Though alot of it was filmed in Vancouver BC and not in NYC......
  17. HELL YEA!!!! New tunes sound BADASS!! Can't wait to picck this up!!!
  18. Like Keith I haven't really liked anything by Danzig after How the Gods Kill... But this doesn't sound half bad.. I May be checking it out.....
  19. Killer tune and an awesome video!!!! LOVE Dr Stein headbanging towards the end!!!
  20. I have this on DVD but have yet to watch it, but I Plan to soon as it looks like good gory fun!!! Didn't they make a sequel too???
  21. OH Yea I Had the same big stupid fanboy grin on My face the entire time too Man.... I mean, ever since I saw Jason Goes to Hell I was looking forward to a movie with Jason AND Freddy!! GAWD, I hated "Jason Goes To Hell" -- but I gotta say, that last shot w/Freddy's glove coming out of the dirt to grab Jason's mask almost made sitting thru the rest of that pile of crap worth it... note I said "almost" Yea yea.. Hey it was better than Jason X at least, right??
  22. Should give Billy the Exterminator a call and He take care of em right quick.... Yes I DO Like that show....
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