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The F*%K Thread


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Got a 4 day long weekend coming up at the end of October. So fucking far away but by God my saviour lord and christ I am looking forward to it. Fuck me has work been fucking chaotic, and looks to be that way for a while yet.

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I get my once a fuckin year slow dance with that fucker that i adore! :)



got my fucking slow dance ;)


So, what the fuck happened then ? ;)

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Fuck unions, fuck the public fuckin sector, my wages have been going backwards to support you set of cunts.

Bring it on you parasitic fuckin twats!


"Fewer public sector employees simply means fewer union subscriptions resulting in reduced influence for TUC to affect policy making and ultimately less money in the pot to fund the six figure salaries and packages for parasitic union barons that many a city banker would even baulk at. The same organisations now awash with their legendary humbug that are now also in denial like the political organisation they bankrolled, The Labour Party largely responsible for creating the economic disaster with which we’re now faced".



Like the 80's all the highly paid union leaders are asking their members to come out on strike. They say, stop feeding your kids, stop paying your mortgage, stand shoulder to shoulder...whilst they're no where to be seen. Like that cancerous twat Scargill, the front line union leader, fuckin "I'm with u lads", but left the pickett lines to go home to a fuckin' steak dinner paid for by the same people who were going without pay while on strike.


Believe me he was a twat (as are most self satisfied union officials who are on mega money) and I can also tell you by personal experience his wife was a complete and utter pompous self important bitch...I can say this now as I no longer work for the Co-operative Retail Society like I did then.

I worked at CO-OP head office in Manchester, I was asked to go up to Barnsley to monitor I.T. stuff up there, I arrived and parked on the car park only to have this bitch wind down her window to complain I'd used her parking place.

I looked to where I was parked and said basically "I don't see your name on it!" and walked off.


It was later that the Barnsley office was all abuzz becoz I'd upset Anne Scargill, his fuckin wife...big deal,

The people at Barnsly Co-op were all flustered just because some self important bitch had kicked up a fuss.

I made sure that for the next week that I was there I parked in the same spot.

By the way there was another Anne at Barnsley who was fantastic, bought me a Mars bar and crisps so I had something to eat when I got snowbound on the M62 on the way back.


Years later in a newspaper the fuckin lying unionist twat was trying to plead innocent to some dodgy dealings with his union he had with expenses, saying the cheque that paid for it was not his signature or his account. Well it was a Co-op bank cheque they showed ... and if you worked for the Co-op you automatically got an account with them, his pig ugly fuckin bitch of a wife worked for the co-op so where does that take you?


By the way the Co-op Bank is great :) can't ask for more off them guys!


Anyway my fuckin point is..it seems like every fucker has to tighten their belts except fuckin public sector fuckin employees and when they do union leaders kick off. Made me laugh today watching the epitome of why jerks shouldn't be put in front of a fuckin camera

PCS union chief Mark Serwotka when asked if he thought that the unions had the same clout as they did in the mid 80's with a membership of 13,000,000 compared to 7,000,000 now said that of course they did, and that membership of the civil service had risen.

Well no shit Sherlock, considering the life sucking size of the civil service has grown massively over the last 12 years then of course you have more members you dozy cunt.


I tell you what you fuckin twat, you couldn't start a fire by rubbing your head against Bob Crows because there's not a fuckin bright spark between either of you.


Hard times hard measures, I'm skint and yet I have to pay for wankers who sit about doing nowt...oh yes there's plenty of them on the council payroll...whole teams/departments that sit around for months until the council finds them someting to do!


Fuck 'em ... public sector kiss my arse.

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I get my once a fuckin year slow dance with that fucker that i adore! :)



got my fucking slow dance ;)


So, what the fuck happened then ? ;)



alas, fuckin nothing. we are two fucking ships passing in the fucking night. :crying:

One day your fuckin ship will come in !

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I get my once a fuckin year slow dance with that fucker that i adore! :)



got my fucking slow dance ;)


So, what the fuck happened then ? ;)



alas, fuckin nothing. we are two fucking ships passing in the fucking night. :crying:

One day your fuckin ship will come in !


...And it will be fucking full of Seam.... errr nevermind :gone:

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I get my once a fuckin year slow dance with that fucker that i adore! :)



got my fucking slow dance ;)


So, what the fuck happened then ? ;)



alas, fuckin nothing. we are two fucking ships passing in the fucking night. :crying:

One day your fuckin ship will come in !


...And it will be fucking full of Seam.... errr nevermind :gone:



thank you nick. you are a nice fucker. Jez. i fuckin love you. you made me laugh :)

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