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Wes, being a Jersey resident, I can totally fucking vouch for Vintage Vinyl..it is the best fucking CD store in this fucking universe or any fuckin' others. Unfortunately it's a fucking 90 minute drive from where the fuck I live so I only get there once or twice a fucking year, tops :crying:

It was nice because I lived in fucking Staten Island and it's only about 20 minutes away from there. What a fucking beautiful place to carry all the fucking shit we all love... :bananamac:

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I am sick of not being able to find the cds I want in fucking stores.


What the fuck happened to real fucking music stores that actually carried Music?


It's great that you can find almost any cd you want on the Internet but it also sucks that you can't go to your local fucking music store and buy what your looking for. If it's not on a fucking piece of shit major label then they don't fucking carry it.

They don't even have the fucking rock that ARE on major labels. If it ain't fucking Britney or Christina, record stores are not interested.




The worst part is when they do have what I'm looking for it's like $18 or $19.

I don't even fucking shop in stores anymore unless it's a sole proprietorship. I will not give my fucking money to a chain store. Just too expensive. There's a place in Jersey that had a ton of stuff. It was called Vintage Vinyl. They had ALL the stuff that major stores wouldn't carry. I'd go there alot when I lived up north. They had a website. Check it out and see if its still up & running.



There's no fucking shops like that around here anymore. :crying:


We have Main St Records and that used to be the place to get import metal but now they've turned into an Ozzfest style shop, and only carry bands of that style.

Back in the day they used to have everything that was on Perris Records and many Jap pressings of Hair Bands. I remember picking up Black N Blue 'Nasty Nasty' Jap pressing there about 10 years ago.

Here give this a fucking whirl:






That place looks awesome.

Now I know where to go if I ever fucking go to New Jersey.

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That place looks awesome.

Now I know where to go if I ever fucking go to New Jersey.


Fuck yea Wes, you ever come to Jersey, look me up and we'll go on a fuckin' run to Vintage Vinyl. :tumbsup:


It was nice because I lived in fucking Staten Island and it's only about 20 minutes away from there. What a fucking beautiful place to carry all the fucking shit we all love... :bananamac:


You lived on Staten Fucking Island? I went to Wagner Fucking College on Staten Fucking Island between '88 and '92. Fuckin' great area. They had a pretty good fuckin' little record store called "Zig Zag Records" out by the UA movie theatre when I was living out there, nowhere near as impressive as Vintage Fuckin' Vinyl but the guys who ran it were all metalheads so they had tons of goodies. Wonder if it's still there? I haven't been back to fuckin' S.I. in six or seven years now.

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That place looks awesome.

Now I know where to go if I ever fucking go to New Jersey.


Fuck yea Wes, you ever come to Jersey, look me up and we'll go on a fuckin' run to Vintage Vinyl. :tumbsup:


It was nice because I lived in fucking Staten Island and it's only about 20 minutes away from there. What a fucking beautiful place to carry all the fucking shit we all love... :bananamac:


You lived on Staten Fucking Island? I went to Wagner Fucking College on Staten Fucking Island between '88 and '92. Fuckin' great area. They had a pretty good fuckin' little record store called "Zig Zag Records" out by the UA movie theatre when I was living out there, nowhere near as impressive as Vintage Fuckin' Vinyl but the guys who ran it were all metalheads so they had tons of goodies. Wonder if it's still there? I haven't been back to fuckin' S.I. in six or seven years now.

I left Staten fucking Island in '04 and it was still there. They do ALOT of business so I can't see them packing up their fucking tents. I went to CSI between fucking 87-92.

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I wake up way too FUCKING soon on Sundays.

Yeah I fucking hear ya dude.

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I wake up way too FUCKING soon on Sundays.

Yeah I fucking hear ya dude.

Me too. But it's mostly due to my giddiness for a day of Fucking Football!!! :banana::bananamac:

It's almost fucking football time!!! :dance::drink::dance:

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We've been decorating our fucking house for the holidays all fucking weekend... with all the boxes, storage bins, and other tons of fucking random crap I hauled down from the fuckin attic, the fuckin' house looks like a train wreck right now, but at least the fuckin' tree is up and decorated and the fuckin outdoor lights are strung. I don't know how much more is going to get fuckin' done today cuz the wife and I are both beat!!

