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The F*%K Thread


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Well I'm fuckin happy, we're getting Setanta fuckin Sport channel for fuckin free with Virgin (so fuck you Sky) and Man U are on it later playing fuckin Sunder fuckin land. :headbanger: Fuckin A

Fuckin'woo-hoo !!


Shef Wed v Bristol City now

Fuckin exciting? I guess not otherwise you fuckin wouldn't be here :lol:


Some fucking people around here wish they were on Setanta/Sky, but seeing as how fucking shit they are don't even get close. I didn't realise Setanta had fucking Premiership and Championship games?? Heard of those two fucking leagues Ian!!! Nah - didn't fucking think so!! :rofl2:

Setanta I believe,only have fuckin' Premier games.The old fuckin' pay-for-view racket...

Oh you fucking footie fans. When will this shit ever fucking stop? :rofl2: Because you're fucking killing me here!! :rofl2:



When Ian the fanboy admits that his team is absolutely fucking shit and are in no way close to the mighty Palace (ok maybe not mighty, but a damned sight better than his poor excuse of a footie team) . Over to you Fanboy!!! :whistle:

You're having a fuckin' laugh..

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Well I watched Man fauckin' U on Setanta and it was freeeeee fuckin freee...nothing to fuckin pay...fuckin' awesome great....pity the game was fuckin yawnsville! I'm reaching the point where I can't be fuckin arsed watching and the seasons only just started, I'm wasting 2 fuckin hours of my precious fuckin' life each time.


I could be out cuddling pandas my secret shameful pastime.

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fuckfuckfuckityfuck. My computer is fucked. Fingers crossed it stays on long enough to post this...fuckin' lol. :lol:



Everyone have a good fuckin' Labor Day. :banger:

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If cuddling pandas were a crime Nick would be behind fuckin' bars.


If being handsome were a crime, Nick and I would both be behind fuckin' bars.


Why would life be so fuckin' hard on us both?

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If cuddling pandas were a crime Nick would be behind fuckin' bars.


If being handsome were a crime, Nick and I would both be behind fuckin' bars.


Why would life be so fuckin' hard on us both?

Because that's the way life fucking rolls, my friend. If you fucking got it, then someone else fucking wants it. Fucking got it?

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Fuck me, theres only a tube strike. My journey home will be a fucking nightmare.



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I'm still very fuckin' tired. Someone wanna sing my a lullafuckingby?


Rock-a-bye Fucker, in the tree top

When the wind blows, the Fucking cradle will rock

When the Fucking bough breaks, the cradle will fall

And down will come the Fucker, with a bullet wound to the Fucking Head.


How'd you like that? Thought it should have a little twist at the end...

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I'm still very fuckin' tired. Someone wanna sing my a lullafuckingby?


Rock-a-bye Fucker, in the tree top

When the wind blows, the Fucking cradle will rock

When the Fucking bough breaks, the cradle will fall

And down will come the Fucker, with a bullet wound to the Fucking Head.


How'd you like that? Thought it should have a little twist at the end...

I'll be singing that fuckin' ditty all fuckin' day now..

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BWHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH...that was fuckin funny. Tim darling, remind me never to ask you

to fucking sing to me :rofl2:


Here's hoping I never have any kids either. They would be Fucked.

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BWHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH...that was fuckin funny. Tim darling, remind me never to ask you

to fucking sing to me :rofl2:


Here's hoping I never have any kids either. They would be Fucked.

HAHA Pretty fucking funny. Now everytime I hear Rock-A-Bye Baby" I'll think of that fucking ditty...

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I'm still very fuckin' tired. Someone wanna sing my a lullafuckingby?


Rock-a-bye Fucker, in the tree top

When the wind blows, the Fucking cradle will rock

When the Fucking bough breaks, the cradle will fall

And down will come the Fucker, with a bullet wound to the Fucking Head.


How'd you like that? Thought it should have a little twist at the end...

That's fuckin' beautiful, Tim. Thanks for that. It worked a treat and I was off to sleep like a dead bird with a bullet in it's fuckin' head in seconds.

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This day just fuckin' started... what the fuck are you talking about, cousin?


Well, It's fucking night here bro, unless someone has turned off the fucking lights.

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This day just fuckin' started... what the fuck are you talking about, cousin?



It's 7:38 pm here cousin. Get with the fucking program.

Dude, it's 10:48am. I am with the program... Wednesday's program. Don't be so fuckin' yesterday.

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