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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. I really want this CD sooo bad. Just thought I'd share that in case anyone wants to give it to me. But seriously, if you see this one for sale somewhere, please please please give me a shout. I looked for it while doing some CD hunting in Melbourne recently but I was dreaming to think I'd actually find it.
  2. That 'Dinosaurs' ; "Not the mamma" show? This one:
  3. Hahaha, now that's the strangest video clip I think I've ever seen. Cool song, even though I can't understand a single word. Anyone able to fill us in on who the band is. The keyboardist and the bass player look like characters from that 90's TV show. You know the one.
  4. Cool news. To be honest I don't really care who's in the band...it'll just be great to see another Aussie band out there playing quality melodic rock.
  5. "There will be 'Blue skies' when 19 out of 20 people realize that stealing music is hurting the musical community and how do fans expect us to make good new music when they don't want to pay us for it? We need your help Andrew as nobody seems to realize that so many musicians are now quitting the business not that 95% o...f music is stolen. Many are now homeless and nobody is doing a damn thing about what is a very UNFAIR situation. You can already download this new song of mine for free on Illegal sites and do these people ever consider the well being of the musicians who make this music and have families to feed and mortgages to pay every month? How would they like to work all week then have me steal their product?" I know exactly how you feel - having something stolen from you. What's worse is when the person who stole from you is someone you supported.
  6. Pretty respectable rankings there. I've made no secret of the fact that 'Making sounds' is my fave on the album and possibly my favourite song of the year, but any of those first few songs are excellent. Biggest surprise, I guess, is to see 'All of you tonight' so far down your list. That's one of my absolute faves on the disc - such a brilliant track. Yeah a pretty good track and usually I rate the ballad type songs much higher but for me that song was missing something. Great lyrics though.
  7. "Andrew, can you post something on your site about 101 South to clarify what is happening - lots of good stuff going on and I am to meet with the President of the AFM Musicians Union (100,000 members) who are going to help us with our campaign to start reducing the now 90% of music being stolen online. Thanks RSC and we... hope you agree that FREE MUSIC is really STOLEN MUSIC!!" Lots of good stuff going on eh? Yeah like what? Hope you agree that FREE MONEY is really STOLEN MONEY!! Still no refund.
  8. Colours and one of the other albums have been released on that dodgy Time Warp label so watch out for that..
  9. Cant disagree with the first 5 songs being the best, but i absolutely love these 2 as well, esp Sand Riders Doomsday! Patriach is total shite tho. Yeah Desert and Sand Riders are still very good songs and both are geting more enjoyable as I play them more.
  10. Must agree, Chris is an awesome trader. Extremely reliable and friendly. Don't ever hesitate to trade with or buy from him.
  11. Finally checkout out 'Break Through The Silence' to see what all the hype is about...and I could tell it would be a strong album after the first two songs. Awesome stuff and seriously, more people on this forum need to check it out. I'm probably not as in love with it as Geoff and Glen are but the first half if definately very very strong. The middle and end of the album (excluding the awesome 'On The Wire') is weaker in comparison to the first half and then the album finishes with 'Convoy Of Angels' which is also one of my favourites. An interesting album cover too. 'All Of You Tonight' and 'Mirage' are great songs with beautiful lyrics but maybe a bit too laid back. My favourite tracks in order: Break Through the Silence Hope Making Sounds On The Wire One In A Million Convoy Of Angels The Stand All Of You Tonight Mirage Desert Sand Riders Doomsday Kaleidoscope The Patriarch
  12. Agreed. But what did this fan think would happen? Geting up on stage mid song and interupting a death metal singer called Mortus mid song. Was he expecting a pat on the back or something? Pretty stupid thing to do IMO. But certainly the assault that followed was a bit un-necessary.
  13. This has been an angry few days on these forums. But yeah Geoff - what a jerk BTW, is your trade list up to date? I may an offer for you...
  14. I always wait about 2 weeks for domestic and 3 weeks for international packages to arrive before I send a polite message to check on the progress of my order. You can't expect everything to happen within the first week, and you can't expect people to answer their PM's/E-Mails every day - that's just an unrealistic expectation. Everyone works and leads a busy life so just be patient and polite. You can get rude and nasty later on when a decent length of time has passed without anything happening but not after one or two weeks. Got to be realistic. While I don't know the full details of the situation being discussed it does seem to me that Staryder may have started a thread about DrumRman very prematurely. The following post to me displays some real impatience and comes across as quite rude. You should really relax your use of capital letters as well Staryder, it makes everything you say come across as aggressive.: "Hey just a follow-up is drumRman dead or on vacation or sick hasnt been on the board since last monday and nobody here seems to know anything and YES I an getting iMPATIANT HAVING PAID for the cds almost 2 weeks ago told almost aweek ago they would be going in the mail and I'll be getting a tracking number what would you think? I'M GIVING THE DRUMRMAN THE BENIFIT OF THE DOUBT and know he said he was sick and wait some more time so if you truly are sick I tell you this GET WELL SOON I WANT MY FRIGIN CDS !! " Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with me but I had to let my thoughts be known.
