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66 mustang

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Kung Fu Panda


Watched it with the kids (yet again) but any excuse really. I love this film; fantastic animation, very funny and the fight scenes are incredible for a kids CGI film. Brilliant. :tumbsup:


Really looking forward to this:


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The Crazies (remake) - neat, suspenseful, violent stuff. Lotsa fun.

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The Final Destination


Rubbish, each film IMO got worse as the series went on, this was very disappointing.

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The Final Destination


Rubbish, each film IMO got worse as the series went on, this was very disappointing.


Yeah, that one was pretty weak wasn't it? The wife and I watched "3" a couple of days ago and that one kicked ass, but this one was disappointing as hell. The CGI was so obvious, it was like watching a video game.

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The Final Destination


Rubbish, each film IMO got worse as the series went on, this was very disappointing.


Yeah, that one was pretty weak wasn't it? The wife and I watched "3" a couple of days ago and that one kicked ass, but this one was disappointing as hell. The CGI was so obvious, it was like watching a video game.





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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...

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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...


I thought it was quite fun, easy watching, but overall I think they are poor films. Shame, as the opening sequence of the first one is fantastic, but after the 'real' plane crash it got ridiculous.

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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...


I thought it was quite fun, easy watching, but overall I think they are poor films. Shame, as the opening sequence of the first one is fantastic, but after the 'real' plane crash it got ridiculous.


Really? I thought the first flick was fantastic back when I first saw it. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it, since it came in on the ass end of the annoying "teen horror" wave of the mid/late 90s (i.e. "Scream," "I Know What You Did," "Urban Legend," etc.)... but that first "FD" was nastier than all of those movies put together, it was pretty freakin vicious, unsettling stuff... the guy who wrote it had been a writer on the "X-Files" and had originally come up with the idea as a possible "X-Files" episode. You can sort of feel that creepy-ass vibe in the first film... unfortunately with each sequel it became less about the supernatural element and more about "how can we creatively grind up another batch of morons?" :rofl:


True story: y'know the scene in the first "FD" when that chick steps out into the street and gets smashed by a bus outta nowhere? When my wife and I first saw that flick, that scene made us JUMP like we hadn't in a very long time. It was hilarious. A couple of nights later we went up to my in-laws' for dinner and we brought that movie with us for the group to watch afterward. So my wife's parents, her brother, and his wife (none of whom had seen the film previously) all sat down with us to watch the movie, and when it was coming up on that scene, my wife and I were kinda smirking at each other like "Here it comes. Here it comes." When that chick got nailed by that bus, EVERYBODY in the room FREAKED OUT. Of course, my wife and I are laughing our heads off at everyone's reaction, and her mother turned to us and said "What the hell kind of sick movie IS this? What is WRONG with you guys?" :rofl2:


As for the sequels, tho... "FD2" is pretty weak (except for that EPIC highway-crash scene in the opening, and as I said "FD3" was probably the best one (they got the original director from the first film back in the chair)... the 4th one was just goin' thru the motions... the formula is pretty much set in stone now, and they stuck to the "rules" so stubbornly in that one that it became totally predictable.


Still love that first film though.


I hear there's a "5" in the works right now, even though the previous movie was supposed to be the "Final" one in the series... I called B.S. on that as soon as I heard it anyway, I was like "Yeah, sure it's the last one. Time and box office will tell for sure." :)

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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...


I thought it was quite fun, easy watching, but overall I think they are poor films. Shame, as the opening sequence of the first one is fantastic, but after the 'real' plane crash it got ridiculous.


Really? I thought the first flick was fantastic back when I first saw it. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it, since it came in on the ass end of the annoying "teen horror" wave of the mid/late 90s (i.e. "Scream," "I Know What You Did," "Urban Legend," etc.)... but that first "FD" was nastier than all of those movies put together, it was pretty freakin vicious, unsettling stuff... the guy who wrote it had been a writer on the "X-Files" and had originally come up with the idea as a possible "X-Files" episode. You can sort of feel that creepy-ass vibe in the first film... unfortunately with each sequel it became less about the supernatural element and more about "how can we creatively grind up another batch of morons?" :rofl:


