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Why are all the a**holes coming out of the woodwork today??



Why do you assume I'm an asshole just because I like to quote scripture? :whistle:


Non-believers. <_<


Why would you assume that you were the asshole to which I was referring? Do you have a persecution complex?? :unsure:



Is it that obvious?

Is what obvious? Are you talking about me?


Did I mention anything about someone that doesn't have a life? ;)

Should I start looking for one? :unsure:


Why start now? ;)

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Do they tell us how to live?

They goddamn well should, no?

Do they come with instructions?

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Could 2007 possibly be any worse?



Can you describe worse?

Let me put it this way... I was going to suggest castration, but then I thought a little bit about it, and I figured it wouldn't actually be that much worse. Answer enough?

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Could 2007 possibly be any worse?



Can you describe worse?

Let me put it this way... I was going to suggest castration, but then I thought a little bit about it, and I figured it wouldn't actually be that much worse. Answer enough?



Is it me or are you one complex individual?

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Why is Geoff feeling seedy?

A megalomaniacal hangover. Can someone please fix my cute widdle tummy?


Maybe some mint tea?

I don't think we have mint tea. Would you be a dear and run out to the shops and get some for me please?

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I don't think we have mint tea. Would you be a dear and run out to the shops and get some for me please?

I have some in my cupboard... I'd be happy to send to you? Or next time, before you drink, you could try taking a vitamin B w/ a big glass of water to avoid the hangover?

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I don't think we have mint tea. Would you be a dear and run out to the shops and get some for me please?

I have some in my cupboard... I'd be happy to send to you? Or next time, before you drink, you could try taking a vitamin B w/ a big glass of water to avoid the hangover?


Where have I read that hangover remedy before? :whistle:

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