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Jacob M.

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The FIT program has indeed taken effect. Things continue to get stranger by the week. At this moment in time dump bins are pretty much gone. They took away maintenance help with cardboard so everybody found other solutions. Most of us have adopted using big boxes (from cereal, paper towels, etc.) to put our cardboard in. As part of the FIT program they have shifted the stores focus to consumables. After the majority of grocery is done they shift man power towards gm. So far it has brought mixed results. In the last week they've changed where we are allowed to park. Now we have to be in the white lines. It appears that 75% of the parking spots are yellow. That puts us way out at the end of the parking lot. Complete bs.


The stores hellacious environment has taken it's toll. In recent weeks 2 long time employees have left. One transferred to a Neighborhood Market in Overland Park, KS and the other quit. The one who quit just walked out. Funny thing is that she's been saying she was going to quit as long as I have been there. She finally had enough.


I recently read Wal-Mart: The Bully Of Bentonville. The information contained within was very enlightening. The importance of my store especially stood out. I work for store 12 in Claremore, OK. That is where Sam Walton's wife was from. I learned about the attempts to unionize. If they find pro union pamphlets and such in the store corporate is immediately notified. Corporate is then brought in to interrogate employees. A store in Texas did manage to unionize the meat department. A short time later Walmart did away with meat cutters and went to pre packaged meat. In Quebec a store managed to unionize. A short time later the store was closed. Walmart claimed it was because the store was unprofitable.


So much important information. You guys need to read it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Walmart Asked Employees To Share Their ‘Positive’ Experiences…This Is What They Got



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  • 4 weeks later...

Stay classy Wal-Mart....





Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman



HARTLAND TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) - A Michigan man says he was fired from his job at Wal-Mart after he tried to help a woman being assaulted in the parking lot of one of the retail giant's stores and ended up fighting with her attacker.

Kristopher Oswald told WXYZ-TV in Detroit (http://bit.ly/18qGyBh ) that Wal-Mart has policies against workplace violence to prevent employees from assaulting co-workers or tackling a shoplifter, but that it appears that nothing allows for them to assist in situations of imminent danger and self-defense.

A spokeswoman for Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc. told The Associated Press on Thursday that while the company understood Oswald's intentions, his actions violated company policy.

"We had to make a tough decision, one that we don't take lightly, and he's no longer with the company," company spokeswoman Ashley Hardie said.

Oswald, 30, said he was in his car on his break about 2:30 a.m. Sunday when he saw a man grabbing a woman. He said he asked her if she needed help and the man started punching him in the head and yelling that he was going to kill him. Oswald said he was able to get on top of the man, but then two other men jumped him from behind.

Livingston County sheriff's deputies arrived and halted the fight.

Oswald said the Hartland Township store's management gave him paperwork saying that "after a violation of company policy on his lunch break, it was determined to end his temporary assignment." Oswald had worked for Wal-Mart for about seven weeks and said he would not have been considered a permanent employee until after his 180-day probation.

"The last thing I expected was to not have a job," Oswald said.

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Dude, not that big of a deal, I don't think anyone on here would even care if you drank before you went into work, I've done it, or I mean i know someone who has, sometimes it's the only way to keep your sanity.

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I requested a few days off with the intention of going to Skullfest. That was a couple months ago. In that time I thought my availability would change. I believed that they would have respected my wishes and cut my hours. No such luck. Because of that I was unable to attend. So no Roxy Blue for me.


I'm coming to the end of my 5 day weekend right now. While I have enjoyed the days off I almost wish I hadn't requested them. When I get back tonight I have to work 9 days in a row. 9 fucking days in a row. They have me working through what should be my weekend. My availability sheet says Wednesday and Thursday are off limits. I'm scheduled anyway.


I'm extremely frustrated right now. It's taking everything I have to not give up and walk out. I have been trying to get my schedule cut for 4 months. About a month ago the manager said she was working on it. I came to the realization a couple weeks ago that she has no intention of ever letting me cut my hours. Looks like I'll have to force the issue.

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Fuck Jacob, dude save up some cash, and come out here to Utah, I'm telling you, there are jobs out the ass here, your music is pretty popular here, your political views fall right in line with the majority of the population, and I'm telling you, the city I live in, you don't even know your in Utah, it's got all of the good shit that all your big city's have, but the entire Wasatch Front is booming right now, you could go pretty much anywhere along it, and find work, that's the one thing I gotta say about this fucking state, they have kept it together financially, including during the recession, got your making me want to hang myself bro, just give it some thought, OK bro? if your insistent theres no work where your at, and thats why your stuck at that Walmart, I am telling you right now, that is NOT THE CASE here, what do you think?

