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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Found this on Metal Rules website..... http://www.metal-rules.com/metalnews/2012/01/23/overkill-releases-new-album-details/ Really looking forward to this!!!!!
  2. HELL YEA!!!!! I WILL be buying this!! KILLER cover art too.. As always.....
  3. Queensryche.. Hands down.. Last REALLY good album was Promised Land and that was what.. 1994????
  4. Tucker & Dale vs Evil... In a word?? AWESOME!!!! Couple good old boys (Tucker & Dale) Head out to their vacation home, that looks like a cross between the cabin in Evil Dead, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre house, and get mistaken for cannibalistic psychotic hillbilly serial killers by a bunch of brain dead college kids!! They save a girl who falls off a cliff into the water and gets knocked out, and the others assume she was kidnapped, so they try to rescue her, and somehow wind up dying in most gruesome ways.... I don't think I Need to say anything else.... Keith?? You will LOVE this movie!!!!
  5. I must admit, after listening to it a few more times.. It's starting to grow on Me.. Not a BAD tune really, just was expecting more from VH, but it's not terrible either....
  6. Put in an order with Amazon today.. Will arrive Thursday.... Warbringer "Worlds Torn Asunder" Saxon "Call to Arms" Raven "Nothing Exceeds like Excess" [FINALLY!!!]] Wednesday 13 "Calling all Corpses" Edguy "Age of the Joker" White Wizzard "Flying Tigers" White Wizzard "Over the Top" Motorhead "Ace of Spades" Motorhead "The World is Yours" Gamma Ray "To the Metal" Evile "Five Serpents Teeth* Hardcore Superstar "Split Your Lip" Vicious Rumors "Razorback Killers" Can't WAIT till they get here!!!!
  7. Eh.. Like Keith I am underwhelmed to be honest.. It's not Bad exactly, I just expeted something with more.. Punch to it to preview the new album..... Now for those that don't now?? the Other "New" Tune.. She's A Woman or something?? Is not new at all.. It was first recorded before VH released their debut album back in 1978 was just never released.. They re-recorded it for the new album and honestly I like it better than Tattoo... And I agree, Someone PLEASE tell DLR to STOP tht stupid gay dancing already,.....
  8. Oh Dear LORD.... With that swinging 60s music and everything!! It looks Horrible.. Which means of course I MUST see it at least once..... I WILL be watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation soon I think.....
  9. Ok I am now officially stoked for this movie!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GokKUqLcvD8 Bane looks SO BADASS!!!!!
  10. Oh I LOVE this movie!!!! The "Scotty Doesn't Know" Song is freaking brilliant!!!
  11. Yeah, ya bastid. You know the only reason I didn't beat you within an inch of your life and TAKE that CD on that fateful day was cuz I didn't own a CD player yet. Oh I know Bro.... Kinda like how upset I was when you got the LAST copy of Overkill's "Years of Decay" Cassette.. OR buying Metallica's "And Justice For All BEFORE I did.. So I think We are even...
  12. I remember buying X-Sinner's "Peace Treaty" CD in NYC with Keith.. Man He gave Me a LOOK too... I would LOVE to find "Get it" on CD one of these days.....
  13. Kicking tune!! I WILL be buying the new album!!!
  14. DAMN!!! Wish I had a spare 2 million laying around to blow on a comic book.. Actually I wish I had found that comic in a storage shed..Lucky bastards anyways.....
  15. Conan the Barbarian.. The remake.. Actually pretty good.. Not GREAT, but not that bad.. Ron Perlman as Conan's Father was a bit of a letdown though.... Back to the Future part II... Caught this on HBO the other night and just HAD to watch it.. Call it a guilty pleasure.... Hey Keith, remember watching this in the theaters back in like 1990 or something?? Drunk as fuck??
  16. Saw this on a blog recently.. Guess I should do it legal and stuff though.....
  17. Well Rob Halford.. the Metal God seems to like him...... http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=166437 OH and also Priest is making another album!!!
  18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.. Great ending to the series I Must say....
  19. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.. Great ending to the series I Must say....
  20. I gotta admit I AM pretty excited about this.. Hope it doesn't suck....
  21. You think that's bad?? should read the review AND comments over at blabbermouth.net.... :rofl2: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/showreview.aspx?reviewID=2345
  22. Well this sucks... Cory Smoot aka Flattus Maximus has died...... http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/03/gwar-guitar-player-found-dead-cory-smoot-dies-metal-band-tour/ Always kinda liked GWAR.......
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