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The F*%K Thread


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Thanks for all the fuckin' B-Day wishes y'all. Had a pretty mellow fuckin' birthday in fact. Can't kick it mid-week like I used to back in the fuckin' day. Must be getting fuckin' old.

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I'm here in the thread, not much to say... so I'll just say fuck - every fucker and his dog is back in the office tomorrow and this treasured net time will be no longer fuckin' available. :(

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Thanks for the fuckin' birthday wishes, y'all. I've already had four fuckin' beers this evening. I would've had more by now but I'm down to my last fuckin' pair already. Probably for the fuckin' best, cuz I can't really get fuckin' wasted on a work night. There should be a fuckin' law that everybody's fuckin' birthdays should land on a fuckin' weekend.


Oh, and Bob ... fuck a duck! Sorry to hear about your fuckin' car accident, hope all's OK!

I'm sure Bob's all bruised up and tending to his injured wife and you want him to fuck a duck?? What gives?


Happy fucking Birthday Keith...37 damn :) . We are all OK thanks for everyone's wishes. My Durango has $4600 damage to it and it's not enought to total it out...FUCK. The wife is still a bit sore but doing very well.

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FUCKKK!!!! I thought they would total it out. Sorry sweetie, that really fuckin sucks:(


I was really fuckin' hoping they would to. That fucking POS is gone after it get's fixed anyway it eats up way to much fucking gas.

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Fucking sorry to hear about your woes, Bob. Hope it somehow works out well for you guys in the fuckin' end.


My hand is fuckin' killing me this afternoon, and the cold mornings combined with metal in my bones are not fuckin' cool. Not at all.

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Fucking sorry to hear about your woes, Bob. Hope it somehow works out well for you guys in the fuckin' end.


My hand is fuckin' killing me this afternoon, and the cold mornings combined with metal in my bones are not fuckin' cool. Not at all.


Fuck Geoff did the doc give you some kind of fuckin' time frame when it should be healed?

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:

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Well,it's fuckin' Saturday morning...

and the fucking enemy is lurking about on this rainy day, Ian?

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Top of the fucking Saturday morning to everyone.

Top of the fucking mornin' to ya Bob. How's everyone feeling?

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:




$3.39 a fucking gallon here, which is pretty damn high. :taz:

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:




$3.39 a fucking gallon here, which is pretty damn high. :taz:


It was $3.39 last fucking week here but it's gone back down to $3.19.

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:




$3.39 a fucking gallon here, which is pretty damn high. :taz:


It was $3.39 last fucking week here but it's gone back down to $3.19.



I hope it keeps going fucking down 'cause I'm heading out on a long fucking trip to Wyoming again in July.

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:




$3.39 a fucking gallon here, which is pretty damn high. :taz:


It was $3.39 last fucking week here but it's gone back down to $3.19.



I hope it keeps going fucking down 'cause I'm heading out on a long fucking trip to Wyoming again in July.


Dude I'm really fucking sorry...you have to drive across Iowa and Nebraska. Well at least the speed limit is 75 here in the Husker state.

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Fuckin' petrol just hit $1.46 a Fuckin' litre here in Oz.....Just times that by 4 and you have a Fuckin' gallon.


$5.84 a gallon <_< For Fuck's sake......They say it will hit $6.00 a Fuckin' gallon soon :2up:




$3.39 a fucking gallon here, which is pretty damn high. :taz:


It was $3.39 last fucking week here but it's gone back down to $3.19.



I hope it keeps going fucking down 'cause I'm heading out on a long fucking trip to Wyoming again in July.


Dude I'm really fucking sorry...you have to drive across Iowa and Nebraska. Well at least the speed limit is 75 here in the Husker state.



My in-laws(who are cool as fuck) live out there, so I take my wife there every year.

We go up through Iowa to Sioux Falls S.D. and then go across S.D. on I-90 into Wyoming.

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I am soooooooooooooo fucking pissed right now. I'm being attacked by Trojans!!! :crash:


Fucking little fucking fuckers. :angry:

Get out the scissors and threaten to cut their little fucking rubber heads off!!!

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