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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


Hello world, it's a song that we're singing.


Come on get happy! :banana:

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Good afternoon Critters,


Money... what... you mean you need it to survive? Nonsense! I like to watch it waste away at my literal expense.


Impulse/Moronic Buyer

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham...


Why the hell are all the gas stations suddenly charging 75 cents for the use of their air hose? When did that shit start?

Yeah, that blows...









Not everyone has the gift of hot air... :whistle:

:o What are you trying to say? :(

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham...


Why the hell are all the gas stations suddenly charging 75 cents for the use of their air hose? When did that shit start?

Yeah, that blows...









Not everyone has the gift of hot air... :whistle:

:o What are you trying to say? :(

Er, um, just, well....What I mean is...that not everyone has the gift of gab...yeah that's it!!

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Good afternoon Balladeers,


The sun sets amongst the tranquil layout of dense palms as a captive still surrounds the penguin's beak.



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


NOW it's Friday. And it does feel like it.


Thanks, Eric.

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Good morning all Freaks and Geeks.


Mine is a wondrous day here in Paradise.



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Where have my two Swiss Army penknives gone? I don't feel suicidal ...can I have them back? Also I really need my belt back as my pants keep falling down.......these cell walls are nice and soft though.



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Good morning all you smokers and non-smokers alike.


Where is Scuba Steve when you need him? Keef could use him right about now...


Big Daddy.

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