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The F*%K Thread


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Good fucking morning Wes. I got to the fucking office and the fucking coffee was already made so we're off to a good fucking start here. How's by you?

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My girl is currently assisting in performing surgery on a poor little fucking doggy, so I'm here kickin' it, looking through 18,000 fucking emails from HH because work is fucked and the fucking filter blocks email so each fucking day 18,070 build up and fuck my hotmail account and I cannot check them until I get the fuck home. I'm listening to Shadows Fade and 'Sooner or later' is kicking my fuckin' plump little ass now. My stereo is ordinary, but I don't mind. I like this fuckin' disc a lot.


Wow !! That's a lot of F*#&K's !!!




That's what all girls who share a fuckin' bed with me say. :D


What, "Wow !! That's a lot of Fork's !!!", "Franks", "Folks" ? I'm so fucking confused... :bananamac:


That reminds me of the fuckin' Swiss porn movie I was in once:


I flew to Switzerland once, got off the fuckin' plane and was bombarded by women, so this cheeky lookin' fucker offered me a role in a Swiss porn flick. He told me the fuckin' rate of pay and I said, 'That's a lot of Franks!'. I then went back to shoot the fuckin' film saw I had 17 girls to pleasure that day and I said, 'That's a lot of fucks!' We then did the first scene in the fuckin' kitchen, and I couldn't help but notice the kitchen drawer a bit over-filled so I exclaimed, 'That's a lot of forks!' Then, as the scene progress I also noticed the fuckin' crew was very large in number - many people had come to see me, and I exclaimed, 'That's a lot of folks!'













Why the fuck do I bother?

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Fuck, I had to go to the doctors today (and I hate going to see a doctor). I've been having fucking cronic headaches for a few months. My wife was getting on me about getting checked out so I finally fucking went. The fuckers took three tubes of blood for "lab work", did a neurology exam and a CT Scan of my head. All this for a bunch of fucking headaches. Now my head is going to hurt even more when I get the hospital bill.

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Fuck, I had to go to the doctors today (and I hate going to see a doctor). I've been having fucking cronic headaches for a few months. My wife was getting on me about getting checked out so I finally fucking went. The fuckers took three tubes of blood for "lab work", did a neurology exam and a CT Scan of my head. All this for a bunch of fucking headaches. Now my head is going to hurt even more when I get the hospital bill.



I'm going to fucking doctor today to.

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Fuckin'A, I've been so busy posting fuckin video links from fuckin' YouTube that I've been neglecting one of my favorite fuckin' threads here! Fuckin' sorry about that. So how the fuck is everybody? We are in the midst of a massive fuckin' heat wave here in Jersey, fuckin' above 90 degrees for the next four or five fuckin' days. My kid is gonna get a lotta use out of his fuckin' kiddie pool, believe you fuckin' me. And he may have to make some fuckin' room for me in there too!

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Fuckin'A, I've been so busy posting fuckin video links from fuckin' YouTube that I've been neglecting one of my favorite fuckin' threads here! Fuckin' sorry about that. So how the fuck is everybody? We are in the midst of a massive fuckin' heat wave here in Jersey, fuckin' above 90 degrees for the next four or five fuckin' days. My kid is gonna get a lotta use out of his fuckin' kiddie pool, believe you fuckin' me. And he may have to make some fuckin' room for me in there too!


Be fuckin' careful out there, FF.........I woke up this morning with a fuckin' lovely red welty rash all over my chest and neck......assuming it's fuckin' sun poisoning from my bake the other day... :unsure:

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Be fuckin' careful out there, FF.........I woke up this morning with a fuckin' lovely red welty rash all over my chest and neck......assuming it's fuckin' sun poisoning from my bake the other day... :unsure:


Fuckin OUCH MJ! I'll make fuckin' sure I coat The Boy with sunblock before he hits the pool. We set the fucking thing up on our fuckin' deck anyway, which stays somewhat fuckin' shady through most of the fuckin' day, so at least we wont' be in direct fuckin sunlight... but thanks for the fuckin' tip

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It's been about 70 fuckin degrees here, with a cooling ocean fucking breeze :D


Holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!! You are one LUCKY chick!! :D


It's bakin' here! The fuckin' humidity was so high the other day that you would just walk out of the fuckin' house and start to sweat!!

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Be fuckin' careful out there, FF.........I woke up this morning with a fuckin' lovely red welty rash all over my chest and neck......assuming it's fuckin' sun poisoning from my bake the other day... :unsure:


Fuckin OUCH MJ! I'll make fuckin' sure I coat The Boy with sunblock before he hits the pool. We set the fucking thing up on our fuckin' deck anyway, which stays somewhat fuckin' shady through most of the fuckin' day, so at least we wont' be in direct fuckin sunlight... but thanks for the fuckin' tip


Thank God for the fuckin' Hydrocortisone cream.........itchin' like a fuckin' bitch now...lol.


This is unreal......I've never been alergic to any fuckin' thing in my life.....now the SUN??? Fuck that.... <_<


Good thing I don't have to work today......such a pretty sight..... :lol:

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whew ...... itz fuckin' H0TT yall

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Im not sure what it is at the moment down here Texaz way ..but its flippin H0TT ... my upstairs thermostat is on the fritz so Im bout ta do the old Home Depot/ Lowes thang and go try ta find one .... It just started to decide when it wants to work 3 days ago .... But I know its every bit or 95 at least here .....