True story: y'know the scene in the first "FD" when that chick steps out into the street and gets smashed by a bus outta nowhere? When my wife and I first saw that flick, that scene made us JUMP like we hadn't in a very long time. It was hilarious. A couple of nights later we went up to my in-laws' for dinner and we brought that movie with us for the group to watch afterward. So my wife's parents, her brother, and his wife (none of whom had seen the film previously) all sat down with us to watch the movie, and when it was coming up on that scene, my wife and I were kinda smirking at each other like "Here it comes. Here it comes." When that chick got nailed by that bus, EVERYBODY in the room FREAKED OUT. Of course, my wife and I are laughing our heads off at everyone's reaction, and her mother turned to us and said "What the hell kind of sick movie IS this? What is WRONG with you guys?" :rofl2:


As for the sequels, tho... "FD2" is pretty weak (except for that EPIC highway-crash scene in the opening, and as I said "FD3" was probably the best one (they got the original director from the first film back in the chair)... the 4th one was just goin' thru the motions... the formula is pretty much set in stone now, and they stuck to the "rules" so stubbornly in that one that it became totally predictable.


Still love that first film though.


I hear there's a "5" in the works right now, even though the previous movie was supposed to be the "Final" one in the series... I called B.S. on that as soon as I heard it anyway, I was like "Yeah, sure it's the last one. Time and box office will tell for sure." :)


Haha, I like all the four movies. It's good to hear that the fifth one is coming... :D

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Haha, I like all the four movies. It's good to hear that the fifth one is coming... :D


Oh yeah, I'm sure whenever "5" comes out I'll see it eventually... despite my complaints about some of the sequels, I'm still a bit of a fanboy for this series... :lol:

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Haha, I like all the four movies. It's good to hear that the fifth one is coming... :D


Oh yeah, I'm sure whenever "5" comes out I'll see it eventually... despite my complaints about some of the sequels, I'm still a bit of a fanboy for this series... :lol:

Yep, still haven't seen the 4th yet but I've loved all 3 so far too. Should really see this 4th one. I thought for sure that'd be the last. With a 5th on the way they're surely kicking themselves for just calling the 4th 'The Final Destination'... doesn't really fit in. Anyway, a few more films:


'Boewolf' ; Yep, you guessed it. I was just at the party to see Angelina Jolie's animated nudity. It was awesome, the rest of the film looked like a bit of a bore to be honest. Fastforwarded 75% of it.


'Blades of Glory' ; Stupid, harmless fun. Having only just gotten into Will Farrell movies, I enjoyed it. Pretty funny stuff.


'Blur' ; annoying and crap. I kind of saw some variation of the "twist" coming from a mile away, but I never had a chance of guessing the actual twist itself because it was so f*cking stupid and poorly done. This was a really irritating and annoying movie to watch, and the end only made it worse... because it just didn't really make any sense at all.

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Yep, still haven't seen the 4th yet but I've loved all 3 so far too. Should really see this 4th one. I thought for sure that'd be the last. With a 5th on the way they're surely kicking themselves for just calling the 4th 'The Final Destination'... doesn't really fit in.


Yeah, well, it isn't the first time. The "Friday the 13th" series has had two "final" movies, too: part IV was "The Final Chapter" and Part IX was "Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday"... and neither of them were really the "final" movie either. :lol:

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Yep, still haven't seen the 4th yet but I've loved all 3 so far too. Should really see this 4th one. I thought for sure that'd be the last. With a 5th on the way they're surely kicking themselves for just calling the 4th 'The Final Destination'... doesn't really fit in.


Yeah, well, it isn't the first time. The "Friday the 13th" series has had two "final" movies, too: part IV was "The Final Chapter" and Part IX was "Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday"... and neither of them were really the "final" movie either. :lol:

'Halloween' did it too, hey? There are a bunch of out-of-place titles in that one. It ends up being really quite silly and confusing. There may be 48 'Saw' movies now, but at least you know which one is which. :lol:

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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...


I thought it was quite fun, easy watching, but overall I think they are poor films. Shame, as the opening sequence of the first one is fantastic, but after the 'real' plane crash it got ridiculous.


Really? I thought the first flick was fantastic back when I first saw it. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it, since it came in on the ass end of the annoying "teen horror" wave of the mid/late 90s (i.e. "Scream," "I Know What You Did," "Urban Legend," etc.)... but that first "FD" was nastier than all of those movies put together, it was pretty freakin vicious, unsettling stuff... the guy who wrote it had been a writer on the "X-Files" and had originally come up with the idea as a possible "X-Files" episode. You can sort of feel that creepy-ass vibe in the first film... unfortunately with each sequel it became less about the supernatural element and more about "how can we creatively grind up another batch of morons?" :rofl:


True story: y'know the scene in the first "FD" when that chick steps out into the street and gets smashed by a bus outta nowhere? When my wife and I first saw that flick, that scene made us JUMP like we hadn't in a very long time. It was hilarious. A couple of nights later we went up to my in-laws' for dinner and we brought that movie with us for the group to watch afterward. So my wife's parents, her brother, and his wife (none of whom had seen the film previously) all sat down with us to watch the movie, and when it was coming up on that scene, my wife and I were kinda smirking at each other like "Here it comes. Here it comes." When that chick got nailed by that bus, EVERYBODY in the room FREAKED OUT. Of course, my wife and I are laughing our heads off at everyone's reaction, and her mother turned to us and said "What the hell kind of sick movie IS this? What is WRONG with you guys?" :rofl2:


As for the sequels, tho... "FD2" is pretty weak (except for that EPIC highway-crash scene in the opening, and as I said "FD3" was probably the best one (they got the original director from the first film back in the chair)... the 4th one was just goin' thru the motions... the formula is pretty much set in stone now, and they stuck to the "rules" so stubbornly in that one that it became totally predictable.


Still love that first film though.


I hear there's a "5" in the works right now, even though the previous movie was supposed to be the "Final" one in the series... I called B.S. on that as soon as I heard it anyway, I was like "Yeah, sure it's the last one. Time and box office will tell for sure." :)


Great post.


Yeah, the first one was okay, but the story went from 'this is quite a good idea', to 'wtf guys? come on, have you really thought this through?', so it was a bit disappointing. FD2 was terrible, unspeakably bad (other than the pile-up as you mention, which was very entertaining). I just think the franchise is all about 'great deaths, screw the story'. That's fine up to a point, but I do like a good yarn.


I could do with seeing some really good spooky films, tbh. With good plots, obviously.

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I take it JamesEagle didn't care for "Final Destination 3" either? I thought it was the best out of what is, more or less, a bad batch of sequels...


I thought it was quite fun, easy watching, but overall I think they are poor films. Shame, as the opening sequence of the first one is fantastic, but after the 'real' plane crash it got ridiculous.


Really? I thought the first flick was fantastic back when I first saw it. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it, since it came in on the ass end of the annoying "teen horror" wave of the mid/late 90s (i.e. "Scream," "I Know What You Did," "Urban Legend," etc.)... but that first "FD" was nastier than all of those movies put together, it was pretty freakin vicious, unsettling stuff... the guy who wrote it had been a writer on the "X-Files" and had originally come up with the idea as a possible "X-Files" episode. You can sort of feel that creepy-ass vibe in the first film... unfortunately with each sequel it became less about the supernatural element and more about "how can we creatively grind up another batch of morons?" :rofl:


True story: y'know the scene in the first "FD" when that chick steps out into the street and gets smashed by a bus outta nowhere? When my wife and I first saw that flick, that scene made us JUMP like we hadn't in a very long time. It was hilarious. A couple of nights later we went up to my in-laws' for dinner and we brought that movie with us for the group to watch afterward. So my wife's parents, her brother, and his wife (none of whom had seen the film previously) all sat down with us to watch the movie, and when it was coming up on that scene, my wife and I were kinda smirking at each other like "Here it comes. Here it comes." When that chick got nailed by that bus, EVERYBODY in the room FREAKED OUT. Of course, my wife and I are laughing our heads off at everyone's reaction, and her mother turned to us and said "What the hell kind of sick movie IS this? What is WRONG with you guys?" :rofl2:


As for the sequels, tho... "FD2" is pretty weak (except for that EPIC highway-crash scene in the opening, and as I said "FD3" was probably the best one (they got the original director from the first film back in the chair)... the 4th one was just goin' thru the motions... the formula is pretty much set in stone now, and they stuck to the "rules" so stubbornly in that one that it became totally predictable.


Still love that first film though.


I hear there's a "5" in the works right now, even though the previous movie was supposed to be the "Final" one in the series... I called B.S. on that as soon as I heard it anyway, I was like "Yeah, sure it's the last one. Time and box office will tell for sure." :)


Great post.


Yeah, the first one was okay, but the story went from 'this is quite a good idea', to 'wtf guys? come on, have you really thought this through?', so it was a bit disappointing. FD2 was terrible, unspeakably bad (other than the pile-up as you mention, which was very entertaining). I just think the franchise is all about 'great deaths, screw the story'. That's fine up to a point, but I do like a good yarn.


I could do with seeing some really good spooky films, tbh. With good plots, obviously.

