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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. He's claiming it's me. It's something that took place many years ago....and, I sold him the original that was given to me by Steve DeLong himself. Besides....that's only part of the story about our dear Andy.....he fails to mention how he didn't pay the $2,000 he owed me for a batch of cds..and...it took over 6 months to pay for half.....AND.....he tells me in his emails to me that his 'girlfriend' turns tricks....yes...prostitutes herself to make money for him to pay off his debts. Yes.......Andy is a standup guy alright....fuckin' jackoff........ Also....Andy....I live in Houston. When you're in Oklahoma, feel free to come on down to Houston and pay me a visit. I'd love to see if you'd call me a 'twat' to my face. My money is on NOT......... You see Andy.........everyone on this board knows that I'll tell it like it is.....and....everyone on this board knows that you're a flakey dickweed that has more than just 'one' problem, so I don't really care what you have to say about me....but be prepared for a response. And remember....the fucking invitation is open down in Houston, buckwheat........... sam, I mentioned this on this board years ago, jlprocks sold me trust - call out the boyz cdr for $65 claiming its a silver pressed cd. As for the $2000, jlprocks asked me to paypal tim dever because he didn't own a credit card back then. I paid Tim every cent. It is true I took months to pay, if I could have paid sooner I would have. But I got the cds after I paid. Money has not grown on trees for me. jlprocks I may be a buckwheat but I very much doubt anything would come out of me calling you a twat to your face after I have said it. Why can't you come to Oklahoma seeing as I'm travelling much distance coming to u.s.a? jlprocks, its unfair you are airing I have personal problems & what I get my girlfriends to do for me to fund my cd habbit, thats really below the belt, lying twat! You almost got some of the facts right. I never EVER claimed that disc was silver pressed......and why would I considering it was one of over 100 that you were buying. I never went through the list I sent you, which included HUNDREDS of discs, and mentioned anything of the sort. The actual original asking price for the disc was $50..... First off..........I had you pay Tim because I didn't have a Paypal account at the time that ACCEPTED credit card payments. 2nd....you never...and I mean....NEVER paid the $2,000......you paid half.....and, it took you over 6 months to pay it..... If you haven't forgotten....Tim is a member here....and I'm sure he'll gladly back me up on what you actually paid.....it was close to $1000...and after fees was in the 900 range..... "Money has not grown on trees for me" Well..........maybe you should think of that next time you try to buy something from someone..... As far as being fair...........ha..........life isn't fair Andy. Maybe next time you'll think twice about spoutin' off that kind of stuff as excuses....... The invitation still stands......... Also...this will be my last retort to your silliness as I simply have better things to do with my life then argue over something that happened 4 years ago with someone who I have no dealings with whatsover nowadays. I just wanted to set the record straight.........once again.....
  2. He's claiming it's me. It's something that took place many years ago....and, I sold him the original that was given to me by Steve DeLong himself. Besides....that's only part of the story about our dear Andy.....he fails to mention how he didn't pay the $2,000 he owed me for a batch of cds..and...it took over 6 months to pay for half.....AND.....he tells me in his emails to me that his 'girlfriend' turns tricks....yes...prostitutes herself to make money for him to pay off his debts. Yes.......Andy is a standup guy alright....fuckin' jackoff........ Also....Andy....I live in Houston. When you're in Oklahoma, feel free to come on down to Houston and pay me a visit. I'd love to see if you'd call me a 'twat' to my face. My money is on NOT......... You see Andy.........everyone on this board knows that I'll tell it like it is.....and....everyone on this board knows that you're a flakey dickweed that has more than just 'one' problem, so I don't really care what you have to say about me....but be prepared for a response. And remember....the fucking invitation is open down in Houston, buckwheat...........
  3. This is a great question/request that is being purposely avoided... Hey martinsane, how about you post your info here on heavyharmonies and let everyone do what they want with it... I'm only here to warn everyone so they don't fall into the same trap I did. If anyone here has been taken advantage of by this individual, please e-mail me and I will give out their info (though if you got ripped off, I'd imagine that you already have it) So martinsane, I'm not sure what you're trying to stir up here. Things have already escalated higher than anyone in their right mind would want it to. So if you have any personal issues on this matter, you can personal message me and we don't have to make it a public matter. I'm not trying to stir anything up...and *I* asked the question. The thing that *I* find weird is that here is a scam artist....who has scammed YOU...and a few others that we know of...yet you will not post THEIR info on the board??!!! That makes no freaking sense........if this person were someone we CARED about...or that we felt didn't need the negative publicity, then I would understand. So what is the 'loss' at telling us who the person is at the other end of the scam....the perpetrator....where they're from.....etc. And I'm fairly adept in the English language...but what on Earth does this mean?? "Things have already escalated higher than anyone in their right mind would want it to." You mean things have escalated...??....higher??!! What does THAT mean?? How high would someone in their 'right mind' have wanted this to escalate? Have you been threatened or something?...because it sure as hell doesn't make any sense to me why you wouldn't give us the name. And why would you care how 'high' it escalated?? This person scammed you.....right?? You say you're here to warn everybody about this scammer...yet fail to provide the information they would need to help them if the person changes ID's....etc..... You also say for people to email or pm you privately about the scammer and you'd provide the info....yet, I did before this topic was even posted on the board, but I haven't received one bit of info concerning the scam....not even ONE reply..... You make absolutely no sense......and your inability....or lack of desire to provide information makes me apathetic to your loss..........
  4. I had to laugh when I read this part about Richard Marx.....'he has some rockin' moments...'...!! My answers are......Bryan Adams....no....Richard Marx....not now....not EVER.....
  5. Are you not going to post the name of the individual who sent you the Sgt. Roxx CDR??!! How about the return address??
  6. What's the name they used....the address, etc. Print that info out!!!
  7. Another one of the Y-town boys!! He has great taste in music...and women!! *babeage thread!!* ..and an all around cool dude!! Keep rockin'!!

