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The F*%K Thread


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I just dropped something in the fuckin' kitchen and without thinking I said "FUCK!" in front of my four year old... who told me "Daddy, that's a very bad word. Please don't say it EVER again."


I just got fuckin' schooled by my own kid. I fuckin' hate when that happens.


I fuckin' get that all the time from my four year old.

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I just dropped something in the fuckin' kitchen and without thinking I said "FUCK!" in front of my four year old... who told me "Daddy, that's a very bad word. Please don't say it EVER again."


I just got fuckin' schooled by my own kid. I fuckin' hate when that happens.


I fuckin' get that all the time from my four year old.

Wait till mummy finds out.Trust me they will.They always fuckin' do !!!!!!

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I just dropped something in the fuckin' kitchen and without thinking I said "FUCK!" in front of my four year old... who told me "Daddy, that's a very bad word. Please don't say it EVER again."


I just got fuckin' schooled by my own kid. I fuckin' hate when that happens.


I fuckin' get that all the time from my four year old.

Wait till mummy finds out.Trust me they will.They always fuckin' do !!!!!!


A-fuckin'-men to that...your ass is grass Freddy.

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Pretty fuckin' mellow start to the morning here, but I found out this morning my fucking credit card bill is due on the 12th of this month, not the 13th. That creates a lot of fuckin' problems. A fuckin' lot of 'em.

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I am fuckin' whupped. -_- Took Bubba to the Wright Patt Air Force Museum today. We fuckin' walked.......and walked.......and walked....


Then we fuckin' walked some more... :lol:

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I am fuckin' whipped.

Aren't we all? :(


Damn fuckin' beautiful sweet vaginas. *shakes fist*

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This is the kinda fuckin' morning I LIKE:


I walk into the fuckin' office this AM and not only is the fuckin' coffee already fuckin' made, but there's a fuckin' six pack of beer (Saranac Adirondack Lager too, no fuckin' cheap shit!) tucked under my desk, from a co-worker for whom I did a favor last week.


The weather fuckin' sucks today but it doesn't matter now cuz I'm off to a good fuckin' start! :woot:

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Holy fuckin' crap-a-moley, I just looked outside and it is rainin' like fuckin' HELL out thar!! :blink:

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Fucking beautiful day here. 78 and sunny as I type this. But to quote the Widow: I am tired as FUCK!!

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I'm watching Criminal Minds but I am still tired as fuck (not after fuck either).

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This is the kinda fuckin' morning I LIKE:

Dude, I could have sworn the rest of this fuckin' post was going to include the words 'blow job'.

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This is the kinda fuckin' morning I LIKE:

Dude, I could have sworn the rest of this fuckin' post was going to include the words 'blow job'.


No, that would've been "This is the kinda fuckin' morning I LOVE!"

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Fuckin' great fuckin' day.She went fuckin' out and I had a fuckin' cd fuckin' fest !!!!!!!!


You bought a bunch of fuckin' CD's or you listened to a bunch of fuckin' CD's?

I fuckin' listened to a fuckin' load of fuckin' cds... <_<

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Fuckin' great fuckin' day.She went fuckin' out and I had a fuckin' cd fuckin' fest !!!!!!!!


You bought a bunch of fuckin' CD's or you listened to a bunch of fuckin' CD's?

I fuckin' listened to a fuckin' load of fuckin' cds... <_<


I do the same fuckin' thing when the wife goes out...isn't it great. :cheer:

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Fuckin' great fuckin' day.She went fuckin' out and I had a fuckin' cd fuckin' fest !!!!!!!!


You bought a bunch of fuckin' CD's or you listened to a bunch of fuckin' CD's?

I fuckin' listened to a fuckin' load of fuckin' cds... <_<


I do the same fuckin' thing when the wife goes out...isn't it great. :cheer:

Gotta have a good pair of fucking headphones to drown out the fucking chirping when she is home...

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