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Is it cricket season again? I thought we got rid of those damn little insects last year. :blink:

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Quick joke....Australia. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P



Dave - Can't wait for November mate - You've started early, A little bit worried maybe?????What have I been playing on my DVD - Check it out and see :lol:


Hey Jez mate, there is no such thing as starting early when it comes to the greatest sporting rivalry on this planet

Worried??????????? Not this little black duck :lol: Darrell Hair will umpire and he don't like people who put their "mint spit" on one side of the cricket ball :lol: .Maybe your guys should see if the American track and field team has got any more performance enhancing juice they could spare to make you run a bit faster between the wickets and out in the field going for those catches and cutting off the boundaries ;):lol:

Also it is great to see Ian back handing out a bit of Aussie slappin' .


CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS...................................................... :unsure: I think :yikes::lol:


Is it cricket season again? I thought we got rid of those damn little insects last year. :blink:


Mate , brace yourself cause this is gonna' be bigger than Ben Hur :lol:

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Oh boy , are you British boys who have purchased tickets for the ashes series for those unbelieveably inflated prices over eBay {some in excess of 500 pounds} could lose out big time as Cricket Australia has cancelled a large majority of them and will continue to do so.They have Private Investigators tracking these tickets sold over eBay and warned pripr to the tickets going on sale that they were going to crack down on the scalpers and warned the people not to purchase these tickets as this was what they were going to do.

The claim period through paypal would have passed by now so good luck in trying to get your money back.

eBay is refusing to notify these people that the tickets they own are now void and will not get them into the ground.Some people are about to lose out "BIG TIME" and i think they will have no hope getting their money back.

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What's the first thing they teach you at the Pakistan Cricket Acadamy?????

































Ball tampering :lol:

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How true, how true - Akhtar was Caught In the act (well doing something suspicious shall we say) yesterday. They will never learn.


Dave - have you seen our one day team yet? - I don't know how many one dayers we are playing against you lot, but we will win precisely Zero I promise you, unless they get the main bowlers back.

I noticed yesterday your lot 'Bigging it up' again, McGrath especially seems to have written our chances off already, saying he felt like he was 25 again - (dream on dear Glenn!!) and kept mentioning the game that we won by 3 runs. He can't admit that, yes we had a little luck, but the better team and Attitude won last summer. Underdogs never win heh - Where have I heard that before - He has a very short memory!!! it had the boys on Sky sports Pissing themselves laughing. Ponting came across well and spoke sense though - we will have to be on our best form to win again as he rightly says.



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Jez , you are right mate , McGrath is not and will never be the bowler he once was and because of that, he should learn now to do his talking with the ball because sprouting off like that at the mouth and not being able to back it up always has the potential to make you look like a fool {The South Africans are a perfect example of that} and you would also think that this time that they would approach this series with a bit more caution and a little less arrogance because that too , has the potential to turn right back around and give you a major kick up the arse like last time.

The old saying will really apply to this series and that is "TALK IS CHEAP SO PUT UP OR SHUT UP".

I have not seen your one day side but to be really honest , i don't have much interest in the one day stuff except the World Cup because it's just a slog fest for entertainment.

Test cricket for me :drink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have got to hand it to the Pommy press with their infatuation about Warnie just prior to an Ashe's series.

Firstly they set him up with some of England's finest gutter trollops to get him in the shit, but now he is single that no longer will work so they don't care how many of their street workers take out his middle stump.

Now they have resorted to taping him giving Buchanan a serve and then running of to Buchanan and offering to play him the entire interview.


MEMO TO PLANET ENGLAND :lame::lame::lame::lame: .


No shit Sherlock.......They don't like each other......You don't have to be Einstien to work that out.....That has been widely known for a long period of time.


I sense yet again we are a little worried about what Warnie will do to your batting line up.


You are going to have to come up with another headline quickly about Warnie because this one is :lame: .


