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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. A call to the dealership might shed some light. But, in truth...if it is actually him, if he hasn't left the country, then he's in for an interesting ride I would guess.... It also may be why he pulled the plug as soon as he did. He probably could have milked it longer, if it weren't for the mishap with Georg and it getting too out of hand... Also, didn't any of you find it 'odd' that his website was set up on a freeserver website hosting URL??
  2. Strangely enough...Manny Comres has..or had...adresses in Arkansas.....and, to my knowledge still has arkcds?? Or Wolf something or other.... Coincidence??
  3. I would venture to guess that he has planned this for well over a year.....and here's how I think he did it....... 1.) Befriended people...especially to the point of sending 'free' cdrs of compilations, etc. This built up the relationships he needed to secure the trust of the people of this site...and probably others. 2.) He would never deal with me...or with Mike Butt, who is a very good friend of mine. Why? Because we called him on his trades with us over the past year. Each one NEVER materialized....for whatever reason. He simply would not even communicate with me. That way he alienated himself from those that didn't play along...or questioned him....or that could do something about it, if he did.... 3.) Is his name really 'Lonnie Holdaway'......? I would be surprised if it is, as this is an easy case to prosecute and it wouldn't take much to find him. There are phone records and physical adresses.....a trail..... I guess we'll wait and see. I would notify the authorities, especially those that lost large sums of money. Hell, if I were Georg, I would be on the first plane to Arkansas......
  4. Fuck, man..........I think I need a break........
  5. Niiiiice....... Now Playing: Steelheart's new EP. Not bad....not bad at all!!! Oh....and I bought the DVD while I was at it. Let me tell ya.............GREAT FUCKING DVD!!!!!!! Lots o' stuff on it...including all of their promo vids!!!
  6. I disagree, Sam's negativity and lack of any semblance of communication skills is what brings it all down on him. It's up to him to fix it at the source. He's a supposed professional businessman, but he seems to have a problem acting like one. I deal with professionals all day long in all types of capacities and if any of them acted half as immaturely as Sam I'd discontinue dealings with them in half a heartbeat. It's almost like you're saying I should let him slide because he's handicapped. If you really want the "unfair witchhunt" to stop, tell your buddy to calm the fuck down and snack on some Prozac before logging in. I will continue to delete the non-specific insinuating posts, whether they be from David, Sam or whomever. I rarely ever delete a post, but the post was nothing other than "ooh, these guys do bad things and they should be ashamed". If Dan tells me not to delete anything, obviously I'll stop. That kind of, "well you wouldn't believe what (insert name here) is doing", and then saying nothing specific is a bunch of crap. If he's got something to say, then he should be a man and say it. Anything less is just gossip. If he came out and said so and so is doing this or that I wouldn't have touched the post, regardless of the content, because one of the few things I agree with in your post is that this is about getting information, good or bad about sellers and traders. Sam's post was not informational other than the names he mentioned. For the record, what I think about Sam has nothing to do with it. I happen to like David, but I'm no stranger to deleting his posts either. Ok Pete , I am going to refrain from posting what I really think of you and that's going to be extremely difficult. But since you are the guilty party of what I accused you of in my earlier post , I think that pretty much sums you up. So let me make this absolutely clear so you can get it through that thick egotistical skull of yours. Does NEH Records carry Frontiers / MTM titles? Do the Harlings carry Frontiers / MTM titles? What about Perris / Metal Mayhem / Dreamdisc / The End Records?? WELL I GUESS THAT'S PROOF THEN ISN'T IT??????? IT IS ILLEGAL for Frontiers and MTM to export their titles to the USA when they are ONLY LICENSED FOR EUROPEAN RELEASE. HOW'S THAT FOR SPECIFICS??? Do you not get that????. How much more fucking proof do you need????? Now before people get on the Russian cd kick - let me add a clause here.... (USED cd's can be imported / exported / exploded - wherever) - when they are SEALED however and then wholesaled to distributors around the world that's when it becomes illegal. Jesus Christ people , get your head out of your stinky ass shitter and learn the business. The reason I get so pissed is guys like Pete who will chastise me to no end and can't even be bothered to learn MUSIC 101. You bitch and whine about shit that I do and then give the reacharound to the labels that are shafting the bands!!!! Wake the fuck up. I am sick to death of MORONS. Pete , you were one of those nimblenuts a year and a half ago that said I would fail within 6 months. And all your talk of me being unprofessional doesn't count for SHIT because 18 months into this thing I am kicking ass and the bands keep on comin. So you can take all your negative energy and blow it out your ass - the same place your words come from. Now hand me my pro-zac.... *deep breath* Sam..........you're not doing yourself any favors here. All you needed to do was post the info. You didn't need to go off like that........ C'mon man.....
