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66 mustang

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Star Trek


Really enjoyed this film, only really looked at the film to see if it was worth watching and watched it all.

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Really surprised at this one, I thought it was going to be awful, but it's a very watchable action film/thriller. Far fetched, but enjoyable.


I watched this one a week or two ago too. Fun stuff, though I kept thinking that if my friend Glenn (who works for AT&T Wireless) were watching it with me he probably would've pointed out at least 100 things about its portrayal of cell phone technology that were technically inaccurate. :lol:


Jason Statham was bad-ass as the bad guy and Kim Basinger did a nice job as the kidnapped MILF.

Yeah, I saw that one at the cinema with the wife and I actually bought the DVD afterwards. Silly, but as you say it's surprisingly enjoyable.

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"The Losers" (2010)


Comedic shoot-em-up about a group of ex-Special Forces badasses who seek revenge on the crooked CIA guy who set them up for a suicide mission. Reminded me a lot of "The A-Team."


Highlight: Zoe Saldana as the HOT chick who hires the team to seek & destroy their mutual enemy.




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Die Hard 4


Seen this before, but it was worth watching again. You get what you pay for; a top notch action film, with some ridiculous stunts. Great series of films, only the second one is a bit average.

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Police Academy... I was bored last night and found it on On Demand and couldn't resist..... :rofl2:


Still a funny film :beerbang:

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DRAGON WARS, pretty good fx for a lower budget movie. Kids liked it

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'Gone Baby Gone' - a film by Ben Affleck, from the writer of 'Mystic River.' This is really a very good film to be honest. Excellent, I dare say. Unpredictable all the way with an ending that'll certainly make you think. Excellent stuff.


'Autopsy' - Gory horror flick that brought back visions of the 'Hostel' films. Very gory, disturbing at times. The story sees a group of 5 young adults have a wild night out before they crash their car on the way home that evening. Thankfully an ambulance appears and picks them all up and brings them to hospital. Or is it thankfully? No thanks. The hospital is run by a doctor who murders and disects all his patients. :lol: The concept is laughable but it's harmless, gory fun. It must be noted that this film is made all the more watchable by the strikingly beautiful Jessica Lowndes. jessica-lowndes-FHM-03.jpg


She's Out of My League ; and speaking of sexy additions to films, if this doesn't make a film worth watching then I don't know what does: Alice-Eve-Sizzles-In-Maxim-April-2010-8.jpg Aside from her sexiness I guess it's not too bad. It's not really that funny and the lead actor is a dreg, but it's one of those films that doesn't hurt to watch. And in case you missed it, she's in it: hotw-alice-eve.jpg


'Bad Luitenant' ; loved this one. In all honesty, it had moments of sheer random brilliance in it. Some odd stuff - especially the reptiles, but this is very enjoyable. Nicolas Cage's character, especially towards the end, is very amusing.

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'Autopsy' - Gory horror flick that brought back visions of the 'Hostel' films. Very gory, disturbing at times. The story sees a group of 5 young adults have a wild night out before they crash their car on the way home that evening. Thankfully an ambulance appears and picks them all up and brings them to hospital. Or is it thankfully? No thanks. The hospital is run by a doctor who murders and disects all his patients. The concept is laughable but it's harmless, gory fun.


I saw this flick on the SyFy Channel around Halloween last year, and it was one of the goriest things I've seen in a LONG time (even in an edited-for-TV version; I can only imagine what they must've cut!)... Robert "Terminator 2" Patrick was hilarious as the crazy doctor.


Been meaning to pick this one up on (uncut) DVD since then.

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"Lemmy" - documentary in which tons of rock royalty (including Nikki Sixx, Lars Ulrich, Dave Grohl, Marky Ramone, and literally dozens of others) confirm what we all pretty much knew already: That Lemmy Kilmister is the coolest, most bad-ass mo-fo currently roaming the earth today.



