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Let's Discuss Eric Brittingham


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Eric Brittingham is the only one alive that can hunt rabbits with an elephant gun...


Eric Brittingham can also hunt elephants with a rabbit gun.


What's that? You say you can't kill an elephant with a rabbit gun? The elephants didn't think so either.

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Mark this on your calendar, folks: tonight at 8 PM in the main auditorium at the State Hospital for the Recently Unwell, Eric Brittingham will be hosting a slide presentation entitled "The Great Cabbage Fart Panic of 1850." Light refreshments and a Q&A session will immediately follow the program.

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Mark this on your calendar, folks: tonight at 8 PM in the main auditorium at the State Hospital for the Recently Unwell, Eric Brittingham will be hosting a slide presentation entitled "The Great Cabbage Fart Panic of 1850." Light refreshments and a Q&A session will immediately follow the program.

:bowdown: this is a great chance to see Eric really let loose...I will be there!!!

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Eric Brittingham took a pee in my backyard last night and I woke up to 10 foot tall grass this morning. You may be asking yourself why would Eric pee in my backyard. Eric pees where Eric wants to pee.


Eric Brittingham pisses on everyone

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MIAMI - A woman who said her 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich bore the image of Eric Brittingham will be getting a lot more bread after the item sold for $28,000 on eBay.


GoldenPalace.com, an online casino, confirmed that it placed the winning bid, and company executives said they were willing to spend “as much as it took” to own the 10-year-old half-sandwich with a bite out of it , why, cause Eric's Image is on it!!!!


“It’s a part of pop culture that’s immediately and widely recognizable,” spokesman Monty Kerr told The Miami Herald. “We knew right away we wanted to have it, It's such an odd item, Eric would never eat

a grilled cheese sandwich, let alone a ten year old one but We believe it's a message from Eric

to us all. The Message...Support the Cheese Foundation.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Google won't do a search for "Eric Brittingham." That's because Google knows that you don't find Eric Brittingham... Eric Brittingham finds you.

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stupid topic..when will they all end......I hope this board goes in the crapper by next year. MR. KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Nearly two years later and the topic (and the board)'s still here, but you're gone, Zipperhead. Eric Brittingham pwns You.


This guy was fun. Somebody oughta invite him back.

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stupid topic..when will they all end......I hope this board goes in the crapper by next year. MR. KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Nearly two years later and the topic (and the board)'s still here, but you're gone, Zipperhead. Eric Brittingham pwns You.


This guy was fun. Somebody oughta invite him back.


I forgot about that dude. WTF was his problem anyway?

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stupid topic..when will they all end......I hope this board goes in the crapper by next year. MR. KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Nearly two years later and the topic (and the board)'s still here, but you're gone, Zipperhead. Eric Brittingham pwns You.


This guy was fun. Somebody oughta invite him back.


I forgot about that dude. WTF was his problem anyway?


Lord only knows. Or perhaps Eric Brittingham only knows.

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stupid topic..when will they all end......I hope this board goes in the crapper by next year. MR. KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Nearly two years later and the topic (and the board)'s still here, but you're gone, Zipperhead. Eric Brittingham pwns You.


This guy was fun. Somebody oughta invite him back.


I forgot about that dude. WTF was his problem anyway?


Lord only knows. Or perhaps Eric Brittingham only knows.


Maybe Eric killed him.

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stupid topic..when will they all end......I hope this board goes in the crapper by next year. MR. KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Nearly two years later and the topic (and the board)'s still here, but you're gone, Zipperhead. Eric Brittingham pwns You.


This guy was fun. Somebody oughta invite him back.


I forgot about that dude. WTF was his problem anyway?


Lord only knows. Or perhaps Eric Brittingham only knows.


Maybe Eric killed him.


Just by thinking about it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eric Brittingham lost his virginity before his dad did.


Eric Brittingham once went to a frat party. He beat the crap out of everyone who had a popped collar, drank twelve kegs of malt liquor, and shit on the living room carpet. Just because he's Eric Brittingham.


A blind guy stepped on Eric Brittingham's foot and Eric Brittingham yelled at him. The sound of Eric's voice enabled him to see. Unfortunately the first and last thing he saw was Eric Brittingham's fist headed towards his face.


Eric Brittingham masturbates to pictures of himself.


In the fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records, it notes that all world records are actually held by Eric Brittingham, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.


Eric Brittingham can make a woman climax simply by pointing at her and saying "BOOYA".