  15. Sorry mate, but being German I don't like your picture at all ! It's kind of tasteless and it hasn't got anything to do with "our" music. I wouldn't mind if you asked for it to be taken off. Thanks... Haha love it. I must say frogstomp makes a good point there about the avatar - whilst I don't find it at all offensive I can see that others might. I too find the hitler picture funny. 'Tis only a joke.
  16. Eventually I got a reply from Roger on Saturday (strangely after I had emailed Andrew at Melrock, Chris at Rockreport and George at Glorydaze) and I got the lecture aswell Justin (along with previous emails that had every excuse under the sun - Wife leaving him, being made homeless, Ill father, secretary ripping him off). Whatever the downloading debate has actually got to do with why he hasn't sent the cd's out to anyone I am still trying to work out. I too very rarely download (except the new Kiss and Skynyrd albums and I had already pre-ordered them anyways) and pay for all my music aswell, so I don't need a fucking lecture either to be honsest. I think I know the answer as to why he hasn't posted any cd's out to people - HE HASN'T FUCKING GOT ANY CD'S TO SEND OUT. He even said to me in his latest email that he would send me a copy of the new album (Very nice of you Roger, don't do me any fucking favours will you) and a full refund, but he only had 3 copies, so you work it out. What about everyone else that has ordered it. I certainly won't be supporting him in future either, as he obviously doesn't give a shit about the people that are supporting him and his music and is only bothered about the illegal downloading angle (which I can understand to a point) but not at the expense of the people that he has got on his side. If we hadn't kicked up a fuss, he would have done nothing about this and just pocketed the $'s to make for what he is losing. Anyways, i'll keep you posted on the refund issue, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it won't arrive in a hurry if at all. f man that stinks....great post tho. Sounds like a twat........f secretary ripping him off LOL! Magic. I got "taking over the family house in Ireland" as the latest reason. Just wish he would get some communication skills and let his fans know what the delay is. 7 months!!! He continues to spend time posting on Facebook but has not issued me a refund. I was a huge fan of his music, supported the band since the beginning and now I'm delivered a big fuck you. It's very sad but I don't think I'm going to be able to enjoy 101 Souths music as much anymore due to this experience. To be honest I don't think I'll even seek to buy his new album from another vendor either. Roger also states "please be aware that I will make NO MONEY on this new release but rather lose about $10,000 of my own money" - NO SHIT!!! How do expect to make money off something you don't have, and when you treat your fans like dirt!!!
  17. Has anyone got the Rebel Blue CD from them? I paid for it 7 months ago on their website and it still hasn't arrived. They said there was trouble with the pressing of the CD. I've now requested a refund. Great Southern Rock band though, I'm just pissed off that the management can't take the time to send me a message and let me know what the hold up is. Very poor business IMO.
  18. I sent Roger another message asking why I haven't got my CD's yet (after paying for them 4 months ago) and requesting a refund if they are not ready to be sent now. In response to this I got a lecture about downloading music Roger, mate, I just paid USD $45 for your fuckin CD's... I'm really sorry to hear that he has had some health issues going on in the family but I know for a fact that Roger posts messages on Facebook all the time, daily in fact, yet does not have the time to send a message to his fans/customers about why they haven't got their CD's yet. What's more is I don't need to have lecture from him about downloading...Like most people on this forum, I'm one of the people that still buys new music and tries to support artists where possible. Well I'm told I will receive a refund this week but I can say right now, this is the last time I'll be buying direct from Roger. So Jez and others on this website let me know how you go with your CD's/refund and I'll keep you posted as well. I had a similar situation recently, which reamins unresolved as well, with another band called 'New Soul Cowboys' who have ripped me off after I purchased from their website.
  19. A few things at Dixons in Melbourne: Wild Street - Guilty (1995 CD Single) Aussie Hard Rock band with some Digeridoo on the title track, B-Side 'Maybe I've Changed' Passion Play - Time Stands Still Ian Moore - S/T (1994) Does anyone know this one...? The Ship - Tea (1975, 1998 re-issue) Marc Storace lead vocals Crystal Blue - Detour (2003) Waltari - Blood Sample (2005) My Sister's Machine - Diva (1992) Wicked Angel - Heads Will Roll (1998) Concrete Blonde - Recollection - The Best Of (1996) Tinted Windows - S/T (2009)
  20. Nah wasn't me. I purchased my copy in a 2nd hand CD store about 10 yrs ago now. I'll have to give his other albums a proper listen, seems most people prefer them over the S/T disc.
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