"Iron Invader" - Silly SyFy Channel crap in which a satellite crashes to earth with an alien bacteria on board. Said bacteria thrives on metal, and when the pieces are brought to a junkyard it re-creates itself as some kind of killer robot lookin' thingy. Dumb-diddy-dumb-dumb-dumb. (Though I gotta say, "Iron Invader" sounds like a good name for a heavy metal band... or a marital aid. Haha.)

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"Lemmy" - documentary in which tons of rock royalty (including Nikki Sixx, Lars Ulrich, Dave Grohl, Marky Ramone, and literally dozens of others) confirm what we all pretty much knew already: That Lemmy Kilmister is the coolest, most bad-ass mo-fo currently roaming the earth today.



Isn't he a bit of a git though? I don't know much about him, but in 'The Story of Anvil' I thought he came across as really grumpy and not at all enthusiastic. The other rock legends that spoke about Anvil seemed interested and complimentary, but Lemmy just didn't seem bothered. Just wonderin'.

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"Lemmy" - documentary in which tons of rock royalty (including Nikki Sixx, Lars Ulrich, Dave Grohl, Marky Ramone, and literally dozens of others) confirm what we all pretty much knew already: That Lemmy Kilmister is the coolest, most bad-ass mo-fo currently roaming the earth today.



Isn't he a bit of a git though? I don't know much about him, but in 'The Story of Anvil' I thought he came across as really grumpy and not at all enthusiastic. The other rock legends that spoke about Anvil seemed interested and complimentary, but Lemmy just didn't seem bothered. Just wonderin'.


I dunno, he seems like a pretty mellow, laid back dude to me. His general vibe is "this is me, this is what I do, if you like it, fine...if not, f**k off."


I havent' seen the "Anvil" doc in a while but if memory serves he said something to the effect of "they were a damn good band," maybe he wasn't jumping up and down in his chair with enthusiasm when he said it, but that's just him.

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'Autopsy' - Gory horror flick that brought back visions of the 'Hostel' films. Very gory, disturbing at times. The story sees a group of 5 young adults have a wild night out before they crash their car on the way home that evening. Thankfully an ambulance appears and picks them all up and brings them to hospital. Or is it thankfully? No thanks. The hospital is run by a doctor who murders and disects all his patients. The concept is laughable but it's harmless, gory fun.


I saw this flick on the SyFy Channel around Halloween last year, and it was one of the goriest things I've seen in a LONG time (even in an edited-for-TV version; I can only imagine what they must've cut!)... Robert "Terminator 2" Patrick was hilarious as the crazy doctor.


Been meaning to pick this one up on (uncut) DVD since then.

Yeah, there's definitely a couple of scenes which made me cringe within.


Saw a few more yesterday:


127 Hours - Great flick. I wondered how they were going to fill in an hour and a half with this one, but this one delivers. Depending on how much you put yourself in the dude's place, it can be pretty cringe-worthy. Even the early part where he get's stuck originally made my stomach a little how-ya-goin'... but *spoiler* the scene where he actually parts with the lower part of his arm... I couldn't even really watch it. I was just watching his eyes or his face... anything to avoid having to look at his arm as it was too graphic for me. Especially on a full stomach. :lol: Very good movie, though, with a very likeable lead character. I still like to see these dudes from 'Freaks & Geeks' do well. :)


Brothers - Pretty decent war flick about a guy who leaves his wife and kids to fight in Afganistan. Thinking he has perished over there his brother then becomes a big part of his family's wife until he unexpectantly returns from war, a very changed man. It's not outstanding, but it was a good film.


Youth in Revolt - again, not bad. It's got that little dweeby guy from 'Social Network', who I quite like. Again, not the best film ever made but I'd say it was good enough to enjoy.

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"Transmorphers: Fall of Man"



Giant alien robots arrive on Earth to eradicate humanity in this piss-poor, cheap-as-hell "Transformers" ripoff (if the title didn't make that painfully obvious) from The Asylum (makers of "MegaShark Vs. Giant Octopus," etc.) Good for laughs but not much else.

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