  7. You're using the Sweet Teaze issue to base your opinion on? Other than that....have you not paid attention to what actual artists Retrospect does have signed? Keel......Shortino....Rarebell....etc....etc....why would Widow be any different? Two months time? Sam got ahold of an original Widow promo and used the information from that to do his research. Do you know how long ago that was?? I didn't think so. It was almost two years ago. How do I know? Because he called me immediately and asked me if I knew of it.... Did you question Lonnie and his new company with "I think it's fishy that there's no way on Earth...because I could never do it.....contact Hurricane and their Japanese label to get their material released....??" Do you think that's fishy?? "you have still sold as many copies as were most likely ever pressed"........both parts of this statement as you use it as basis for your argument are purely speculative. You actually have no idea as to 1.) How many he's sold and 2.) How many were manufactured I mean....some of the stuff you guys use as 'facts' are a joke.........
  8. The reason I deleted your post genius, is because you named names and insinuated that illegal dealings were going on without showing any specifics or facts. Believe it or not I do the same for you when non-specific negativities are posted about you. I know you love to sling the shit and you totally can't handle it when people do it back to you, but hey not really my problem. Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit. You're in it for the money, that I can respect. I have zero respect when you hide behind supposed high moral ground. I do respect you Pete and you are a valuable member of this community and I consider you a comrade....but we all know that Sam is a bit harsh with the words and does not use the greatest tact when voicing his opinions, etc. I agree with the first paragraph of your post regarding specifics ,etc. But I feel you are a bit off base here where Sam's intentions are in mentioning these instances. I think, perhaps, you're letting your 'personal' feelings for him sway your 'moderation'. Sam *is* a businessman, so yes....he wants to make money with his company. But I've known Sam for over 10 years and have spoken to him personally many, many times and he has a genuine interest in provding this music to the masses.....even though his methods may not be the 'soundest', his intentions are true....and I get the distinct feeling that the reason he is even forthcoming with this info *which he has known for some time*, is two fold...... For one......Sam has been so maligned here that, think for a second.....that he is trying to show all of those 'naysayers' that the labels, etc. that they hold in high regard....or NEVER go after on a witch hunt like they do Sam, that they seem to be given a 'free pass' while he is CONSTANTLY taken to task. He is human.....and has been hurt by this 'negativity' and they've played on his wrongdoings until the knife could not possibly go any deeper. So, it's his way of saying 'Hey....I'm not the only one that has made mistakes...take some of the heat off fellas'. So, yes....I would say that it is partially to help heal his own self-esteem and/or image in the eyes of the HH Community. And two.....to provide this forum...and its members with factual information regarding these situations, and as such, I'm sure the generally concerned people of this forum would like to hear the stories. There are plenty of people to 'call out' "Bad Ebayers"...."Bad Sellers"...."Bad Traders", etc...and this is no different. I mean........this website has it's own section for Z-Record's follies on the front page so it's not like it refrains from this kind of thing.......... Ultimately, Dan decides what is best for his website and, as I always say....I adhere to that because I love coming here and contributing and ....receiving insight from all of the valuable contributors to this site. I try to play the 'middle ground' for the most part. When those that didn't know the 'facts' concerning Retrospect and Sam came here and continually bombarded him, I tried to make them see the whole situation from someone who knows. I even took some flak from them with people commenting that I'm "on the payroll"..."I have a stake in Retrospect", etc.....etc......all of which was untrue, but I held steadfast in my ways, regardless of the attacks against myself because I try to do what is right....... In the end, we ARE one big family here......