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Plus I've heard one can have multiple wives in Utah, it is a win-win situation ;)


Yeah, why the fuck would you want any wives though? let alone many! LOL, Mormons have horns as well, they don't even need to dress up for Halloween, I think the mormon population in the city I live is 23%, in Provo it is 89%, thats the city BYU is located, it just depends where you go, they have fucking hot ass women, lots of money, and pretty much run out anyone they dont like, so regardless if I like them or not, the mormons really keep shit running, they are why the economy has remained stable, sure they drive me fucking nuts, but not like some other religions I can think of, I can rest assured I dont have to worry about Achmed blowing anything up around here,

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Last night I went back to work to an unwelcome surprise. In the few days I was off they decided to make a few rule changes. Now we have to take our lunch between 1:00 and 2:00am. No such thing as a late lunch now. And when we get back from lunch we have to zone softlines (clothing) or other bullshit for 20 minutes. I hate folding clothes.


Who the fuck comes up with these retarded ideas? It's like the company is ran by a bunch of retarded monkeys. Sorry, forgot I can't use the word "retarded" anymore. Handicapable monkeys run the company.

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the LDS mormons put out this free newspaper called THE BEEHIVE at the entrance to the grocery stores. i always make sure to pick up a couple because they're pretty thick and they are perfect size as liners for our bunny litterboxes.


when in lived in IL, i always thought latter day saints were just people who sang and danced in the streets as we were taught in the 80s by their commercials starting alfonso ribeiro.


when i moved to mesa 3 years ago i learned they also ride their bikes around and smile and wave at you




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Come on have none of you seen Trey Parker and Matt Stones movie Orgazmo?? Trey Parker grew up around mormons, so he plays one to a Tee, come on Mike, you have a huge Mormon population smack dab in Mesa, I know, it's only been 7 years since I moved away from there, and they were a dominating presence then, fuck half of BYU's football team is from Mesa\Scottsdale\Tempe, I think the only place that's safe in that area is Apache Junction, they are all over the place In Arizona too, and I dont know about Alfonso Reberio dancing in mormon commercials, cause I hadn't moved here at that time, is he Mormon? I know Chelsea Handler is, that tripped me the fuck out to find that out, so is the dad from Modern Family, he lives here, lots of closet mormons im discovering, BTW WATCH ORGAZMO, IF YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT MORMONS ARE TRULY LIKE, AND HAVE A GREAT LAUGH WHILE DOING IT!

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Last night I went back to work to an unwelcome surprise. In the few days I was off they decided to make a few rule changes. Now we have to take our lunch between 1:00 and 2:00am. No such thing as a late lunch now. And when we get back from lunch we have to zone softlines (clothing) or other bullshit for 20 minutes. I hate folding clothes.


Who the fuck comes up with these retarded ideas? It's like the company is ran by a bunch of retarded monkeys. Sorry, forgot I can't use the word "retarded" anymore. Handicapable monkeys run the company.


Dude are you serious, they are paying you to stand there and fold clothes, thats a stoned job bro, that may be the one way to make your job make sense, and have any kind of enjoyment while doing it, and if you don't smoke, I'd recommend taking it up, at least while you work there, it really could be a game changer doing that kind of work.

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i've only been in AZ for 2 and a half years, im from the chicago burbs originally.

hell, i didnt even realize the grand canyon was in this state (nor did i care) until we started visiting here in 2009.


seriouly, no person of ANY religous denomination is going to approach a guy that looks and dresses like me and start a conversation.


Mormons are okay,, but Toomuchmons is a cameltoe

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I watched a doco about the award wages in the USA and i thought you abolished slavery years ago,how can the powers that be do that to their people and your health system wtf.I hear a revolution calling.I really feel for you guys the workers,it's just so unfair.Fuck the powers that be.

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i've only been in AZ for 2 and a half years, im from the chicago burbs originally.

hell, i didnt even realize the grand canyon was in this state (nor did i care) until we started visiting here in 2009.


seriouly, no person of ANY religous denomination is going to approach a guy that looks and dresses like me and start a conversation.


Mormons are okay,, but Toomuchmons is a cameltoe

Wow, there's someone in here that lives near me??? I used to live not far from the Mormom Temple (Univ. / Stapley) and those f-ing guys would come knock on the door at 9am on a Sunday. We have 5 dogs, two of which "bark like I'm REALLY fucking mean" and they'd get back on their bikes and haul ass. Now we're in Tempe (right at the Snotsdale border) and I don't think I've seen one since we've been here.

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Things continue to rapidly deteriorate. I’m at a loss for words at how a place that is absolutely miserable can continue to get worse. Folding clothes only lasted about a week. Shame considering it was the tamest in the onslaught of changes headed our way.



Last Monday night/ Tuesday morning (during my 9 day stretch) are when the hands of management came down really hard. I was on the aisle with pasta and canned vegetables. I had 3 pallets to stock. Because of the recent bombardment of freight that has no place to go we were really short of rocket carts/ six wheelers. As the night progressed I began leaving my back stock on the floor. I realized that was a no no, but I had no idea how big of one. I mean, I had no place to put my back stock so what the hell was I supposed to do with it? I had picks on a rocket cart so I figured I would wait until I had finished everything then go back and throw all back stock on the cart.



