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The F*%K Thread


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My wife is watching the fuckin Super Bowl and I'm not. I honestly don't give a fuck about football. Admitting that makes me feel like I should be wearing a fuckin' dress. :unsure:



I have a hot little skirt and low cut blouse that would look good on you keef, bet you could wear my shoes as well :nyanya:



(this is a joke and not in any way an attack on your manhood, but i couldn't let a funny that i come the fuck up with go) :banger:


I'm sure it would look WAY fuckin' better on you than on my big fat fuckin carcass Widda. :)

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Well now Keef, we really won't fuckin' know until we see it for ourselves... tiger...




I'll fuckin' do it if the pic can be the cover to the next fuckin' Rockarma CD.


Of course, with that image on your fuckin cover the CD will sell approximately zero fuckin copies. :P

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Well now Keef, we really won't fuckin' know until we see it for ourselves... tiger...




I'll fuckin' do it if the pic can be the cover to the next fuckin' Rockarma CD.


Of course, with that image on your fuckin cover the CD will sell approximately zero fuckin copies. :P

I know someone who could fuckin' use that image as fuckin' artwork for their yet- to- be released fuckin' album.. :whistle::whistle::whistle:

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My wife is watching the fuckin Super Bowl and I'm not. I honestly don't give a fuck about football. Admitting that makes me feel like I should be wearing a fuckin' dress. :unsure:



I have a hot little skirt and low cut blouse that would look good on you keef, bet you could wear my shoes as well :nyanya:



(this is a joke and not in any way an attack on your manhood, but i couldn't let a funny that i come the fuck up with go) :banger:


I'm sure it would look WAY fuckin' better on you than on my big fat fuckin carcass Widda. :)



I dunno keef, you cut a way fuckin better figure than this pear tart.

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My wife is watching the fuckin Super Bowl and I'm not. I honestly don't give a fuck about football. Admitting that makes me feel like I should be wearing a fuckin' dress. :unsure:



I have a hot little skirt and low cut blouse that would look good on you keef, bet you could wear my shoes as well :nyanya:



(this is a joke and not in any way an attack on your manhood, but i couldn't let a funny that i come the fuck up with go) :banger:


I'm sure it would look WAY fuckin' better on you than on my big fat fuckin carcass Widda. :)



I dunno keef, you cut a way fuckin better figure than this pear tart.


A pear of tarts - fucking where? - happy days!!! ;)

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I was fuckin' watching television earlier...It wasn't fuckin' on,but I fuckin' watched it anyway...


You have finally lost the fucking plot son!!!

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My wife is watching the fuckin Super Bowl and I'm not. I honestly don't give a fuck about football. Admitting that makes me feel like I should be wearing a fuckin' dress. :unsure:



I have a hot little skirt and low cut blouse that would look good on you keef, bet you could wear my shoes as well :nyanya:



(this is a joke and not in any way an attack on your manhood, but i couldn't let a funny that i come the fuck up with go) :banger:


I'm sure it would look WAY fuckin' better on you than on my big fat fuckin carcass Widda. :)



I dunno keef, you cut a way fuckin better figure than this pear tart.


A pear of tarts - fucking where? - happy days!!! ;)



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My wife is watching the fuckin Super Bowl and I'm not. I honestly don't give a fuck about football. Admitting that makes me feel like I should be wearing a fuckin' dress. :unsure:



I have a hot little skirt and low cut blouse that would look good on you keef, bet you could wear my shoes as well :nyanya:



(this is a joke and not in any way an attack on your manhood, but i couldn't let a funny that i come the fuck up with go) :banger:


I'm sure it would look WAY fuckin' better on you than on my big fat fuckin carcass Widda. :)



I dunno keef, you cut a way fuckin better figure than this pear tart.


A pear of tarts - fucking where? - happy days!!! ;)



So fuckin' say them. Don't fuckin' hold back on Geoff's account. :whistle:

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So, fuck today.


I just finished off Traci, now I have nothing to read for the trip home. Guess I gotta listen to music or something.



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So, fuck today.


I just finished off Traci, now I have nothing to read for the trip home. Guess I gotta listen to music or something.



Gotta fuckin' crank "Blow"... :banger:

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So, fuck today.


I just finished off Traci, now I have nothing to read for the trip home. Guess I gotta listen to music or something.



Gotta fuckin' crank "Blow"... :banger:

Sadly I didn't bring my Ipod today. :( Got a few new kick-ass fuckin' CDs to listen to, though.

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So, fuck today.


I just finished off Traci, now I have nothing to read for the trip home. Guess I gotta listen to music or something.



Gotta fuckin' crank "Blow"... :banger:

Sadly I didn't bring my Ipod today. :( Got a few new kick-ass fuckin' CDs to listen to, though.

Well that's good because if you didn't and had to listen to the fuckin' sounds of silence.... :explode:

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So, fuck today.


I just finished off Traci, now I have nothing to read for the trip home. Guess I gotta listen to music or something.



Gotta fuckin' crank "Blow"... :banger:

Sadly I didn't bring my Ipod today. :( Got a few new kick-ass fuckin' CDs to listen to, though.

Well that's good because if you didn't and had to listen to the fuckin' sounds of silence.... :explode:

I'm fuckin' schitzophrenic around silence.


Unless it's an awkward silence amidst one of my conversations... then I savour it.

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"Fuckin' Hell" has never been more fuckin' appropriate after reading some other fuckin' threads...


I think you mean Fucking Bullshit Wotters!! ;)


Do you like my new Avatar Ian? - It is a fucking Cruise Ship - don't say i'm never fucking topical.

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"Fuckin' Hell" has never been more fuckin' appropriate after reading some other fuckin' threads...


I think you mean Fucking Bullshit Wotters!! ;)


Do you like my new Avatar Ian? - It is a fucking Cruise Ship - don't say i'm never fucking topical.

I know the fuckin' cruise ships Entertainment Officer strangely enough,I could have a fuckin' word about getting you a fuckin' gig if you fuckin' want.Break out that fuckin' Tux though !!!

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"Fuckin' Hell" has never been more fuckin' appropriate after reading some other fuckin' threads...


I think you mean Fucking Bullshit Wotters!! ;)


Do you like my new Avatar Ian? - It is a fucking Cruise Ship - don't say i'm never fucking topical.

I know the fuckin' cruise ships Entertainment Officer strangely enough,I could have a fuckin' word about getting you a fuckin' gig if you fuckin' want.Break out that fuckin' Tux though !!!


Is that Tom? I fuckin' know him as well - small fucking world.

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"Fuckin' Hell" has never been more fuckin' appropriate after reading some other fuckin' threads...


I think you mean Fucking Bullshit Wotters!! ;)


Do you like my new Avatar Ian? - It is a fucking Cruise Ship - don't say i'm never fucking topical.

I know the fuckin' cruise ships Entertainment Officer strangely enough,I could have a fuckin' word about getting you a fuckin' gig if you fuckin' want.Break out that fuckin' Tux though !!!


Is that Tom? I fuckin' know him as well - small fucking world.

That's fuckin' ok then..But how do you know 'Ole Salty Sea Dog Tommy Tuxedo" ?? He's a fuckin' aquatic legend..

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This place is a fuckin' asylum with Dan as the keeper of the fuckin' nutjobs... :yikes:

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