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I remember listening to an interview with Ian Haugland recently where he mentioned that ‘Prisoners in paradise’ was his favourite album and I got a very distinct impression he didn’t love what they were doing these days. 

Same dude interviewed Kee Marcelo who said he’d have no interest in returning to Europe, hypothetically, of course, as Norum seems locked in… and he said not a chance if they kept playing what they are these days. 

Either way, I hope this story is true because it’s an incredible waste of what could still be a good band. Savage waste, one might say, and I’d love to hear another crack at good music. 

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Have to take that interview with a pinch of salt. Firstly because John said they have tried metal and tried grunge, but none of their albums are really either of those. They are just "modern" sounding which pretty much takes a small pinch of everything really. Yes songs like The Beast are about as close to metal as they have done, none of their albums scream metal or grunge.

I also don't think you can really take much from anything John says as he is not the one controlling the band, that is Joey. Think I have said this story before, but a friend of mine is a huge Europe fan and she used to go to all their gigs and even hung out with them a few times. She was a massive fan of John but she said Joey was a lot tougher to get to know as he was like a dictator in the band. He said jump and John (and the others) said how high?

I don't think Joey is a bad person or anything like that, just that he likes to run the band how he likes it.

And with what Geoffrey just said, it does not matter what Ian hints at with how happy he might be with newer material, he knows what side his bread his buttered on and stays with the band. If he hated it that much, why doesn't he leave? Mostly because he knows this is where he is best off.

He has worked with other artists like Glenn Hughes etc over the years, so he knows there is work out there for him, but he must feel that Europe is the best place for him.

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It's as easy as writing the songs!!!  Look what Treat sounds like today, you can be "Modern" and still be VERY Melodic!

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3 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I highly doubt they even know how to return to the classic 80s Hard Rock sound. 

Yeah & Norum didnt even play on their (for me anyway)best albums

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9 hours ago, lettard said:

If they made something along the lines soundwise to Prisoners In Paradise i'd be well pleased , can't see it...but we can hope.

May sound weird, but while Prisoners is easily my fave album by them, my fave song is The Beast from latter day Europe.

But Prisoners is without a doubt their best album start to finish.

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27 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

May sound weird, but while Prisoners is easily my fave album by them, my fave song is The Beast from latter day Europe.

But Prisoners is without a doubt their best album start to finish.

Easily and by a wide margin.

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7 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

They better not do an album of re-records. I have no use for The Final Countdown 2022 version.

Yeah, definitely hoping for new melodic rock songs. I actually do think they’d have it in them, if they really put their hearts into it. 

That said, I’d much rather a Final Countdown re-record over the bollocks they’ve released in recent years. ;)

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