66 Days to go so get your best up and coming Sherlock Holmes onto it "PRONTO" :lol:

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i cant wait till the ashes to hit our shores this year....i think its a 1 horse race..with the aussies gunna run riot over the POMS this summer...it was a fluke the last time the poms won it..aussies batting was a disgrace the last ashes series...with the likes off LEE..MC GRATH..WARNIE in the bowling ranks ..and the batting power off GILCHRIST..PONTING...HUSSEY and Co..mate the game is in the bag...go the aussies...

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i cant wait till the ashes to hit our shores this year....i think its a 1 horse race..with the aussies gunna run riot over the POMS this summer...it was a fluke the last time the poms won it..aussies batting was a disgrace the last ashes series...with the likes off LEE..MC GRATH..WARNIE in the bowling ranks ..and the batting power off GILCHRIST..PONTING...HUSSEY and Co..mate the game is in the bag...go the aussies...



:banana: Sensational.

Mate, your post is like throwing a hand full of chips into a flock of seagulls.

Batten down the hatches as the Boys from England will be all over this one :lol: .

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i cant wait till the ashes to hit our shores this year....i think its a 1 horse race..with the aussies gunna run riot over the POMS this summer...it was a fluke the last time the poms won it..aussies batting was a disgrace the last ashes series...with the likes off LEE..MC GRATH..WARNIE in the bowling ranks ..and the batting power off GILCHRIST..PONTING...HUSSEY and Co..mate the game is in the bag...go the aussies...

I find this post rather difficult to believe.Come on England !!!!

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Dave - I won't rise to the bait mate. People can think what they want, but look what happened last time. One point i would like to point out to this silly boy above though, is that it wasn't necessarily a case of the Aussie's batting badly - THEY COULDN'T HANDLE THE BOWLING COBBER!!!! England bowled superbly at times, and played together as A TEAM, so I I don't call that a fluke. Very dangerous (and typical of some arrogant Aussies) to write off the opposition, especially after the egg they got on their faces last year - Some people never learn!!!!


I hope the quality of Gillespie wil shine again!!! :lol: I don't suppose he is playing is he - He could learn a lot!!!



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Dave - I won't rise to the bait mate. People can think what they want, but look what happened last time. One point i would like to point out to this silly boy above though, is that it wasn't necessarily a case of the Aussie's batting badly - THEY COULDN'T HANDLE THE BOWLING COBBER!!!! England bowled superbly at times, and played together as A TEAM, so I I don't call that a fluke. Very dangerous (and typical of some arrogant Aussies) to write off the opposition, especially after the egg they got on their faces last year - Some people never learn!!!!


I hope the quality of Gillespie wil shine again!!! :lol: I don't suppose he is playing is he - He could learn a lot!!!





No mate , Dizzy is done and dusted with. Your guys ended his innings in no uncertain terms.

I must mention something i find rather funny that has just filtered through from England and that is your "ring in" spinner who is as English as Sachin Tendulkar, that Monty Panesar , is seeing a psychologist because he is worried about how he is going to the handle the ribbing he will get from the Aussie crowds given his fielding isn't the best :lol: Don't worry about it Monty, our crowds will look after you down here. We love English Cricketers who can't throw , can't catch & can't bat. Just ask Phil Tufnell.Where ever he played down here , there was always the Phil Tufnell Cricket Academy signs erected every where.

But you need not worry because if you do have some problems , i'm sure Freddy can hide you down infront of Bay 13.They're really understanding down there and our players are so polite , i promise , they won't say a word to you.

So don't despair and fling the shrink as we will look forward to seeing you :lol:



I can see the signs in the crowds already "WILL HE DROP IT? IT'S A MONTY" :lol: .



P.S By the way , Phil Tufnell does actually have"Legend" status down here.He is actually , really liked :tumbsup:

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Old Tuffers - Great guy - could have been soooo much better had he put more effort in and left the Funny fags alone :lol:


Monty a 'Ring In'. Born and bred in England mate (just up the road from me), so that makes him English all the way in my book. He's a very good bowler and has been putting a lot of effort in with his batting and fielding -Yes, a typical number 11 batsman, but definately not the worst I have ever seen. Deserves to be in the team no question. No info over here about him seeing a Psychologist that I have seen though!!!!! :drink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

40 days to go and this is really starting to build up with shit being flung in all directions and some of the most irrelevant coming from the biggest fuckwit of them all, Sth African's Graeme Smith.

