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Def Leppard - Just Like 73

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New song coming tomorrow morning; I assume some sort of video (visualyzer or AI) will follow...


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Just Like 73

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Not the rocking 80's Def Leppard but I still like that tune.  Very much in the style of their more "glam" songs and sounds like a mixture of C'Mon C'Mon and Back In Your Face.

From a recent interview I saw with Rick Savage, sounds like an album is in the works and he said they're aiming to have it out in 2025.  Not sure if this song will be on it or not.  Hopefully it does as the OCD in me likes having songs find proper places on albums and not just floating around on their own as singles ;)


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Not bad,I will say its created an earworm in me ,but they have a few songs like this now ,some tts42572 pointed out and not long ago we got Kick which had similar leanings,I get it thats what they grew up on etc and I suppose they can always just do what they like,I'd personally prefer they did new stuff in the vein of All Time High/Gimme A Kiss but they are in their 60's now so I'm just glad they're still around,have been my favourite band since I was about 7 or 8.

Edited by lettard
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I dig it, but then I also enjoyed Joe Elliot’s Down ‘n’ Outz side project, so it’s no surprise I’m enjoying this. B)

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Sounds like what Ian Hunter would write, Joe is a big fan of his.

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Def Lep meets Trex again.

I'm ok with that.

Good songs are good songs. This one is catchy enough.

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7 minutes ago, Doug said:

In '73, Rick Allen was 10 years old. :drums:

... And rocking out hard like a rock and roll saviour madlad! 😁


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The funny thing is  I saw someone comment on the video that they have not sounded the same since Steve died. Personally I think that is bullshit. The band has recorded a few albums that have that Pyromania/Hysteria sound, including Adrenalize, Euphoria and the self titled album without being total copies, but even if you think about it, the band never sounded the same when Steve was alive either. Pyromania was a total departure from the sound of the first two albums, and Hysteria took the sound of Pyromania and expanded on it even more.

Obviously Ricks accident played a huge part in the sound change for Hysteria, but to try to claim that everything about the early material is down to Steve is kinda weird.

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15 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

The funny thing is  I saw someone comment on the video that they have not sounded the same since Steve died. Personally I think that is bullshit. The band has recorded a few albums that have that Pyromania/Hysteria sound, including Adrenalize, Euphoria and the self titled album without being total copies, but even if you think about it, the band never sounded the same when Steve was alive either. Pyromania was a total departure from the sound of the first two albums, and Hysteria took the sound of Pyromania and expanded on it even more.

Obviously Ricks accident played a huge part in the sound change for Hysteria, but to try to claim that everything about the early material is down to Steve is kinda weird.

I agree.

Ultimately, I think bands become sort of what they "really" want to become and move toward the "mean" so to speak.  Leppard always said that they wanted to be like Queen in that they weren't constrained by having to make certain types of songs.  It was probably that desire to go outside the box that allowed Pyromania and Hysteria to happen in the first place.   And it's probably what's caused them to jump around with different style songs throughout the years.  I think it would've happened that way regardless.  

Who knows though.  Maybe Steve would've influenced things a little bit as his Led Zep and Jimmy Page influences might've trickled in more.  And who knows what could've happened if Mutt stuck around for a couple more albums too....he was probably the most important piece in the puzzle.  They were already changing lanes though even with Steve and Mutt in the fold. 

I think they've still shown they're capable of doing more classic sounding stuff if they want to with songs like Promises, Paper Sun, Dangerous, Take What You Want, etc being a few examples.   

Either way, I'm just happy they've kept it going for nearly 50 years.  It has to be tough staying inspired and coming up with new song ideas for that long so that's kind of why I think the course they took would've naturally happened either way.


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I'm happy the do different stuff. Otherwise what they do would get old.

Tesla proved how easy it is to make and album have a def Lep feel.

And I loved that album, as a one off.

And I loved slang as well.

Variety is the spice of life 😁

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4 hours ago, tts42572 said:

I agree.

Ultimately, I think bands become sort of what they "really" want to become and move toward the "mean" so to speak.  Leppard always said that they wanted to be like Queen in that they weren't constrained by having to make certain types of songs.  It was probably that desire to go outside the box that allowed Pyromania and Hysteria to happen in the first place.   And it's probably what's caused them to jump around with different style songs throughout the years.  I think it would've happened that way regardless.  

Who knows though.  Maybe Steve would've influenced things a little bit as his Led Zep and Jimmy Page influences might've trickled in more.  And who knows what could've happened if Mutt stuck around for a couple more albums too....he was probably the most important piece in the puzzle.  They were already changing lanes though even with Steve and Mutt in the fold. 

I think they've still shown they're capable of doing more classic sounding stuff if they want to with songs like Promises, Paper Sun, Dangerous, Take What You Want, etc being a few examples.   

Either way, I'm just happy they've kept it going for nearly 50 years.  It has to be tough staying inspired and coming up with new song ideas for that long so that's kind of why I think the course they took would've naturally happened either way.


Another thing is Joe has always worn his heart on his sleeve when it comes to his love of 70s glam rock. I remember when they did the cover of Action for the Retroactive album, and Joe did an interview where he was talking about how he listened to the original by Sweet over and over before they recorded it as he kept hearing all these different things they did in the song with vocal layering and especially the backing vocals. That whole big gang vocal that has become Lepps trademark sound, defo owes a lot to Joes influences.

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