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We've been decorating our fucking house for the holidays all fucking weekend... with all the boxes, storage bins, and other tons of fucking random crap I hauled down from the fuckin attic, the fuckin' house looks like a train wreck right now, but at least the fuckin' tree is up and decorated and the fuckin outdoor lights are strung. I don't know how much more is going to get fuckin' done today cuz the wife and I are both beat!!

I did that fucking crap last weekend. It fucking sucked.

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We've been decorating our fucking house for the holidays all fucking weekend... with all the boxes, storage bins, and other tons of fucking random crap I hauled down from the fuckin attic, the fuckin' house looks like a train wreck right now, but at least the fuckin' tree is up and decorated and the fuckin outdoor lights are strung. I don't know how much more is going to get fuckin' done today cuz the wife and I are both beat!!

I did that fucking crap last weekend. It fucking sucked.



Bah fuckin' humbug there, Mr. Scroogie.... :P

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Hey Keef.......got a strange question for ya. Is your kitty a boy or a girl? Is it easy to tell which it is?


I ask, 'cuz some people from work brought me a kitty they found. Declawed. Put out on the street. :( They said it was a she......but I was snugglin' her / him / it the other day, and I thought I saw some extra 'baggage' down there.


Are they super obvious, or not? Am I just kitty stupid?




Hey MJ, I don't know if it's the same for kitties and puppies, but when we bought our puppy the other fuckin' day everyone knew she was a girl, but being a dipshit I was convinced otherwise so I asked my girl to confirm for me because I fuckin' swore there was a "man bump" near her bottom. But I was proved to be foolish because apparently females do still have some sort of fuckin' "mound" thing down there too. As I say, it may not be the same for kitties (our kitty is a male) but I'm thinking if people said it is, your's probably is a female.


And yeah, good on you for taking the cute little fucker in. And death to the fuckers her left her like that.

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Hey Keef.......got a strange question for ya. Is your kitty a boy or a girl? Is it easy to tell which it is?


I ask, 'cuz some people from work brought me a kitty they found. Declawed. Put out on the street. :( They said it was a she......but I was snugglin' her / him / it the other day, and I thought I saw some extra 'baggage' down there.


Are they super obvious, or not? Am I just kitty stupid?




Hey MJ, I don't know if it's the same for kitties and puppies, but when we bought our puppy the other fuckin' day everyone knew she was a girl, but being a dipshit I was convinced otherwise so I asked my girl to confirm for me because I fuckin' swore there was a "man bump" near her bottom. But I was proved to be foolish because apparently females do still have some sort of fuckin' "mound" thing down there too. As I say, it may not be the same for kitties (our kitty is a male) but I'm thinking if people said it is, your's probably is a female.


And yeah, good on you for taking the cute little fucker in. And death to the fuckers her left her like that.


Thanks, Geoff. Still not sure what this one is........but I do know one thing......she / he/ it is SUCH the lover kitty! Guess it's finally feeling some security... :wub: I wuv my Angel.... :angel::lol:



oh yeah.....fuck.

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Another fucking monday morning.


A-fuckin-men, brother. Another fucking work week begins... sigh...

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A big fuckin' :woot: to you Lees! Ya doin' anything fuckin' cool on your Vacay or are ya just kickin' back?

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And yeah, good on you for taking the cute little fucker in. And death to the fuckers her left her like that.


Why the fuck do people treat animals like that? My wife's cousin has a new dog at home that she literally rescued off the side of the fuckin' road over the weekend. She was coming home from shopping and the car in front of her suddenly veered off to the side of the road and pulled over. She saw some fuckin' guy literally DRAG a dog out of the fuckin' car, beat it in the head a couple of times, kicked it, then he got back in his fuckin' car and peeled away, leaving the fuckin' dog behind. She pulled the fuck over right away to see if the dog was OK. It was skinny and scared, but when she stopped her car and got out, the fuckin' dog came right to her. It's an ADORABLE little black Lab female, maybe six to eight fuckin' months old, tops. She called the fuckin' cops right there from the side of the road, but since it all happened so fuckin' fast, she never got the guy's license plate #, she could only tell them that it was a Georgia fuckin' plate. So it looks like my wife's cousin has a new dog for Christmas.


The cops haven't found the guy who abandoned the fuckin' dog (and they probably won't) but wherever the fuck he is, I hope a bear bites his fuckin' nards off.

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A big fuckin' :woot: to you Lees! Ya doin' anything fuckin' cool on your Vacay or are ya just kickin' back?

