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(Hock... SPIT) Fuckin' DONE brother!! THAT oughta teach this fuckin' Monday!!

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I was wearing my sunglasses as I drove the fuck to work this morning. I was contemplating how fucked up life is, and thinking how good it would be to be a musician on stage, and I took my fuckin' sunglasses off to take a good hard look at myself in the fucking rear-view mirror.


So I take the fucking things off my head but one of the fucking "arms" (what the fuck do you call the things that wrap around your fucking head on sunglasses?) stayed stuck on my fucking head. Just sitting there behind my ear in my hair, just fuckin' sitting there. In my hand I was holding the lenses, frame and one fucking "arm". (Honestly, what the fuck do you call them?). But this one arm just fucking sat there, and I left it there. I only took it away when I parked my car. It took attention away from my hard contemplation.

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I know, Lisa :wub: but the fuckin' ride there ain't any less painful than it was last fucked up week. I'm just not digging today. It's got a bad fuckin' vibe to it. It all went wrong with the fuckin' sunglasses this morning. Then I took the one document in our house that my girl needs today to work with me, so she can't do what she was planning to do on her day off. My balls are on the fuckin' line, I have work to do which I've not done yet and it's all just fuckin' haywire.


That was pretty fucking close to a fit.

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It always works out, Geoff :wub: Your girl loves ya, and you'll fuckin get the work done, right on fuckin time :).


But smackin' a co-worker or two upside da fuckin head sometimes helps :D


Before I would just kill irritating co-workers, but someone showed me that was just fucking wrong.

It's always more fun to fucking torture coworkers... :axe:

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I've decapitated a few fuckin' co-workers, but I always sew their heads back on when people start pointing their fuckin' fingers.

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I was wearing my sunglasses as I drove the fuck to work this morning. I was contemplating how fucked up life is, and thinking how good it would be to be a musician on stage, and I took my fuckin' sunglasses off to take a good hard look at myself in the fucking rear-view mirror.


So I take the fucking things off my head but one of the fucking "arms" (what the fuck do you call the things that wrap around your fucking head on sunglasses?) stayed stuck on my fucking head. Just sitting there behind my ear in my hair, just fuckin' sitting there. In my hand I was holding the lenses, frame and one fucking "arm". (Honestly, what the fuck do you call them?). But this one arm just fucking sat there, and I left it there. I only took it away when I parked my car. It took attention away from my hard contemplation.


Dude, that fuckin' sucks but you gotta remember they're not built to take a lot of abuse.



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I don't have to fuckin' work today, but my son has a fuckin' cold so I'm fuckin' waiting till 9 AM so I can call the doctor's office and see if I can get him in there sometime today. What fuckin' fun!!

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I was wearing my sunglasses as I drove the fuck to work this morning. I was contemplating how fucked up life is, and thinking how good it would be to be a musician on stage, and I took my fuckin' sunglasses off to take a good hard look at myself in the fucking rear-view mirror.


So I take the fucking things off my head but one of the fucking "arms" (what the fuck do you call the things that wrap around your fucking head on sunglasses?) stayed stuck on my fucking head. Just sitting there behind my ear in my hair, just fuckin' sitting there. In my hand I was holding the lenses, frame and one fucking "arm". (Honestly, what the fuck do you call them?). But this one arm just fucking sat there, and I left it there. I only took it away when I parked my car. It took attention away from my hard contemplation.


Dude, that fuckin' sucks but you gotta remember they're not built to take a lot of abuse.




:lol: That's them!!!


Update: I wore them again this moring, with only one fucking "arm". It was so fucking uncomfortable with the arm-less left side digging into the side of my fuckin' head. FYI, I got them in Thailand for about aud$7.00 so I shouldn't have expected much. But a brother can fuckin' hope, right?

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I was wearing my sunglasses as I drove the fuck to work this morning. I was contemplating how fucked up life is, and thinking how good it would be to be a musician on stage, and I took my fuckin' sunglasses off to take a good hard look at myself in the fucking rear-view mirror.


So I take the fucking things off my head but one of the fucking "arms" (what the fuck do you call the things that wrap around your fucking head on sunglasses?) stayed stuck on my fucking head. Just sitting there behind my ear in my hair, just fuckin' sitting there. In my hand I was holding the lenses, frame and one fucking "arm". (Honestly, what the fuck do you call them?). But this one arm just fucking sat there, and I left it there. I only took it away when I parked my car. It took attention away from my hard contemplation.


Dude, that fuckin' sucks but you gotta remember they're not built to take a lot of abuse.




:lol: That's them!!!


Update: I wore them again this moring, with only one fucking "arm". It was so fucking uncomfortable with the arm-less left side digging into the side of my fuckin' head. FYI, I got them in Thailand for about aud$7.00 so I shouldn't have expected much. But a brother can fuckin' hope, right?

Ah nothing like seeing the fucking world in all blues and reds!! You must have looked fucking rabid with your one fucking "arm" on and one off!!!

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I was wearing my sunglasses as I drove the fuck to work this morning. I was contemplating how fucked up life is, and thinking how good it would be to be a musician on stage, and I took my fuckin' sunglasses off to take a good hard look at myself in the fucking rear-view mirror.


So I take the fucking things off my head but one of the fucking "arms" (what the fuck do you call the things that wrap around your fucking head on sunglasses?) stayed stuck on my fucking head. Just sitting there behind my ear in my hair, just fuckin' sitting there. In my hand I was holding the lenses, frame and one fucking "arm". (Honestly, what the fuck do you call them?). But this one arm just fucking sat there, and I left it there. I only took it away when I parked my car. It took attention away from my hard contemplation.


Dude, that fuckin' sucks but you gotta remember they're not built to take a lot of abuse.






I think those are the same fucking glasses I had when I went to see Jaws 3 in 3D.

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:lol: Fuck.......just reading the weather report for beautiful Downtown Ludlow Falls, Ohio........supposed to be up to fucking 65 today......and down to fucking 20 by Friday. :lol:



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Yea, we're supposed to get a fuckin' cold snap out this-a-fuckin'-way by the weekend too... guess I shoulda hung those fuckin' outdoor Christmas lights LAST weekend when it was so fuckin' balmy out there... D'OH! :homer:

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