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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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The Return-A Supernatural thriller with Sarah Michelle Geller done on a extremely low budget. A very average movie.


Deck the Halls-A Christmas comedy with Danny Devito and Mathew Broderick. A total snooze fest and not to many funny parts at all. AVOID!!!!!!!!!

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Dragonslayer (1981)

I'm not usually one for swords/sorcery flicks, but I always liked this one when I was a kid, so when I found it in the $5 DVD bin at Walmart I had to pick it up for old time's sake. It was a bit slow moving in spots but overall it has aged very well.

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Deathproof - The new Tarantino flick ...... This is without a doubt Tarantino's worst movie to date.


I don't know of any of Tarantino flicks that I like.



I love Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown and Kill Bill.

Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs kick major ass. Kill Bill was ehhhh and I never saw Jackie Brown.

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Dragonslayer (1981)

I'm not usually one for swords/sorcery flicks, but I always liked this one when I was a kid, so when I found it in the $5 DVD bin at Walmart I had to pick it up for old time's sake. It was a bit slow moving in spots but overall it has aged very well.



Wow I have that on DVD too, one of My favorite movies growing up, and yes it HAS aged pretty well...... :tumbsup:


Last movie I watched?? Ratatouille.... Shaddup..... :rofl2:


It's actually a GOOD movie......

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Con Air & Armageddon..

both worth watchin' but they've been feature presentations the last few weeks & now its to the point where I really hope I never see them again



Haven't paid to go see a movie in many months, glad to.. but I will be in the theater watching 'No Country For Old Men

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Deathproof - The new Tarantino flick ...... This is without a doubt Tarantino's worst movie to date.


I don't know of any of Tarantino flicks that I like.



I love Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown and Kill Bill.

Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs kick major ass. Kill Bill was ehhhh and I never saw Jackie Brown.


Pulp Fiction - I rented that, watched 20 minutes took it out of the dvd player, went back to the movie place and rented something else.

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I saw two gore-fests :whistle: yesterday :


Firehouse Dog


Hairspray :yikes:


The horror, the horror!! :yikes:

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