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Everything posted by JC_AOR

  1. I wasn't ever a big fan of their later albums, in fact I only really got into the first two. But still i'd be interested to hear a new one from them.
  2. Yeah the samples all sound really good. Can't wait for this one.
  3. Here in Queensland, Australia, especially in the outback towns, a lot of experienced beer drinkers buy their beer in pots (285mL) so it stays ice cold. This means you have to order a lot more often but there is nothing worse than a half warm pint or schooner of beer.
  4. Yeah I like this album too, but its quite a long album and the best songs are at the end. I though they were from the UK. And a lot of references list this as being a 1996 CD - it certainly sounds much older than that.
  5. Well it finally arrived...a signed copy of No U-Turn. It only took 6 months. Apparently Scott Cupp sings backing vocals on the disc. No sign of the 2 re-issued discs though. I'll just have to continue hassling them about that.
  6. Yeah nothing yet for me either. I must ask though - I wonder if Scott Cupp actually exists or if he was made up by Roger? I mean who is he? Does anyone know of him?
  7. I'd never heard of these guys before, just stumbled across their MySpace site while looking for something else. Anyway, they're from Australia (not sure what city) and play some pretty cool and catchy rock music. Sound a lot like Motor Ace and a bit like After the Fall. Well worth checking out the songs on their MySpace page - all are good songs. 'With Me' and 'Forever' are probably my favs but 'So Far' and 'Miracle' are also really good. Can anyone tell me - is this band still active and did they release anything? And what city are they from? Tall Order's website
  8. So are these Fifteen Strings songs on the MySpace site new songs or are they an old band re-releasing stuff? Definitely have the sound and look of a band from the late 80's. Cool songs either way.
  9. Thanks to Geoff for helping me out with this one. It's pretty laid back AOR, definitely on the softer side of the genre but still has some very nice songs on here.
  10. I haven't received anything yet. I have been asking them about the other two remastered CD's but they keep ignoring that question. Hopefully I will receive the 'No U Turn' CD soon but I'm not sure about the two remastered CD's I paid for - that might be another saga of its own. Whatever the outcome, this has been the single worst transaction I've ever been involved with and I will never forgive RSC for his comments toward his fans stating that they 'don't matter'. What a fu**in' jerk and I promise I will never support that wanker again. To speak like that of your closest, most supportive fans is unheard of and totally appalling. If he thinks anyone is going to support his illegal downloading campaign after this - he is kidding himself. What a dic* hea*. Okay so what about the special bonus they were going to give to us for all the trouble...to say sorry for the huge fuc* u*? Come on Roger - you fucked up, you spoke ill of your closest fans - now how about an apology or is that too much too ask?
  11. Yeah Solid Rock is their most well known song, they play in on triple m a few times every day. I'm a bit sick of it though.
  12. John Waite Steve Perry Taxxi Journey Giant Goo Goo Dolls Burning Rain Ratt 7th Heaven Nelson Survivor Stan Bush White Widdow
  13. Just keep e-mailing him Jez. I'm just going to hassle these guys til I get what I paid for.
  14. Absolutely love this song, a true classic of Australian rock: Goanna - Razor's Edge Any other fans?
  15. Just keep E-mailing these guys til they give in and give us what we paid for.
  16. Yeah there's some cool songs on this CD. You don't hear a lot about this album but if you look you can usually find a copy. Often has a high "buy it now" price on E-Bay but from time to time it pops up for much cheaper. I recently got one for 99cents
  17. I actually like the cover art. Looking forward to this one too.
  18. Latest report is that Roger has just returned from Vegas where he met with Greg to sign the CD's so they will be posted out at "the beginning of the week" - this week/next week - I'm not sure. According to the E-Mail, Roger is a very busy person and therefore doesn't have time to keep his fans informed about what's going on. Well that's ok then.
  19. Does your Paypal draw from a credit card or your bank account? If it draws from a credit card just call them and they should be able to refund your money after investigating it. I have my Paypal draw from a credit card and they are always trying to get me to swith it to my bank account because they know the credit card companies can get your money back while the banks usually won't. If I had my paypal through my bank account, I would have never been refunded for the Hurricane cd fiasco. Nah mines setup to take from a bank account.
  20. I paid using PayPal, unfortunately you can only make a claim in the first so many days (?48 days i think it is). Yeah I don't know what happened about this Scott Cup dude, I never did work out who he was or why he got involved. But he never did sort anything out. Roger had better fix this whole mess very soon or another shit storm is about to erupt I assure you. What little respect/credibility he has left will be lost. He's total scum, a thief and an embarassment to the whole music community.
  21. Yeah cool song. Dennis could have these guys for this...not crediting him. So is this a pretty rare CD Dan? Anyone else seen it before?
  22. Yeah I'm going to wait another week or so and hope the CD's arrive. But I can tell you that I don't intend to give up without fighting.
  23. Yeah I got an E-Mail from him - whoever he is??? He basically said CD's would arrive in 1-2 weeks or you can get a refund. I elected to wait for the CD's (what's another week or two on top of 5 months) but if they don't arrive in the next week or so I'll be pretty angry!!! More so than I am now! Has anyone got a refund that you know of?
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