Thanks, Keef :) Fuckin kickin back & a possible road trip or two :woot:


Why the fuck do people treat animals like that? My wife's cousin has a new dog at home that she literally rescued off the side of the fuckin' road over the weekend. She was coming home from shopping and the car in front of her suddenly veered off to the side of the road and pulled over. She saw some fuckin' guy literally DRAG a dog out of the fuckin' car, beat it in the head a couple of times, kicked it, then he got back in his fuckin' car and peeled away, leaving the fuckin' dog behind. She pulled the fuck over right away to see if the dog was OK. It was skinny and scared, but when she stopped her car and got out, the fuckin' dog came right to her. It's an ADORABLE little black Lab female, maybe six to eight fuckin' months old, tops. She called the fuckin' cops right there from the side of the road, but since it all happened so fuckin' fast, she never got the guy's license plate #, she could only tell them that it was a Georgia fuckin' plate. So it looks like my wife's cousin has a new dog for Christmas.


The cops haven't found the guy who abandoned the fuckin' dog (and they probably won't) but wherever the fuck he is, I hope a bear bites his fuckin' nards off.


Awesome on your wife's cousin, Keef :D I fuckin HATE fuckers who mistreat animals :2up: They need their fuckin azz beat three times over! :angry:

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Hey Lisa, :wub: I've got a really fuckin' awesome idea. Did you wanna fly down to Australia, have a full Outback Australian Fuckin' Working Holiday for 3 weeks (filling in for me) and spring for flights to the US for me and let me enjoy a vacation in Calafornia on the fuckin' beach for the same 3 weeks? It'd be fuckin' awesome. You could be Geoff for 3 weeks and I'll be Lisa. :wub:


And yeah, I agree with the above fuckin' statements. Animal cruelty is the one thing in the world I can not fathom to any degree. The fuckers who participate should be eaten by wild beasts. Our poor little kitty was abandoned and hit by a car too. :( He loves my wife and I but is scared silly of everyone else and I blame that on the fuckers who abandoned her.

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Hey Lisa, :wub: I've got a really fuckin' awesome idea. Did you wanna fly down to Australia, have a full Outback Australian Fuckin' Working Holiday for 3 weeks (filling in for me) and spring for flights to the US for me and let me enjoy a vacation in Calafornia on the fuckin' beach for the same 3 weeks? It'd be fuckin' awesome. You could be Geoff for 3 weeks and I'll be Lisa. :wub:


Hey Geoff :wub:

Let me fuckin sum it up with a hell no! I'm gonna be me & enjoy my own fuckin vacation, and you're gonna be Geoff :wub: and hate every fuckin day that you're at work :lol:


Oh, and... it's California ;)

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California. :lol: at me typing fuckin' Calafornia. Oh, and that wasn't really the answer I was fuckin' looking for, Lisa. :wub: Oh well, anyone else got a fuckin' holiday they wanna swap with me?

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We've been decorating our fucking house for the holidays all fucking weekend... with all the boxes, storage bins, and other tons of fucking random crap I hauled down from the fuckin attic, the fuckin' house looks like a train wreck right now, but at least the fuckin' tree is up and decorated and the fuckin outdoor lights are strung. I don't know how much more is going to get fuckin' done today cuz the wife and I are both beat!!

I did that fucking crap last weekend. It fucking sucked.



Bah fuckin' humbug there, Mr. Scroogie.... :P

Oh don't get me fucking wrong here. Putting them up sucks especially with 2 bum fucking shoulders. I don't mind turning the lights on though.

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We've been decorating our fucking house for the holidays all fucking weekend... with all the boxes, storage bins, and other tons of fucking random crap I hauled down from the fuckin attic, the fuckin' house looks like a train wreck right now, but at least the fuckin' tree is up and decorated and the fuckin outdoor lights are strung. I don't know how much more is going to get fuckin' done today cuz the wife and I are both beat!!

I did that fucking crap last weekend. It fucking sucked.



Bah fuckin' humbug there, Mr. Scroogie.... :P

Oh don't get me fucking wrong here. Putting them up sucks especially with 2 bum fucking shoulders. I don't mind turning the lights on though.


Jusssssssst messin' with ya, darlin'.......just messin'. ;) I'm fuckin' OFF for the next two days :dance: ....and I get to do the inside of the house now. The outside will suffice as is........it's fuckin' COLD out there!!!!!! :yikes:


side note........I finally found out what my kitty is.............she's a SHE!!! Don't ask for fuckin' details...and I won't tell. :unsure: But, strangely I feel better fuckin' knowing...... :lol:

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