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The F*%K Thread


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Fuckin' A, raccoons are certainly brazen little fuckers. A while ago my wife and I heard a huge fuckin' CRASH on our back deck and our fuckin' trash cans had been overturned by a team of three fuckin' BIG ASS raccoons. My wife figured they'd run away as soon as she turned on the fuckin' porch light, but they just looked at her like "Yeah? Is that the best you fuckin' got?" She starts going "Shoo! Shoo!" and they just fuckin' ignored her and went back to what they were doing. Meantime I am filling up a HUGE fuckin' spaghetti pot with water at the kitchen fuckin' sink and I sez to my wife "Open the door and stand the fuck back." I let'em have it with a couple of fuckin' gallons of H-2-fuckin'-O and that did it, they fuckin' took off like they'd been fuckin' burned. Haven't been back since, either.

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Fuckin' A, raccoons are certainly brazen little fuckers. A while ago my wife and I heard a huge fuckin' CRASH on our back deck and our fuckin' trash cans had been overturned by a team of three fuckin' BIG ASS raccoons. My wife figured they'd run away as soon as she turned on the fuckin' porch light, but they just looked at her like "Yeah? Is that the best you fuckin' got?" She starts going "Shoo! Shoo!" and they just fuckin' ignored her and went back to what they were doing. Meantime I am filling up a HUGE fuckin' spaghetti pot with water at the kitchen fuckin' sink and I sez to my wife "Open the door and stand the fuck back." I let'em have it with a couple of fuckin' gallons of H-2-fuckin'-O and that did it, they fuckin' took off like they'd been fuckin' burned. Haven't been back since, either.


Fuckin' Jersey water m'man, works every time. :banana:

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:lol: Fuckin' racoons, I would love them, I'm sure. I think we have possums here in Australia instead. They're really cute little fuckers and too small to be angry fuckers. They come from the trees and are quite friendly if you feed them apples. Possums fuckin' rule. Sorry to hear of your harsh racoon experience, Lisa. :wub: Glad you're okay.
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We got fuckin' possums in Jersey too, Geoff, and indeed they are far fuckin' mellower than the raccoons. I'd be glad to send you a few raccoons in trade for a couple of possums. They don't bother me one fuckin' iota. Fuckin' possums know their place on the fuckin' food chain!!

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thanks Geoff :wub:


I'm good... just that the big-azz fucker scared the fuck outta me. I woulda walked right into the fucker if I'd have been any less asleep :blink:


And don't underestimate fuckin possums... they'll run before a fuckin raccoon will, but give 'em the fuckin opportunity - they'll fuck ya up too.



Looooooong fuckin day today. Four hours OT, then a fuckin hour's drive home. But all is better in the fuckin world, cuz I'm in my jammies & drinking an ice cold beer.


OK, fuckin root beer - but who's checkin'?

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Goooood fuckin' morning every fuckin' body


First day back at fuckin' work after five fuckin days off... UGH. I wasn't fuckin' ready to go the fuck back yet. Fuck this place

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Ay-fucking-Men. I need some fuckin' coffee

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Ay-fucking-Men. I need some fuckin' coffee



I've had 2 fucking cups already.


Only two fucking cups??


Fucking amateur :)


Just fuckin' kidding bro.

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Ay-fucking-Men. I need some fuckin' coffee



I've had 2 fucking cups already.


Only two fucking cups??


Fucking amateur :)


Just fuckin' kidding bro.


He's not fucking kidding, he told me he really thinks anyone who only has 2 fuckin' cups is a wuss. FF snorts his fuckin' coffee right out of the can, and chews whole beans throughout the day. :bowdown:

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Damn, my fucking secret's out!


One benefit to my fucking coffee-chewing and snorting regimen is that my fucking breath always carries a fucking hint of Hazelnut. Drives the fuckin' ladies wild

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Damn, my fucking secret's out!


One benefit to my fucking coffee-chewing and snorting regimen is that my fucking breath always carries a fucking hint of Hazelnut. Drives the fuckin' ladies wild


Fuck, I knew I was doing something wrong. The fuckin' dark roasted garlic blend has the opposite fucking effect. :anon:

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
:D Awwwwwww..........thanks, you guys!!! :D


He's feeling better. Sure is fuckin' sleeping a lot though......guess that's a good thing.... -_-


He wants all y'all to come over and sign his cast :lol:


This guy says.......you're welcome! :)

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Damn, my fucking secret's out!


