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The F*%K Thread


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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

Just fuckin' witcha, I love the Zeppelin! :banger: Come to think of it, been awhile since I cranked some Physical Graffiti... long overdue....

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

Just fuckin' witcha, I love the Zeppelin! :banger: Come to think of it, been awhile since I cranked some Physical Graffiti... long overdue....

No it fuckin' ain't...

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

Just fuckin' witcha, I love the Zeppelin! :banger: Come to think of it, been awhile since I cranked some Physical Graffiti... long overdue....

No it fuckin' ain't...



Yes it fuckin' is - Get 'Graffiti' the fuck on - Now!

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

Just fuckin' witcha, I love the Zeppelin! :banger: Come to think of it, been awhile since I cranked some Physical Graffiti... long overdue....

No it fuckin' ain't...

Fuckin' is too. Like the great Jamie Oliver says... "Jus wack it on the old CD player, yah?"

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

Just fuckin' witcha, I love the Zeppelin! :banger: Come to think of it, been awhile since I cranked some Physical Graffiti... long overdue....

No it fuckin' ain't...

Fuckin' is too. Like the great Jamie Oliver says... "Jus wack it on the old CD player, yah?"

Only if it was in the fuckin' oven...With him...

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

Wotty's Friend....

Is he fuck....

Are you just fuckin' teed off then because you tuned into his show for the first time, and were fuckin' disappointed to find out he wasn't literally a "naked chef"? ;)

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

Wotty's Friend....

Is he fuck....


Is he that fuckin' blonde surfer lookin' TV chef guy? If it's the fuckin' guy I'm thinkin' of, he has a show on over here called "Take Home Chef" where he picks up a fuckin' chick at the fuckin' supermarket every show and takes her home to cook a fabulous fuckin' meal for her. My wife is like "Oooh, he can pick ME up at Shop Rite ANYTIME!"


... if that's the guy I'm thinkin of, then FUCK him. :angry:

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

Wotty's Friend....

Is he fuck....


Is he that fuckin' blonde surfer lookin' TV chef guy? If it's the fuckin' guy I'm thinkin' of, he has a show on over here called "Take Home Chef" where he picks up a fuckin' chick at the fuckin' supermarket every show and takes her home to cook a fabulous fuckin' meal for her. My wife is like "Oooh, he can pick ME up at Shop Rite ANYTIME!"


... if that's the guy I'm thinkin of, then FUCK him. :angry:

I don't fuckin' think so, he's English as opposed to surfer dude.



"How about it Ian old boy, want me to jus' wack it in there, yah?"

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

Wotty's Friend....

Is he fuck....


Is he that fuckin' blonde surfer lookin' TV chef guy? If it's the fuckin' guy I'm thinkin' of, he has a show on over here called "Take Home Chef" where he picks up a fuckin' chick at the fuckin' supermarket every show and takes her home to cook a fabulous fuckin' meal for her. My wife is like "Oooh, he can pick ME up at Shop Rite ANYTIME!"


... if that's the guy I'm thinkin of, then FUCK him. :angry:

I don't fuckin' think so, he's English as opposed to surfer dude.



"How about it Ian old boy, want me to jus' wack it in there, yah?"


Ahhh, OK, I got the wrong fuckin' guy. Ignore my fuckin' previous rant.

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Who the fuck is Jamie Oliver?

Wotty's Friend....

Is he fuck....


Is he that fuckin' blonde surfer lookin' TV chef guy? If it's the fuckin' guy I'm thinkin' of, he has a show on over here called "Take Home Chef" where he picks up a fuckin' chick at the fuckin' supermarket every show and takes her home to cook a fabulous fuckin' meal for her. My wife is like "Oooh, he can pick ME up at Shop Rite ANYTIME!"


... if that's the guy I'm thinkin of, then FUCK him. :angry:

I don't fuckin' think so, he's English as opposed to surfer dude.



That's the fuckin' jerk-off... :angry:

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This is the fuckin' guy I was thinking of, from "Take Home Chef," his name's Curtis Stone, turns out he's actually Aussie. Shows you what the fuck I know.




