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If you sing like Underdog's Sweet Polly Purebread..."Oh where oh where can my WidowRhoads be, oh where oh where can she be...." Poooffff. She will fucking appear with legs together.

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Jez just got to work, I've been here for 2 and 1/4 hours already! What the fuck's going on?


Nothing much.


BTW, our office got broken into last night. Who the fuck would actually bother to do that? We're on the 4th floor and there is nothing of worth here. All the computers are just screens and modems or whatever the f*ck there are. No CPUs for each system. There were barely any laptops and nothing elso got taken aside from the few laptops that were here. But who the fuck risks that? What fuckin' moron risks doing all that for a couple of laptops? Fuckin insane.

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Jez just got to work, I've been here for 2 and 1/4 hours already! What the fuck's going on?


Nothing much.


BTW, our office got broken into last night. Who the fuck would actually bother to do that? We're on the 4th floor and there is nothing of worth here. All the computers are just screens and modems or whatever the f*ck there are. No CPUs for each system. There were barely any laptops and nothing elso got taken aside from the few laptops that were here. But who the fuck risks that? What fuckin' moron risks doing all that for a couple of laptops? Fuckin insane.

Sounds like a fuckin' inside job... :whistle:

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Jez just got to work, I've been here for 2 and 1/4 hours already! What the fuck's going on?


Nothing much.


BTW, our office got broken into last night. Who the fuck would actually bother to do that? We're on the 4th floor and there is nothing of worth here. All the computers are just screens and modems or whatever the f*ck there are. No CPUs for each system. There were barely any laptops and nothing elso got taken aside from the few laptops that were here. But who the fuck risks that? What fuckin' moron risks doing all that for a couple of laptops? Fuckin insane.

Sounds like a fuckin' inside job... :whistle:



Gotta fucking laptop to sell Geoff - I need a fucking new PC!!!

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Jez just got to work, I've been here for 2 and 1/4 hours already! What the fuck's going on?


Nothing much.


BTW, our office got broken into last night. Who the fuck would actually bother to do that? We're on the 4th floor and there is nothing of worth here. All the computers are just screens and modems or whatever the f*ck there are. No CPUs for each system. There were barely any laptops and nothing elso got taken aside from the few laptops that were here. But who the fuck risks that? What fuckin' moron risks doing all that for a couple of laptops? Fuckin insane.

Sounds like a fuckin' inside job... :whistle:

Gotta fucking laptop to sell Geoff - I need a fucking new PC!!!

Just check my ebay page, mate. Five new barely used laptops for sale! Plus a few pencils and calculators. I really hit the fuckin' jackpot!

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Who in the fuck is this "Deisel" and why does he have his own cologne called "Fuel For Life"???



Sorry......saw this commercial WAY too many times tonight. :blink:

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We have a major fuckin leak in our roof and it is fuckin pissin' down.

There is just as fuckin much water runnin' down inside the walls of the house than there fuckin' is outside :doh: ........We have fuckin' buckets, fuckin' pots, fuckin' towels, fuckin' you name it catchin' water and there ain't a God damn fuckin' thing I can do about it......... so I may aswell grab another beer and sit there and just fuckin' watch it..................FUCK

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I'm sat at the fuckin' computer whilst the fuckin' footie's on.Fuckin' amazing !!!

You fuckin' rebel you!! :tumbsup:

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