  9. What I find amusing is the pure 'animosity' towards discs that are legally pressed in Russia. I mean...I know most of it is ignorance...but, damn..... I think some of you people don't realise that everything pressed in Russia isn't a bootleg!!?? If I was a Russian, I might just be offended........
  10. Love that new album!! MANY great tracks on that one!! Now playing..........iTunes on shuffle......... Black N Blue ~ "The Strong Will Rock" Eyes ~ "Every Single Minute" Duran Duran ~ "Who Do You Think You Are" Eli ~ "Head Over Heels" Roulette ~ "Change My Ways of Dreaming"
  11. That chick has no ass though!!
  12. iTunes.........shuffle............. Anything Box ~ "Jubilation" Boston ~ "Living for You" Depeche Mode ~ "Nothing" Def Leppard ~ "Bringin' on the Heartbreak" Duran Duran ~ "Playing with Uranium" Dokken ~ "In Your Honor"
  13. I believe a guy sings that.................maybe Aaron Neville??
  14. While I'm at home recovering from a nasty cold, I have my iTunes on shuffle.......here's a small list of what's next........... Wolfsheim ~ "It's Not too Late" Assemblage23 ~ "Purgatory" Big Apple ~ "Sweet Love" Lostprophets ~ "Rooftops" Adam and the Ants ~ "Antrap" Crashdiet ~ "Needle in Your Eye" Atello ~ "Tied Up in Love"
  15. Pure Delight!!!!!!! I've got to add another one..........
  16. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccckkkkkkk kkkkkk.......................fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. As I'm going completely bonkers waiting for the National Championship game to start, I've got my iPod jammin' on shuffle.......... Now Plaing: Axel Rudi Pell ~ "Pay the Price"....this is a good song to get ya jacked up!!!
  18. My iTunes on shuffle.....and here's what's up............ Arcara ~ "Shake Me, Shake Me" Bombay Black ~ "Out of Your Mind" Book of Love ~ "Boy" Bone Machine ~ "The Only Ones" Camouflage ~ "Bitter Taste" Lostprophets ~ "Rooftops" Rename ~ "Technicolor Girl"
  19. Lime Green shorts....black flowered top tied to show her midriff.................and, yeah....she looks hot!
  20. I can verify all of what Dave *Zaqhary* has said is true and accurate about these particular people. I've had to 'block' the 0313ja guy over 12 times in the last 3 months alone. His MO is this..............he creates a new eBay ID.....bids on over 100 items, some Buy It Nows and pays for them to get immediate feedback. He then accumulates in the neighborhood of 10 to 20 'positive' feedbacks and then plays his little game of driving prices up on some things...and then picking and choosing what he will pay for. Ultimately, within a couple of weeks, he gets NLARU'd due to people filing the Non Paying Bidder alerts. He then just creates a new ID. I will say this...........this 'Jamie' uses the EXACT same address of one 'Al Natale'...and has used more than one alias. But the address is always in Oak Bridge *I think that's what it is*, New Jersey. I've done a LOT of homework on this one. And, as Dave has said........the easy way to 'find' this person is to search the Philadelphia Eagles stuff....the KISS stuff....and the glam stuff....and you will 'find' this person. Then, you simply put him in your 'blocked bidder' list. Unfortunately, it does take some time.... What I cannot fathom is how eBay can continually allow this person to get NLARU'd and create a new ID with basically the same address and name. The thing is....this person hasn't done this once or twice, it's in the tens, if not hundreds, of times...... Detective Dan, you make good sense. BTW, 0313ja's last Ebay name that got NARUed was Poopiehed....I have nothing to add to that one. And it was pooopylove before that.....and so many others. I could go back into my eBay account and rattle off ten with no problem.
  21. I just watched this movie the other night.............truly a great movie!
  22. The 'Hear' album by Trixter was VASTLY underrated and overlooked due to the timing of its release. It is a PHENOMENAL album.....and as such, it is my pick. Off of the first album I went with "One in a Million".....I dig that tune. And....off of 'Hear' the song that easily stuck out to me....and it is an unbelievably fine piece of tuneage is "Nobody's a Hero"......love that song!!!!