5:00am rolls around and its break time. According to the new rules we have to take our break at that time. I was basically done, but had to leave it at that point. All new freight was done and I was down to about 5 cases of picks. I didn’t think much about it. Then at break one of my coworkers mentioned the store manager was already there and picking the place apart. I immediately went, “Oh crap!” I went back to my aisle where the co-manager explained the situation. I hurriedly tried to get the aisle cleaned. What do I do first? I have picks that need finished, back stock on the floor, and a nearly empty pallet that needs to be taken care of. I tried to finish picks and eventually opted to throw the last couple cases on the floor so I could get the back stock off the floor.



As I’m doing this the store manager walks down my aisle. He asks me if I knew putting freight on the floor was against the rules. I told him I did, but I had no place to put my back stock. He told me to use a pallet if I had to. Things are basically off the floor by that point and he asks about the 2 cases of picks. I said I needed to work them. He said something, pulled out his phone, and took a picture. At that point I didn’t even know what to say. He also pointed out my claims. When I find dented cans, ripped packages, etc I put them in the corners of my aisle out of the way. Then at the end of the night I take them to the back. Apparently that’s a trip hazard and against the rules. So I won’t be doing that any more. As far as I’m concerned there is no such thing as claims. If it’s not leaking I’m not touching it.



After that he proceeded to lead the co manager around and point out everything that was wrong. Then he brought maintenance into it and pointed out all of their failings. He dragged the poor maintenance people around for what seemed like 30 minutes. The next night I knew what was coming. At the meeting the co manager discussed in detail the new rules. Rules partly caused by my actions. He even mentioned my name in the meeting. I should probably feel proud of that.



You got to remember that when I got it handed to me I was on day 8. By that point I was running on pure adrenaline. When they set forth the new rules it was day 9. At that point I was praying for death. It was beyond torture just being there.



So now we can no longer place any items on the floor. We are also only supposed to work one case at a time. There were also some other changes that didn’t directly affect me. As the next week progressed even more has unfolded. Now the store manager wants all freight pulled down the aisle. Not only that, but we’re supposed to work pallets first. We’re still supposed to put back stock on a rocket cart or six wheeler, but only when there is an empty one available. That is almost never. If one isn’t available we put back stock on a pallet. We’re only supposed to have one box for cardboard as well.



Last night I had 2 pallets and a six wheeler pulled down the bake aisle. After a rush of people there was nowhere to move. I got frustrated and moved the six wheeler to the seasonal aisle next to me. Things did not go very well the rest of the night. I believe I was more than double my time. At one point I had 3 pallets on my aisle. I said to hell with it and did my six wheeler anyway. I threw my back stock on it and got rid of a pallet. It was completely frustrating constantly having stuff in my way.



Things seem to change daily. It’s extremely hard to keep track of.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm now in my third week as a part time employee. It only took 6+ months to get them to sign my damn availability sheet. It's pretty nice being away from the hell hole more. I'm gradually decompressing from all the stress. Glad it took effect when it did. This FIT program seems to have been cranked up a notch. They even had corporate people in the store helping craft new procedures. I shudder to think how things will look by the time they are finished. I feel sorry for everyone who is still full time.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I transferred from my store in Oklahoma to a store in Oregon. Still at part time. At first everything was completely laid back and fun. It didn't even seem possible that it could be a Walmart store.


At several points I thought about taking on more hours. For one reason or another it never happened. Now I'm glad. I never quite trusted my good fortune to last. After all you can't deny your DNA. It eventually caught up with my store.


It all began about 3 months ago. They abruptly changed the way we did things. Then they began to randomly fuck with the schedule. That led to people being fired. Thankfully they slowed down on that nonsense.


From that point on it has been a rapid descent into terror. The store is not far off from being as bad as my last one. It's simply amazing how fast a place can deteriorate.


Sunday night was one of the worst nights I've ever had in my working life. Within the first hour I got written up and my friend was fired. Add to that being in severe pain and having a negative reaction to Aleve.


In that short hour so much was destroyed. I lost my friend and the dreams I had were shattered. I'm not one to take it lying down. Management will not get away with their abuse of power.

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I transferred from my store in Oklahoma to a store in Oregon. Still at part time. At first everything was completely laid back and fun. It didn't even seem possible that it could be a Walmart store. At several points I thought about taking on more hours. For one reason or another it never happened. Now I'm glad. I never quite trusted my good fortune to last. After all you can't deny your DNA. It eventually caught up with my store. It all began about 3 months ago. They abruptly changed the way we did things. Then they began to randomly fuck with the schedule. That led to people being fired. Thankfully they slowed down on that nonsense. From that point on it has been a rapid descent into terror. The store is not far off from being as bad as my last one. It's simply amazing how fast a place can deteriorate. Sunday night was one of the worst nights I've ever had in my working life. Within the first hour I got written up and my friend was fired. Add to that being in severe pain and having a negative reaction to Aleve. In that short hour so much was destroyed. I lost my friend and the dreams I had were shattered. I'm not one to take it lying down. Management will not get away with their abuse of power.


Sorry to hear that man.

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