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Tango Down: Bulletproof!

The Rocker

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Yeah. What's worse for me is the overall rating of an album.

If I used the song rating system for this release, maybe songs 3, 9 and 10 would get between 40 and 60% each, which instantly drops the overall album rating to around 85%, and that's if every other song gets a 100% which they wouldn't, so the overall rating for this album would probably be 75% for me.

So a 75% from me is a damn good score, but many here would say I'm nuts. :)


Who would say you're nuts? I'd say you're basically spot on. I rated the album 76%.


I really don't care what anyone does or doesn't do - I really don't. But I also don't get how certain people make out that this rating thing is such a complex and ridiculous issue. It is what it is, and for someone like me who is trying to find away how to get some organisation into a 10,000 album plus collection, it's ideal because it gives me a good idea what to listen to in the future and what not to, without having to rely on my memory. :) Nice, basic numerical values... just how I like it.


Anyway, I agree the title track is about the weakest song on here.


To cause anger and disdain, here's my rated thoughts on the album;


1 - Punching Bag - solid opener - a little basic, both in production and song… but solid - 7.5
2 - Give Me a Reason - again, very basic but nothing wrong with it - 7.5
3 - Bulletproof - decent again… maybe a little too basic this time - 7.25
4 - Carry On - nice melodic rock tune… the song title in the chorus is not the best cap on an otherwise good chorus… but it's a good tune - 7.75
5 - When We Were Young - good catchy rocker… nice stuff - 7.75
6 - Going Under - cool melodic rocker - 7.75
7 - Superstar - cool tune - 7.75
8 - Edge of Goodbye - good, very nice sounding ballad - about the best here - 8.00
9 - Anything Can Change - solid tune, but overall just kinda lacking in the hook - 7.25
10 - Broken Heart - good closing hard rocker - 7.75
Total - 76%
I like the album - it's good solid hard rock. If I'm being completely honest, the main thing I'd change, as with a lot of Kivel releases, is just the production. Just to get a big, beefier sound would really amp this album up a lot - same songs and everything, but a bigger sound. But anyway, as it is it's a good solid melodic hard rock album.
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I kinda thought the same thing about the sound.
I wanted it to be a bit rawer.

Initially it came across as a bit overproduced, but after numerous listens I think that's just the type of songs and if everyone produced an album the way I like it then there'd be ahundred of albums all the same with no points of difference.

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