Memo to you cockhead.....Shut your useless fuckin' mouth and let the two best Cricket teams in the world fight it out themselves and you just be concerned with the odds that some Indian bookmaker will offer you on your next Test series.

You put it on the line during our last series and it was then you had to put up or shut up.It finished up being the latter so now will you just SHUT THE FUCK UP :loser:

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People , i have news that i have to tell you, that millions will find hard to believe and some will even find very disturbing but it has to be told.........hang on a minute , i need to regain my composure.....okay , i think i am right now.......It has been revealed that some Pakistani Cricketers have been caught out cheating .This time taking steroids. I know it is hard to believe because they are the most law abiding country that has ever played the game and are widely known to be as straight as a dog's back leg :unsure: Maybe not the best definition so how about as innocent as O.J Simpson when it comes to allegations of cheating :unsure: maybe not another glowing endorsement of their innocence.

Let's see them threaten the IOC here, who they {the IOC} have balls as big as a baby ant and usually turn a blind eye to any allegations made about these law abiding Cricketer's

At least it is something different to ball tampering in which they have NEVER and i mean NEVER done.

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Let's see them threaten the IOC here, who they {the IOC} have balls as big as a baby ant and usually turn a


Sorry , the IOC should be the ICC :wacko:

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People , i have news that i have to tell you, that millions will find hard to believe and some will even find very disturbing but it has to be told.........hang on a minute , i need to regain my composure.....okay , i think i am right now.......It has been revealed that some Pakistani Cricketers have been caught out cheating .This time taking steroids. I know it is hard to believe because they are the most law abiding country that has ever played the game and are widely known to be as straight as a dog's back leg :unsure: Maybe not the best definition so how about as innocent as O.J Simpson when it comes to allegations of cheating :unsure: maybe not another glowing endorsement of their innocence.

Let's see them threaten the IOC here, who they {the IOC} have balls as big as a baby ant and usually turn a blind eye to any allegations made about these law abiding Cricketer's

At least it is something different to ball tampering in which they have NEVER and i mean NEVER done.





:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: It wasn't me Guv, honest!! We're completely innocent. OMG Will they never learn - they get caught time after time. Pakistan - The Jokes of the Cricketing nation - Infact nearly as big a joke as Luton in the Football league!!!!. Bring on the next chapter



Dave - England were Pathetic again in the One dayers - What no surprise there mate!!!!

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Jez, don't worry about that series mate. Make no mistake , both sides will be experimenting and fine tuning in the lead up to the main event. "THE ASHES" :drink:

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.




But didn't warne get a 2 yr ban for his episode? (which I consider to be a much lesser offence that that by Shoaib and Asif). Surely if proven guilty they've gotta get a 2yr ban.

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.




But didn't warne get a 2 yr ban for his episode? (which I consider to be a much lesser offence that that by Shoaib and Asif). Surely if proven guilty they've gotta get a 2yr ban.


1 year. The IOC say it should be a standard 2.



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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.


Fistly i think that you need to be informed that a diuretic is not a steroid.

Secondly a diuretic has no performance enhancing effect.

Thirdly , steroids would not have enhanced his recovery from his shoulder injury.

Yes , what he took is a banned substance and he got suspended for doing so.

Make no mistake , Warnie does not need to take anything that is performance enhancing when playing your mob and the weather forcast is something your guys look for when trying to save a match <_<

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.


Fistly i think that you need to be informed that a diuretic is not a steroid.

Secondly a diuretic has no performance enhancing effect.

Thirdly , steroids would not have enhanced his recovery from his shoulder injury.

Yes , what he took is a banned substance and he got suspended for doing so.

Make no mistake , Warnie does not need to take anything that is performance enhancing when playing your mob and the weather forcast is something your guys look for when trying to save a match <_<


And professional sportspeople hydrate before doing sport not take tablets that dehydrate.


Nice sidestep but do you seriously believe that they recieved money for only weather and pitch condition information?

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