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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good morning Eric Brittingham.


Please lend Dio a hand and kick the metal back into Vivian Campbell before he completely dooms Def Leppard to elevator music.


Thank you.



I don't think even Mr. Brittingham's powers can stop that from happening. :whistle:



This is the last we speak of this just in case Peace Officer Pete is lurking. :gone:

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Good morning Eric Brittingham.


Please lend Dio a hand and kick the metal back into Vivian Campbell before he completely dooms Def Leppard to elevator music.


Thank you.



I don't think even Mr. Brittingham's powers can stop that from happening. :whistle:



This is the last we speak of this just in case Peace Officer Pete is lurking. :gone:

I thought Mr. Brittingham could do anything. :whistle:

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Good morning Eric Brittingham.


Please lend Dio a hand and kick the metal back into Vivian Campbell before he completely dooms Def Leppard to elevator music.


Thank you.



I don't think even Mr. Brittingham's powers can stop that from happening. :whistle:



This is the last we speak of this just in case Peace Officer Pete is lurking. :gone:

I thought Mr. Brittingham could do anything. :whistle:



Can he turn water into wine? Yes


Can he turn Def Leppard into a real rock band again? Probably not. :whistle:

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Good morning Red and White-flagged people - no, not you horrible English ones,


Losing in the world cup to "them" was only a pinprick compared to your demise.


Saddened from many angles

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Good morning black cross on white background,


You're a good boy. Goo-boi! Yeah, you're a good boy.



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Good afternoon fellow poker players,


Is that a bluff in your pocket or are you just happy to see me...lting chocolate on my naked body.


Strip Poker Roller

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Good morning milk consumers,


Come on, try to break 'em. I bet you can't. Come on... pussy. Give it a go! Yeah, I'm ready. Go! *snap* Ouch. Okay, so wow. That hurts. Can you be a dear and call the ambulance please?


Calcium Casualty

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Good evening to all Eric Brittingham worshipers.


I spent the afternoon counting blue cars.


Geo metro.

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Good Morning Gene Simmons:

Ain't none of your business, no never you mind.

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Good evening all who regularly visit the F*ck Thread.


Norton AntiVirus still f*ckin' sucks.



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Good morning Evil,


Wicked is my nickname. It's not, but it should be, and I think it would suit. 'Cause I'm wikkid.



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