  23. iPod on shuffle.....this is what's up.... Bad 4 Good ~ "Mother of Love" Berlin ~ "Rumor of Love" Autograph ~ "Loud and Clear" Beau Nasty ~ "Gimme Lovin'" Amaze Me ~ "Wild Dogs" Anything Box ~ "Life is Fun"
  24. I have my iTunes on shuffle..............here's a sampling of what's jammin'..... The All American Rejects ~ "Swing, Swing" Red Jumpsuit Apparatus ~ "Damn Regret" 18 Visions ~ "The Sweetest Memory" Depeche Mode ~ "Can't Get Enough" Wolfsheim ~ "The Sparrow and the Nightingale" Visage ~ "The Anvil" Adriangale ~ "If" Provision ~ "Everytime" damn...quite a bit of Modern Hard Rock, New Wave and synthpop on deck...!
  25. "Bottom line is, there will always be demand for a certain "real thing", whatever it may be. However, when that which is in demand exceeds the means of most to aquire it, opportunists will come out of the woodworks, knowing that the demand is there, for a near-identical, but, affordable alternative. The criticism and slack thrown their way is a small price to pay for what is often a fairly lucrative operation. Bootlegs have been around for decades, be it vinyl... cassettes (I still remember the cassettes sold all over Eastern Europe as I was growing up, which were on par with many of the CD bootlegs kickin' around today). CDs have been pirated, and will continue to be, whether it's legendary "labels" like Reborn Classics (who's creators by the way, were taken down by German authorities in the mid 90s, and subsequently jailed on numerous obvious counts of piracy). The truth is, as a few accurately pointed out throughout these posts, is that those who consider themselves collectors, won't much be affected by bootlegging and piracy. It's always been part of the scene. Whether you collect baseball cards, or art. The numbers of those who don't have the means to aquire originals and subsequently provide them to willing buyers, but want to be in on the money, so to speak, will always greatly exceed the number of the few who have the means, contacts, to aquire such originals. In suit, the number of people who wish they could have an original but either cannot afford, or, simply justify paying the costs often associated with an original, will too exceed the number of those who can and do aquire these originals regularly. It's a topic that's been beaten to death for years. All in all, this all seems to be a bit redundant. Almost rhetorical (to save you some time Sam, rhetoric is a reference bombast, almost unnecessary in nature...). We're comparing apples to oranges here. Two extraneous markets. One consists of those who wish to hear only the music, and don't care much for the forum, will be content with a cdr, an mp3, a reissue, a bootleg, or a any format legit or otherwise, as long as it contains the music they're after. The other, consists of people who approach this as an almost sacred hobby. Collectors. To whom, collecting this is almost like a homage to the music and band's they love. No different than collectors of sports memorabilia, or anything else. I for one, am one of these collectors. And to be honest, I couldn't care less how many knockoffs of a certain original I own are out there, for it does very little to devalue my original. If one is to argue the originals drop in value on eBay once a "reissue" appears, that is less a reflection of an actual drop in value to collectors, and more a reflection of a drop in faith of the prospect of said item's legitimacy. In private, behind the scenes, originals continue to retain their value, and often continue to grow in value, only because, as time passess, they become harder and harder to locate. If one is content with a disc on a reissue, or pirate label, so be it. They do what they do to earn that money and it is their right to spend it as they wish. On the same token, there are many who are holding out for a collectible, not just the music. If it was ONLY about the music, this site would be called heavymp3s, as none of us would care about CDs, and would settle merely for MP3s as the most inexpensive way to aquire the music." This portion of your post is probably the most insightful and correct reflection on this situation that I have ever seen or heard from you, PJ. And, it is something that I have...in private...and on these boards illustrated time and time again throughout my own discourse concerning these issues. I even made the same 'art' analogy with collecting...and originals, etc. In short, I agree 100%.............and it would behoove those who get so worked up about it to take a deep breath and exhale.....and realise that every side to this coin has been exposed and that most anything from here on out is pure redundancy..... Rawk on in Japan!
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