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Married With Children


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Perhaps one of my fav shows in history, a truly groundbreaking show, so much so that it has been cloned or copied all over the world and I had no clue about this until my GF told me there was a British show that copied almost word for word, a small search and I guess she did no what she was talking about, this blows my fucking mind.


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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I watched it for the first 2 or 3 seasons then I lost interest as it became rather repetitive....

Yeah but which one did you watch? the canadian version?

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  • My Little Pony
7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Yeah but which one did you watch? the canadian version?

Which Canadian version? The Canadian, or the French Canadian version?

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Why is this thread posted now? I've recently been getting random clips from this show coming up in my recommended page on youtube and can't figure out why, and now this. Did something happen? For the record, loved the show. Been an age since I saw an episode, though. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Absolutely 100% my favourite show ever.

I used to religiously tape every episode and had about 20 VHS tapes full.

Of course, I would watch as I recorded to skip the ads.

I may have been slightly obsessed with Christina Applegate at the time TBH.

I've seen clips from the UK version and yes, it's a spin out.

There's actually many UK/US sitcom adaptations. Most are successful UK shows adapted for the US. Some fail miserably. 

"Fawlty Towers", "Red Dwarf", "Men Behaving Badly", "The IT Crowd".

Some are hugely popular, "Man about the House"/"Three's Company", "George and Mildred"/"The Ropers".

"The Office" has probably been the most successful. 

On the same theme, there's also many international versions of "The Nanny".

The Turkish one is also a spin out. 

Edited by Darkstone
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14 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Perhaps one of my fav shows in history, a truly groundbreaking show, so much so that it has been cloned or copied all over the world and I had no clue about this until my GF told me there was a British show that copied almost word for word, a small search and I guess she did no what she was talking about, this blows my fucking mind.


LOL, sorry cob, didn't read the full post (in a rush) but I see now the point of the thread. I too had no idea there was anything but the US version. 

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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Absolutely 100% my favourite show ever.

I used to religiously tape every episode and had about 20 VHS tapes full.

Of course, I would watch as I recorded to skip the ads.

I may have been slightly obsessed with Christina Applegate at the time TBH.

I've seen clips from the UK version and yes, it's a spin out.

There's actually many UK/US sitcom adaptations. Most are successful UK shows adapted for the US. Some fail miserably. 

"Fawlty Towers", "Red Dwarf", "Men Behaving Badly", "The IT Crowd".

Some are hugely popular, "Man about the House"/"Three's Company", "George and Mildred"/"The Ropers".

"The Office" has probably been the most successful. 

On the same theme, there's also many international versions of "The Nanny".

The Turkish one is also a spin out. 


There was a show out of the UK, Dom Jolly, they did a year of an American version of the show, It was OK, I thought it was probably one of the most hilarious shows I'd ever seen and just clever and brilliant, and I never could figure out why it never was huge, I'm sure you know the one I'm speaking of, Trigger Happy TV, I laughed so hard at that show sometimes I'd laugh for days after, like it's an entire show of just fucking with people, but it's done so brilliantly and maybe it was to smart of a show for the format it represented, like you cant have intelligent show's of people fucking with people, it's gotta be like whoopee cushion or putting saran wrap over a toilet to get any ratings, I think the funniest skits were when they would dress up like they were in the mob, and go into parking garages, they would walk up to some random jack off, with a brief case in hand, and shout at the jack off from across the parking lot, "I got ya money right here, let the girl go" and people wouldn't know what the fuck to do, then they would slide the brief case to the person, and repeat it's all there, just let her go, Oh my god dude, i lost my shit.

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And that bad ass intro music by Elastica, I found the shit, I gotta go get this on DVD



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Holy Shit, I think it's just cause it's so fucked up, I mean this isnt your average prank show, this dude comes up with some fucking clever shit.



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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I've never seen an episode of Married with Children, the only thing I know is that in one episode Kelly tries to be in the music video for a band called The Guttercats.  The band was an actual unsigned act gigging the sunset strip back in the day, they have a pretty good 4-song demo tape floating on the net!


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  • 2023 Gold Donors
51 minutes ago, SessionWulf said:

I've never seen an episode of Married with Children, the only thing I know is that in one episode Kelly tries to be in the music video for a band called The Guttercats.  The band was an actual unsigned act gigging the sunset strip back in the day, they have a pretty good 4-song demo tape floating on the net!


Absolutely spot on mate. That was one of the best episodes.

"Anthrax" also appeared in an episode.

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