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Anyone know where the fuck my bottle of wood glue is? My son wants me to fix his fuckin wooden dump truck and I can't find the fuckin glue!! :angry:

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Anyone know where the fuck my bottle of wood glue is? My son wants me to fix his fuckin wooden dump truck and I can't find the fuckin glue!! :angry:


Why the fuck don't you take mine ?? It's right over fuckin' there !

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:


is that a fuckin male event?

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:


is that a fuckin male event?


It was fucking hard to tell mate to be honest :lol:

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I have a fucking cold that I can't fucking shake. Fuck. :crying:


that fuckin sucks. A 6 pack of the good stuff will make you feel fuckin better :tumbsup:


While that sounds like some fucking fun I have a fucking feeling that it could make things worse.

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i managed to dodge the very fuckin large 50 mm shell today. thank fuck :)


What the fuck are you talking about Widda?


She's been playing Computer Fuckin Battleships again :D

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i managed to dodge the very fuckin large 50 mm shell today. thank fuck :)


What the fuck are you talking about Widda?


She's been playing Computer Fuckin Battleships again :D




if you fuckin say so Jez. :crying:

She fuckin' told you.... :whistle:

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:


is that a fuckin male event?

Half of them looked pretty fucking sweet.


As for the Olympics, which you guys seem deadset on reminding us of, perhaps I should mention that this is the first time the UK has received more medals than Australia in about 14,000 years. If you think it's that big a deal, fuckin' enjoy it, but just remember it's probably a once off and not really that fan-fucking-tastic. :)


At the end of the day, I'd still rather live in Australia. :P

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I never did find my fuckin' bottle of wood glue.. .so my kid's toy is still fuckin broke. :crying:

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:


is that a fuckin male event?

Half of them looked pretty fucking sweet.


As for the Olympics just remember it's probably a once off


until London 2012 when we will repeat the whipping :lol:

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I bet you fuckers are talking about Union or something. No one British could invent something as fucking awesome as Rugby League... and then suck at it so much themselves.


Both form os Rugby are fucking English mate. I keep telling you, we invented some fucking cool stuff. Inventing fucking Australia was a minor blip, but we have been forgiven for that, by some anyways. :D

Eric Brittingham invented Australia. One of his finest fucking achievements.


I accept that if you say so England did create Rugby League, but if that is the case why do you guys suck so much at it, and why do you need to pay big dollars for all our old/retiring players just to up the standard of the competition there?


We invented fuckin football too and we suck at that as well


We still whipped your fuckin sorry arses at the Olympics tho :lol:


Them damned Aussies are fucking good at the High Heeled 80 metre race aswell I saw ths morning on the news (no fucking joke here) Maybe they should enter this into the next olympics, to boost their fucking medal count! :lol:


is that a fuckin male event?

Half of them looked pretty fucking sweet.


As for the Olympics just remember it's probably a once off


until London 2012 when we will repeat the whipping :lol:

Even with your homeground advantage, I doubt it.


But even so, I still won't give a fuck. :P

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What the fuck is up with model shows (both US and Aussie) making their "models" look as fucking ugly as humanly fucking possible?

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