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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good morning Eric Brittingham and all the corns on the cob,


To be happy is something I've not yet truly been able to capture for any length of time.



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Good Evening Jonathan Aaron Steel and the greatest Manager that money can buy Aex Rodman.


Long live long live long live the King of Mercy.


I am One.


Someone's been listening to "The Crimson Idol" :banger:


Good Morning Gerre and the rest of the Tankard boys.

We want to drink some f**king beer

We want to drink some whiskey!

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Good Evening Jonathan Aaron Steel and the greatest Manager that money can buy Aex Rodman.


Long live long live long live the King of Mercy.


I am One.


Someone's been listening to "The Crimson Idol" :banger:




Yes I have and now I can't the lyrics out of my head.

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Good afternoon XJ-9, a.k.a. "Jenny," Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, Tuck, Sheldon, and the rest of the gang in Tremerton, especially Killgore.



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Good Evening herf nerders


I've been crawling in the dark looking for the reason.



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Good morning to the Elders of this site.


Morning comes too early and night time falls too late.



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Good morning, Maudlin Mesopotamian Mortals.


Meerkats and mermaids meander meaninglessly amongst mountainous meatballs.



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Good morning easy riders and Eric Brittingham,


If you asked me to dance I'd answer you with a quick flurry of foot movement.


Hand Puppet

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Good afternoon Weird Al Yankovic.

You are SO right, Mashed Potatoes CAN be your friends!

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