His bio on TLC.com sez he DOES fuckin' surf, tho, so I was right about that much.

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This is the fuckin' guy I was thinking of, from "Take Home Chef," his name's Curtis Stone, turns out he's actually Aussie. Shows you what the fuck I know.




His bio on TLC.com sez he DOES fuckin' surf, tho, so I was right about that much.

Aussie? a Saucie Aussie? Fuck ,I thought the British kicked the aussie's outta fucking


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This is the fuckin' guy I was thinking of, from "Take Home Chef," his name's Curtis Stone, turns out he's actually Aussie. Shows you what the fuck I know.




His bio on TLC.com sez he DOES fuckin' surf, tho, so I was right about that much.


Here in Oklahoma we have a local version of this show. It's called 'Vittles'. It's hosted by both a male and a female. They go to the local Homeland grocery stores and invite a stranger back to the studio for a real down home dinner. Usually squirrel or something yummy like that. Been on for like 2 years and the hosts recently got married.....See picture below.




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This is the fuckin' guy I was thinking of, from "Take Home Chef," his name's Curtis Stone, turns out he's actually Aussie. Shows you what the fuck I know.




His bio on TLC.com sez he DOES fuckin' surf, tho, so I was right about that much.


Here in Oklahoma we have a local version of this show. It's called 'Vittles'. It's hosted by both a male and a female. They go to the local Homeland grocery stores and invite a stranger back to the studio for a real down home dinner. Usually squirrel or something yummy like that. Been on for like 2 years and the hosts recently got married.....See picture below.




Great show...I think it replaced The show called Dinner,Dates, Kissing Cousins and Moonshine.

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This is the fuckin' guy I was thinking of, from "Take Home Chef," his name's Curtis Stone, turns out he's actually Aussie. Shows you what the fuck I know.




His bio on TLC.com sez he DOES fuckin' surf, tho, so I was right about that much.


Here in Oklahoma we have a local version of this show. It's called 'Vittles'. It's hosted by both a male and a female. They go to the local Homeland grocery stores and invite a stranger back to the studio for a real down home dinner. Usually squirrel or something yummy like that. Been on for like 2 years and the hosts recently got married.....See picture below.




Great show...I think it replaced The show called Dinner,Dates, Kissing Cousins and Moonshine.


Well Gol-DANG! How come that high falutin' Food fuckin' Network ain't picked up these fuckin' fine lookin' young'ins and taken that there fuckin' telly vision program national yet??


By the fuckin' way JJ and aMH1966... ya forgot what fuckin' thread you were in didn'cha?? :lol:

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

If you think I was fucked off yesterday, you should see this handsome little red-headed Australian kid today. I got out of the Ratt/Winger show on a fuckin' high last night - 1:00am on a Tuesday morning - a bit fuckin' hardcore, but managable.


Well, fuck! Who the fuck forgot to mention that buses don't follow timetables after midnight... at all? The 12:55am, 1:10am, 1:50am and 2:12am buses never fucking showed up. Not one of them!!! What the fuck??? So we had to get a fuckin' taxi which I generally refuse to take. but it was the only way we were getting home. Got back at 3:00am and went to sleep about 3:30am... to wake up at 7:00am for work this fuckin' morning. And here, fuckin' shit is all fucked up. Orders and shipments not coming... it's all just fucked!!! I'm one angry handsome fucker today. Beware of my warpath of bad things and stuff.

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

If you think I was fucked off yesterday, you should see this handsome little red-headed Australian kid today.



Please tell me you ain't a Ginger - please! :rofl2:

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

If you think I was fucked off yesterday, you should see this handsome little red-headed Australian kid today.



Please tell me you ain't a Ginger - please! :rofl2:

Fuckin' :rofl2:

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

If you think I was fucked off yesterday, you should see this handsome little red-headed Australian kid today.



Please tell me you ain't a Ginger - please! :rofl2:

Fuckin' :rofl2:


Sorry - Fuckin' Ginger

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My cheeks are red and fuckin' fuming with anger... with my golden brown locks handsomeley atop my head.



Who's the fucking red headed Australian Kid then you mentioned then? You're not telling fucking porkies are you Ginge?

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