One time, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Several hours later, a car pulled up and Eric Brittingham got out. Without a word, he urinated in the gas tank, and left. The car has since gone 130,000 miles and I have yet to refill the tank.


Jesus wears an "Eric Brittingham is my Homeboy" t-shirt.


Eric Brittingham circumcised himself. At birth. With his bare hands.


The average human male has about 6 quarts of blood in his body. Eric Brittingham has 8. The two extra quarts are so he doesn't pass out every time he gets a boner.


Everytime you masturbate, Eric Brittingham kills a Canadian.


The film "Anaconda" was filmed on location in Eric Brittingham's pants.


If you're having sex and the girl says "OH, ERIC BRITTINGHAM!" you know you are doing a good job.


Eric Brittingham's penis has its own Senator, zip code, area code, Starbucks, and 5 exits off the 101 freeway.


Water boils faster when Eric Brittingham watches it.


If you get 7 stars on your wanted level on Grand Theft Auto, Eric Brittingham comes after you.

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:lol: !!!!


As for the Jackyl, I can't even remember that pretender. I wonder what method Eric Brittingham used to dispose him.

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The average human male has about 6 quarts of blood in his body. Eric Brittingham has 8. The two extra quarts are so he doesn't pass out every time he gets a boner.


All hail Eric :bowdown:

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Where are you Eric?


Eric is very busy preparing for the coming Holiday season. Santa is taking the year off so it will be a Brittingham kinda Christmas. He'll fly around the world in a purple sleigh leaving Cinderella CDs in the stockings of all good little boys and girls. It'll be glorious. :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

Eric Brittingham is all 9 people behind the Slipknot masks.


God wanted 10 days to create the Earth. Eric Brittingham gave him 7.


Eric Brittingham doesn't get frostbite... Eric Brittingham bites frost.


When someone says they do not like Eric Brittingham, they lose their soul.


Eric Brittingham actually died once, 10 years ago. Death wasn't brave enough to tell him.


Legend had it that Eric Brittingham once lost a fight to a pirate, but it was a lie, created by Eric Brittingham himself to lure more pirates to him. Pirates never were very smart.


A group of Jehovah's Witnesses once tried to convert Eric Brittingham. After four minutes of interrogation, they admitted Eric Brittingham was God.


When Eric Brittingham was a child, he made his mother finish his vegetables.


Eric Brittingham once double teamed a girl... by himself.


Eric Brittingham was supposed to play a concert in China, but he cancelled. When word came that 1.6 billion Chinese were "very angry with Eric Brittingham," Eric Brittingham replied, "Sounds like a fair fight."


If you were to crack open Eric Brittingham, there would be another Eric Brittingham inside him, similar to the inside of a Russian "nesting doll" --- only smaller and angrier.


Some people like to eat frogs' legs. Eric Brittingham likes to eat lizard legs. This is how we get snakes.

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Eric Brittingham is all 9 people behind the Slipknot masks.


God wanted 10 days to create the Earth. Eric Brittingham gave him 7.


Eric Brittingham doesn't get frostbite... Eric Brittingham bites frost.


When someone says they do not like Eric Brittingham, they lose their soul.


Eric Brittingham actually died once, 10 years ago. Death wasn't brave enough to tell him.


Legend had it that Eric Brittingham once lost a fight to a pirate, but it was a lie, created by Eric Brittingham himself to lure more pirates to him. Pirates never were very smart.


A group of Jehovah's Witnesses once tried to convert Eric Brittingham. After four minutes of interrogation, they admitted Eric Brittingham was God.


When Eric Brittingham was a child, he made his mother finish his vegetables.


Eric Brittingham once double teamed a girl... by himself.


Eric Brittingham was supposed to play a concert in China, but he cancelled. When word came that 1.6 billion Chinese were "very angry with Eric Brittingham," Eric Brittingham replied, "Sounds like a fair fight."


If you were to crack open Eric Brittingham, there would be another Eric Brittingham inside him, similar to the inside of a Russian "nesting doll" --- only smaller and angrier.


Some people like to eat frogs' legs. Eric Brittingham likes to eat lizard legs. This is how we get snakes.


Super freaking funny Keef.

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Super freaking funny Keef.


The Brittingham is doin' fine in '09 Jay. :beerbang:

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A group of Jehovah's Witnesses once tried to convert Eric Brittingham. After four minutes of interrogation, they admitted Eric Brittingham was God.


:bowdown: all hail Eric

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