It also depends how you're rating the 'FD' movies. If you compare them to the majority of turdness the horror movie industry dishes out - which is barely 1% in originality - I really don't think the 'FD' series rates bad at all. Even if it is purely for the cool death scenes, that's a hell of a lot more than a hell of a lot of horror films can offer. Yeah, sure they're beating a dead horse but imo it's not such a bad dead horse. :)

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  • My Little Pony

'A Simple Plan' ; Now this was a good one. I've never heard of this, but enjoyed it thoroughly. Very dark story, but equally entertaining. Yeah, big thumbs up for this one.


Oh damn, shit just gets crazy about an hour in. I'm not sure how this is gonna end.

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  • My Little Pony

'A Simple Plan' ; Now this was a good one. I've never heard of this, but enjoyed it thoroughly. Very dark story, but equally entertaining. Yeah, big thumbs up for this one.


Oh damn, shit just gets crazy about an hour in. I'm not sure how this is gonna end.


Very dark, indeed.

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Teen horror flick that's kinda like a mish-mash of "I Know What You Did Last Summer," "Carrie" and "The Craft." An awkward, nerdy high school girl who dabbles in witchcraft in her spare time is accidentally killed by a group of "populars" during a prank gone horribly wrong. They bury her in the woods and swear to tell no one, unfortunately Tamara returns from the grave, complete with an Extreme Undead Hottie makeover and proceeds to wreak horrible revenge on them all. Fairly predictable (and not nearly as nasty as this trailer makes it out to be) but still a fun ride.

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Taking of Pelham 123 - Worth a rental I guess. Denzel is a good actor. I'm not a huge Travolta fan and he always seems to play the crazed bad guy but he was ok. Loved the way he kept calling people "Motherf*cker!". Overall, good time waster on a boring weekend Saturday night but I won't watch it again.

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Bit of a camcorder horrorfest today. Seen both before and will watch both again.



Excellent film, saw it at the cinema when it came out and enjoyed it almost as much on second viewing.

Blair Witch Project

Brilliant, spooky horror film. Seems to polarise opinion more than any other film I know; I am firmly in the 'love it' camp.

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Blair Witch Project

Brilliant, spooky horror film. Seems to polarise opinion more than any other film I know; I am firmly in the 'love it' camp.


I must admit I`m in the minority (at least with people I know) I like this film, pretty creepy, a very good idea.


The ending is nightmarish.

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Man, I haaaaaaated "The Blair Witch Project" -- which is probably odd cuz if you pay attention to some of the craptacular movies I post about around here, you probably all think I'd be pretty easy to please. :lol:


I think I was more angry at myself for being sucked into the hype machine when it came out. I went to the theatre expecting to get the sh*t scared out of me, but I left with a headache and a feeling of being ripped off. (The headache wasn't due to the "shaky camera" film style, though, it was due to the characters constantly yelling and screaming at each other for most of the movie. After a while I was like "Shut the f*ck UP!" :rofl2:)


I have to admit though, the marketing for that movie was absolutely masterful. I just wish I hadn't fallen for it. :angry:


At least I never thought the movie was a documentary/true story (though the advertising did do a very good job of convincing a lot of people that it was). To this day, my sister in law still thinks the whole thing really happened, and nobody can tell her otherwise :P

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Man, I haaaaaaated "The Blair Witch Project" -- which is probably odd cuz if you pay attention to some of the craptacular movies I post about around here, you probably all think I'd be pretty easy to please. :lol:


I think I was more angry at myself for being sucked into the hype machine when it came out. I went to the theatre expecting to get the sh*t scared out of me, but I left with a headache and a feeling of being ripped off. (The headache wasn't due to the "shaky camera" film style, though, it was due to the characters constantly yelling and screaming at each other for most of the movie. After a while I was like "Shut the f*ck UP!" :rofl2:)


I have to admit though, the marketing for that movie was absolutely masterful. I just wish I hadn't fallen for it. :angry:


At least I never thought the movie was a documentary/true story (though the advertising did do a very good job of convincing a lot of people that it was). To this day, my sister in law still thinks the whole thing really happened, and nobody can tell her otherwise :P




The film rocked my world! Woman in front of me in the cinema was hiding under her coat (I'm sure she knew it wasn't real, but was shitting it anyway). One of the few genuinely scary films imo.

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Yep, I love 'Blar Witch Project' too. In fact, I love that, 'Cloverfield' and 'Paranormal Activity.' All excellent, imo.


Last movie I saw:


'Breach' ; very good film about the FBI takedown of the biggest Russian spy in US history, as far as I understand it. Good film, very enjoyable.

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