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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. KIX for Me.. Though the first few Keel records are DAMN good.. And, like Keith, I Never really got into Helix.. Sure their singles are pretty cool, but I Never saw a reason to go out and buy their entire catalog or anything....
  2. So the Red Box FINALLY Had it in stock eh?? Man I LOVE this movie!! Good violent bloody stupid fun!!!! Usually it's the Hillbillies that are the stupid ones, but not in this case!!!
  3. No I don't think I have a strong enough stomach for this.. Sorry.....
  4. I went with Low.. Though Practice what You Preach and New Order are both tied for second!!
  5. I Swear People will buy ANYTHING.. Geeze.. 8 thousand bucks for a chicken nugget?????
  6. Awesome pics!! Glad to see this thread brought back to life!!!!
  7. I Have the Snapper re-issues of S/T. Last Command, Inside the Electric Circus, Headless Children AND Live... In the Raw.. ALL are excellent!!! I also have the 2 CD version of Crimson Idol.. With live tracks, accoustic tracks and stuff.....
  8. Beena WASP fan since about 1985 or so.. Have Everything except Dominator and Babylon, but will get those one of these days... And yes I Like KFD too as well as Still Not Black Enough, where they do a SMOKING cover of Jefferson Airplane's Somebody to Love.. That is just an Awesome cover!!!
  9. Dark Star


    OH yea gotta get this!!!
  10. Tower Heist... Pretty good movie with Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller, among others.. Quite enjoyable actually.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4KXF7NWFRE
  11. Very cool Man!! Maybe you will get a bit part or something?? and Maybe it will make the movie.. Unlike Our Ghostbusters 2 incident way back when.....
  12. Damn... That is sad news indeed.... RIP Tonmi.....
  13. Oh HELL yea!! Can't WAIT for this one!! LOVED Blood of Nations!!!
  14. A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas... Freaking Hilarious!! If you saw the first two..., Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, then you know what You are gonna see in the third one.. More of the same, but it's still pretty damn funny....
  15. Just picked this up today.. And I gotta say.. I LIKE it!!! I agree the single Tattoo is probably the low point of the album but even that's not a BAD tune really... Stay Frosty is another Ice Cream Man I think..... SO far I haven't hit fast forward on ANY of the songs.. they are ALL pretty damn good!! I admit I was worried after hearing Tattoo, but I am glad I picked it up, it is Excellent!!!!
  16. Hey they got BEER!! That makes it ALL worth it!!!
  17. Gee I wonder how many got sold in that guys store???? I mean can you imagine, some poor dude picks it up, takes it to the counter to pay for it, the cashier LOOKS at Him like as if to say..."Are you F*CKING insane????"
  18. Never been a real Fan, but I know Others on the board are.. Saw this on blabbermouth.... http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=168906 After 7 years together They are calling it a day.. Shame.....
  19. Probably My Favorite Van Damme movie!!!!!
  20. Yea the first episode is also available On Demand from Comcast/Xfinity.. Watched it the other night and it is GOOD!! Some suprizes, like Someone I thought was dead.. Wasn't... The new Spartacus DOES look like Andy, but it's gonna take Me a few episodes to get used to him I think..I DO like him, but, it's new and will take some getting used to.....
  21. Awesome thread!! I have some gifs stored.. Most of em are porn, but not all of em,. so Here goes....
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