One benefit to my fucking coffee-chewing and snorting regimen is that my fucking breath always carries a fucking hint of Hazelnut. Drives the fuckin' ladies wild


Fuck, I knew I was doing something wrong. The fuckin' dark roasted garlic blend has the opposite fucking effect. :anon:



Hazlenut = :norks:


Garlic = :baneed:



Oh yeah I forgot to say FUCK!!!!!

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Fuck you guys are intense and deep fuckers. I want to swim with you in the depths of fuckin' intensity.

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Fuckin' A, I woke up in a fuckin' fog this morning. For some odd fuckin' reason I had the song "Monolithic Baby" by fuckin' Monster Magnet running thru my head as I made my kid breakfast and got him dressed, but do I fuckin' remember to grab that CD on my way out of the fuckin' house? NOOOOOOO. Fuckin' DUH. At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff

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At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff


Primal fuckin Feeeeeaaaarrrrr! :banger:



My fuckin mantra for the day:


It's almost fuckin Friday....... Ā It's almost fuckin Friday....... Ā It's almost fuckin Friday.......

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Fuckin' A, I woke up in a fuckin' fog this morning. For some odd fuckin' reason I had the song "Monolithic Baby" by fuckin' Monster Magnet running thru my head as I made my kid breakfast and got him dressed, but do I fuckin' remember to grab that CD on my way out of the fuckin' house? NOOOOOOO. Fuckin' DUH. At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff



Primal Fear - Never fucking leave home without it.

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Fuckin' A, I woke up in a fuckin' fog this morning. For some odd fuckin' reason I had the song "Monolithic Baby" by fuckin' Monster Magnet running thru my head as I made my kid breakfast and got him dressed, but do I fuckin' remember to grab that CD on my way out of the fuckin' house? NOOOOOOO. Fuckin' DUH. At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff



Primal Fear - Never fucking leave home without it.


Know what? I don't think I've ever heard Primal Fear. Good fuckin' shit? Or not my fuckin' cuppa???

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Fuckin' A, I woke up in a fuckin' fog this morning. For some odd fuckin' reason I had the song "Monolithic Baby" by fuckin' Monster Magnet running thru my head as I made my kid breakfast and got him dressed, but do I fuckin' remember to grab that CD on my way out of the fuckin' house? NOOOOOOO. Fuckin' DUH. At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff



Primal Fear - Never fucking leave home without it.


Know what? I don't think I've ever heard Primal Fear. Good fuckin' shit? Or not my fuckin' cuppa???


It's a heavier Judas Priest. That's the best way I could fuckin' descibe it. If your interested I could send you one of their cds.

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Fuck yea, if you're a Judas Priest fan then you gotta love some Primal Fucking Fear too. Primal Fear's singer was one of the fucking candidates to replace Halford in Priest back in the fucking day.

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Fuckin' A, I woke up in a fuckin' fog this morning. For some odd fuckin' reason I had the song "Monolithic Baby" by fuckin' Monster Magnet running thru my head as I made my kid breakfast and got him dressed, but do I fuckin' remember to grab that CD on my way out of the fuckin' house? NOOOOOOO. Fuckin' DUH. At least I did have the presence of fuckin' mind to grab some prime Over-fucking-Kill and Primal fucking Fear stuff



Primal Fear - Never fucking leave home without it.


Know what? I don't think I've ever heard Primal Fear. Good fuckin' shit? Or not my fuckin' cuppa???


It's a heavier Judas Priest. That's the best way I could fuckin' descibe it. If your interested I could send you one of their cds.


Ahhhhhhhh........thanks. Not my fuckin' cuppa then...... :lol:


But thanks! ;)

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Speaking of a fucking cuppa, I wonder if any of my fucking co-workers has made fucking coffee yet?? Probably not. Fuck, do I gotta do fucking EVERYTHING around here?

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Speaking of a fucking cuppa, I wonder if any of my fucking co-workers has made fucking coffee yet?? Probably not. Fuck, do I gotta do fucking EVERYTHING around here?



just tell them you know Eric Brittingham and they will fucking do whatever you fucking ask.

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