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Listening to a band called Cute is What We Aim For, more than likely aimed at 13 year old teenage girls... and fucking loving it. I am SO FUCKING METAL.

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Listening to a band called Cute is What We Aim For, more than likely aimed at 13 year old teenage girls... and fucking loving it. I am SO FUCKING METAL.

Is Geoff trying to fuckin' keep down with the fuckin' kids ? :whistle:

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Listening to a band called Cute is What We Aim For, more than likely aimed at 13 year old teenage girls... and fucking loving it. I am SO FUCKING METAL.

Is Geoff trying to fuckin' keep down with the fuckin' kids ? :whistle:

Black N'Blue are holding onto 18... I'm fuckin' holding on to 13.

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i am fuckin fighting the urge just to not start screaming my fucking head off like a fuckin shrew. even tho there are stupid fucking people that deserve it in the worst fuckin way at the fucking moment.

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Went for a surf on Sunday for the first time in about 4-6 months... pretty much the best fucking moment of my life. Fuck I missed it.

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I went to the petrol station this morning and bought petrol for my car for the first time in 6 months. Imagine my surprise when the guy behind the counter jumped over it, stabbed me in the throat, plucked my eyeballs out with the same knife but kept me breathing as he then called 18 of his mates to come over and rape me at the same time.


Okay, so maybe that didn't happen... but I sure as fuck would have preferred that to forking over one hundred and ten fucking dollars for a tank of fucking petrol. Hey world, FUCK YOU!

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I was so fucking bored yesterday I signed up to the official Big Brother forum... goddamn I rule.

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I can't fucking wait until July 24th.

What happens then? Is there a fuckin' party or something?

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