On a side note .... I shall have a sore throat tomorrow cause I have a fan like right up in my face ...and its too hard to resist not to sing THe REFLEX by Duran Fuckin Duran with the fan sound effects ......

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Im not sure what it is at the moment down here Texaz way ..but its flippin H0TT ... my upstairs thermostat is on the fritz so Im bout ta do the old Home Depot/ Lowes thang and go try ta find one .... It just started to decide when it wants to work 3 days ago .... But I know its every bit or 95 at least here .....


On a side note .... I shall have a sore throat tomorrow cause I have a fan like right up in my face ...and its too hard to resist not to sing THe REFLEX by Duran Duran with the fan sound effects ......



You didn't say the word FUCK!!!!!! :P

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Oh wait ..sure i did ...between Duran Duran ..... roll's eyes and sneaks out the fuckin door

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Oh wait ..sure i did ...between Duran Duran ..... roll's eyes and sneaks out the fuckin door




Nice fucking edit job. To bad that edit didn't fix your original in my reply. :P





I feel better now. :)

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I just came here from fucking YouTube where I watched the fucking new Iron Fucking Maiden video for "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" three fucking times. Great fucking song! Who the fuck is Benjamin Breeg? How the fuck should I know?

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I just came here from fucking YouTube where I watched the fucking new Iron Fucking Maiden video for "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" three fucking times. Great fucking song! Who the fuck is Benjamin Breeg? How the fuck should I know?



It doesn't matter who the fuck he is becaus Iron Fucking Maiden are fucking back!!!!!




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I just came here from fucking YouTube where I watched the fucking new Iron Fucking Maiden video for "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" three fucking times. Great fucking song! Who the fuck is Benjamin Breeg? How the fuck should I know?



It doesn't matter who the fuck he is becaus Iron Fucking Maiden are fucking back!!!!!





Fucking cool song wasn't it Wes? The video is truthfully no great fucking shakes (it was like they decided "Well, we'll save fucking money by using camcorder stuff from the recording studio and fucking mix it in with some fucking stuff from the fucking archives, nobody will remember that we fucking did the same thing with the fucking "Wasted Years" video in '86...") but once that mellow little intro was fuckin' over with and the guitar riff kicked in I was like "FUCK YEAAAAAA!"

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I just came here from fucking YouTube where I watched the fucking new Iron Fucking Maiden video for "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" three fucking times. Great fucking song! Who the fuck is Benjamin Breeg? How the fuck should I know?



It doesn't matter who the fuck he is becaus Iron Fucking Maiden are fucking back!!!!!





Fucking cool song wasn't it Wes? The video is truthfully no great fucking shakes (it was like they decided "Well, we'll save fucking money by using camcorder stuff from the recording studio and fucking mix it in with some fucking stuff from the fucking archives, nobody will remember that we fucking did the same thing with the fucking "Wasted Years" video in '86...") but once that mellow little intro was fuckin' over with and the guitar riff kicked in I was like "FUCK YEAAAAAA!"



To be honest with you I didn't watch the video I just listened to the song. I got the feeling that maybe this wasn't the official video.


Off topic: Dude you need to pick up that Bruce Dickinson Anthology DVD. Great stuff, including so many videos I didn't know he even made.



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To be honest with you I didn't watch the video I just listened to the song. I got the feeling that maybe this wasn't the official video.


Off topic: Dude you need to pick up that Bruce Dickinson Anthology DVD. Great stuff, including so many videos I didn't know he even made.




Supposedly that is the official fucking video. Maiden fucking world-premiered it on their fucking website over the weekend and the guy who fucking uploaded it to YouTube has been banned from the Maiden site for life because of it, hahahaha! I fucking appreciate his sacrifice though!!


I wanna pick up that fuckin Bruce DVD but knowing me it would sit on my fucking shelf and I'd never have time to watch the fucking thing. I have DVDs that I bought two fucking years ago still in the shrink wrap, waiting to be fucking watched. Tis quite fucking sad, really! But seriously, one of my fucking metal brothas has the Bruce DVD and I want to fucking at least borrow the fucker from him at some fucking point.

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To be honest with you I didn't watch the video I just listened to the song. I got the feeling that maybe this wasn't the official video.


Off topic: Dude you need to pick up that Bruce Dickinson Anthology DVD. Great stuff, including so many videos I didn't know he even made.




Supposedly that is the official fucking video. Maiden fucking world-premiered it on their fucking website over the weekend and the guy who fucking uploaded it to YouTube has been banned from the Maiden site for life because of it, hahahaha! I fucking appreciate his sacrifice though!!


I wanna pick up that fuckin Bruce DVD but knowing me it would sit on my fucking shelf and I'd never have time to watch the fucking thing. I have DVDs that I bought two fucking years ago still in the shrink wrap, waiting to be fucking watched. Tis quite fucking sad, really! But seriously, one of my fucking metal brothas has the Bruce DVD and I want to fucking at least borrow the fucker from him at some fucking point.



I guess they don't see the point in spending money on a big video when MTV and VH1 isn't gonna play it anyway.

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