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The Uninteresting Thread


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Almost everywhere........... :whistle:

In L*ton? :yikes:

Yes...Sad but true...

Say it ain't so.... :crying:

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Nick and Pete are myspace buddies. Makes me want to sign up, just to say, 'Hey guys. So, uh, hey.'



Geoff ...Geoff....Geoffery......you don't need mySpace mate you can meet us here with all the other wacky people on the forums. We're all your buddies.


:bananamac: Yes folks HH forums where the good times rock and roll baby!!! :bananamac:

Excellent!!! So, uh, hey.

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'Till now :whistle:

What now? :popcorn:


Now is now now in the past.. now.?

You should write prog metal songs.

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I am going to belt out another 30 or so laps tonight. Swimming on Wednesdays is what makes the week happen.

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I've decided on KFC for lunch. I know I shouldn't but I cannot resist.


I've has KFC and McD's three times week already, as our kitchen is being ripped out, and to be quite frank, I am starting to hate the stuff with a passion!!!

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I've decided on KFC for lunch. I know I shouldn't but I cannot resist.


I've has KFC and McD's three times week already, as our kitchen is being ripped out, and to be quite frank, I am starting to hate the stuff with a passion!!!

The reverse happens with me. The more I eat it the more I love it. :(

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

Sexual connotation alert..........

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

Sexual connotation alert..........


Who me?? Ooooh - How very Dare you sir!!

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

Sexual connotation alert..........


Who me?? Ooooh - How very Dare you sir!!

Aha,you know it.......

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

Sexual connotation alert..........


Who me?? Ooooh - How very Dare you sir!!

Aha,you know it.......

Okay Gents, I have to ask. What the hell are you talking about? What's Bedforshire? You cheeky bastards.

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Two devon sandwiches for lunch - Yay, seriously. Devon is pretty choice.

Have some Bedfordshire sandwiches matey.............


A Bedfordshire sandwich is always welcome in these parts ;)

Sexual connotation alert..........


Who me?? Ooooh - How very Dare you sir!!

Aha,you know it.......

Okay Gents, I have to ask. What the hell are you talking about? What's Bedforshire? You cheeky bastards.



Bedfordshire is the picturesque county that I live in, full of green fields, clean air and hot chicks - except the shit hole they call L**on of course!!

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