  8. Holy..........shit..............!!! THAT was one helluva great update!!!
  9. Great show.....but what the hell was that Asian dude even doing on the show?? I'm glad he's gone.......he probably took someone's place who actually deserved to be there. He was pathetic........ The guys' team is laughable......not sure any of them could handle a restaurant. And the girls team isn't much better. To be honest, this has to be the weakest group of 'candidates' of any of the seasons....... My pick??..........probably the redhead........she has nice ta-ta's.....
  10. I REALLY like the single they've released...Make a Memory....for some reason that song really hits me!!! I haven't heard the rest of the album yet.....but it wouldn't surprise me if it's not 'rockin'......they forgot that a long time ago....
  11. Bar 7 ~ "Lady Bug"...........I just love this song.........
  12. Truly one of my great music 'buddies' that I have the pleasure of knowing outside of these boards. A great guy, friend and ally!!

    Keep rockin'!!

  13. Insightful....comedic...and has great taste in music! Definitely one of the good guys!!

    Keep the rock alive!!

  14. Love the fact that he's someone that has the same love of the music as I.....and that he's an all around great guy that never backs down from helping a guy out!! Keep rockin' mofo!!

  15. Mr. P!! What a great and wonderful person that has the passion for the music...and the hot chicks of Portugal!!! I need me some new links Mr. P!!!

  16. Ahh...a fellow KISS fan with the passion that burns for all things rock and metal! A great addition to the Heavy Harmonies family and an all around funny guy!....Strange name though....Keef..... ;)

  17. A fellow Y-Town guy that tells it like it is! Have a brewski on me!

  18. Marla is a 'one of a kind' type woman. She has been my close friend and ally for over 4 years...and we share a love of music, whether it's hard rock...or New Wave/Synthpop and the Ohio State Buckeyes!! It doesn't get much better than that!!!

  19. A GREAT guy...and a wonderful friend! My partner in New Wave crime!!! One day I hope to make his acquaintance and spend some time in the UK with him!!

  20. Sam Your manufacturer can make all sorts of claims concerning his product.......they all do. You want to read the bottom line from the experts? Check with MEDIA SCIENCES, that's what they do is test and evaluate DVD and CDR media. CDRs degrade over time.....the degradation is related to various environmental and handling conditions. Audio CDRs are more likely to fail than Data CDRs due to the fact that audio is bitstream. This is why we have error correction on our CD players.....unlike data CDRs, an audio track is a collection of sequential blocks of that bitstream and is designated in the TOC. Tracks must be split on block boundaries. Addressing in the TOC is in terms of blocks and you cannot split more finely than that. Each block on an audio CD is 1/75th second. If any block becomes corrupted (due to environmental or handling conditions) the error correction layer must work harder to fill in the missing pieces until eventually, the bitstream is corrupted and unplayable or noise such as clicks and pops begin entering into the equation. This is completely correct. I've read about burned CDr's and 'pressed' media and this qualitative assessment based on the inability of a burned CDr...at least at this time, to be able to completely duplicate the bitstream of the files.
  21. Im just basically looking for my own copy, arent these guys from L.A.? my sister said she saw them at a club in downtown L.A. is this true, or is she high on crack? She's right.....they were from Simi Valley....and their CD was produced by Bob Kulick, as well. For 1995, this thing was what the doctor ordered......
  22. I find this topic rather interesting knowing that the mainstream music media is quickly changing to downloadable files......the generations that are coming up couldn't care less about packaging and artwork, etc....at least the MAJORITY seem to not, and would gladly download a song..or an album...and put it on their computer or iPod...and off they go....... So, the interesting thing.....will be what happens to this 'CD media' in 10 years time...... As for the discussion on CDr's and 'silver pressed' discs, I've enjoyed opinions on both sides of the coin....and both sides have their merits, etc. But, truly.....it boils down to personal preference......no more...no less.....and there is NO right or wrong in this situation. As for preference....hell...I buy CASSETTES...demo cassettes ALL THE TIME....VINYL, too....and spend just as much as I would on them as I would a CD. Of course.....I love to have them eventually transferred, professionally to CD.....but that is mainly for 'ease of use' with the CD format *i.e. track changing* and for storage in my collection. And...mainly....because I have found so many demo cassettes that were never released in any CD format...etc....and would never have been able to discover some kickass music if I had 'pidgeonholed' myself into collecting just CD's. It's almost as if there is a stigma attached to the 'collecting scene' that if it's NOT a cd release...then it can't be good, therefore I won't waste my time, etc. It's odd to me.......I'll see people spend in upwards of $500 for a 'semi good' Indie CD, or even some that totally suck......and not even try to spend $20 on one that totally kicks its ass sonically. THAT is what baffles me......
  23. Wow....that sounds absolutely horrible........unfrickenbelievable....
  24. I don't know T.......but he has used his alias' to actually bid up stuff...bid on his own stuff....the whole nine yards.....just not sure if someone reported him or what....
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